White-veined spurge: photo and home care

White-veined spurge: photo and home care
White-veined spurge: photo and home care

For many people, window sills are a special place for their favorite plants. Novice flower growers prefer to choose unpretentious plants. They will be able to survive some of the grooming faux pas that beginners tend to experience. White-veined milkweed can be safely attributed to one of these plants. It can be found in almost every home. Despite its unpretentious nature, this plant also requires attention and proper care.

spurge white-veined
spurge white-veined


White-veined spurge is often popularly called a banana, a cactus or a palm tree. This is not surprising, because the birthplace of this plant is Madagascar.

Such nicknames do not raise questions if you take a closer look at the plant. The base of the stem is dense, fleshy, most often thin. As it approaches the top, it thickens. On the surface with the naked eye, pronounced scaly ribs are visible, so spurge is very similar to a cactus. At the top, a slight branching is occasionally observed. The leaves are glossy, emerald green.

At the very top they are going into a socket. Over time, the lower leavesfall away. At the same time, in combination with an interesting stem, a "palm effect" appears. Some flower growers notice that yellowish marks remain in these places. Sometimes white-veined spurge is confused with comb spurge. A distinctive feature is the oval-shaped veins.

fallen leaves marks
fallen leaves marks

This amazing plant is characterized by small white flowers. They are located directly in the axils of the leaves. But in comb milkweed, such flowers are located on peduncles of small length. The flowering period of white-veined milkweed begins in early spring. This period may last until mid-August.

Remember that you need to work with such plants only with gloves. All terrestrial parts of the plant secrete poisonous milky juice. Once on unprotected skin, it can cause a burn, irritating the mucous membrane. Therefore, it is not recommended to plant it in homes where there are small children. As a last resort, the plant must be moved from the nursery.

Homemade white-veined spurge is not particularly decorative. Other exotic plants look more impressive. There are not many flowers. Immediately after flowering comes the period of fruiting. An oblong box appears. It cracks, seeds fall out of it under pressure. They scatter well, so they can get into a neighboring pot with another plant.

The plant reaches 1.5 m in height. But before buying, you need to know that the plant is characterized by weak roots. Therefore, spurge periodically need to be transplanted into a deep pot.

white-veined milkweed bloom
white-veined milkweed bloom

Features of cultivation

Reproduction of white-veined milkweed at home most often occurs with the help of seeds. For seedlings to germinate, it is necessary to provide the plant with certain conditions. Pay attention to:

  • soil;
  • lighting;
  • air temperature;
  • air humidity.


Soil mix is easy enough to make yourself. An unpretentious plant perfectly takes root on the soil intended for succulents. But experienced flower growers say that this type of milkweed grows well on a soil mixture that can be purchased at a flower shop.

For self-production of the soil mixture, it is enough to combine the purchased soil with sand in a ratio of 2:1. You can also take peat, river sand and leafy soil in equal parts. Then add a few pinches of fine charcoal.

milkweed sprouts
milkweed sprouts

Special attention should be paid to packaging. Remember that spurge has a superficial root. Therefore, you should choose a wide flowerpot or pot. It is desirable that it be flat.

Please note that several holes are made in the bottom of the container. So the water will not stagnate, and the soil will breathe.

As soon as the plant grows up, it must be "relocated" to a large container, on the bottom of which pebbles are laid out in large strips. They act as a counterweight to help the root hold the greens on top.


The plant is not demanding on the light regime. It is necessary to provide good lighting, while paying attention that direct sunlight does not fall on the leaves. They can leave burns on the leaves. The flower is also not recommended to be placed in partial shade.

spurge white-veined care
spurge white-veined care

Pay attention to the power of the fluorescent lamp. With intensive work, such lighting can only burn through the broken shoots. Natural lighting is ideal, but needs to be adjusted slightly depending on the time of year.

In the summer, the container with the plant can be taken out into the garden, covered from the sun. In autumn and winter, you can turn on the lamp for several hours. Although the plant is in hibernation during this period, it will thank you with violent growth and bright color of the leaves.

Experienced flower growers recommend turning the pot daily. This way each area will receive the required amount of light.


Indoor white-veined spurge is a heat-loving plant. The optimum temperature for the growth of this plant is considered to be from +22 ° C to +25 ° C. Higher temperatures will cause the seeds to suffocate and the leaves to dry out. In winter, I milk enough temperature +18 ° C. This plant perfectly tolerates a short-term drop in temperature up to +15 ° C. Please note that lower temperatures may adversely affect the plant.

spurge white-veined
spurge white-veined


Photo of white-veined milkweedattracts all plant lovers. This unpretentious plant perfectly tolerates the neighborhood with heating appliances. Indeed, in the wild growing conditions, the plant is also not spoiled by the presence of fresh air. The only danger of the close proximity of the plant to the batteries is the likelihood of the soil drying out. In spring, you can ventilate the plant by taking the container with milkweed to the balcony. This manipulation has a positive effect on growth, accelerating the flow of sap along the stem.


In many homes there is white-veined spurge. Caring for this plant is very simple. After all, spurge is an unpretentious, resistant plant. Therefore, in almost every family, this plant will quickly take root.

An interesting fact is that scientists still do not know the exact composition of milkweed juice. It contains many acids and trace elements.


In the summer, the plant must be moistened by spraying from a spray bottle. Carry out this procedure 2-3 times a week. To do this, prepare clean, soft water at room temperature.

Water the plant often, but moderately. Like all succulents, spurge should not be waterlogged. It is enough to pour the plant several times, and a weak root will quickly rot.

But care must be taken that the soil in the pot does not turn into stone. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly inspect the soil and container.

home care for white-veined milkweed
home care for white-veined milkweed

During the dormant period (autumn and winter), the plant is rarely watered. In the cold season, it is enough to water the spurge once a month.


Experienced gardeners recommend fertilizing the plant regularly. To do this, use a purchased mixture intended for cacti. Adult plants begin to feed in March. During this period, the concentration of nutrients should be slightly less than the main ones. But they are made more often - 2-3 times a month.

Starting from April, feeding is carried out regularly once a month. Continue fertilizing the plant in the same way until September.

In winter, it is enough to treat the plant once with a solution of weak consistency.


Responsible flower growers know that the flower grows fast enough. Already after 2-3 years, its growth rate causes concern, because the root may not withstand such a colossal load.

white-veined home spurge
white-veined home spurge

In this case, it is enough to trim the top of the plant with a sharp knife. The use of scissors is not recommended, because they simply may not be able to cope.

Experts recommend making a one-time cut with further disinfection. Powdered charcoal is used for this.

Cropped tops can be used later by rooting them in a new container. But before that, they must be kept for 24 hours in warm water. At this point, all the juice will come off.

Pruning should be done annually. Be sure after the spurge hibernates, the shoots must be shortened by 15 cm.


For many experienced flower growers, the unpretentious white-veined spurge is well known. Care at home for him is quite simple,it is necessary to check the soil for moisture in a timely manner and provide normal lighting and top dressing.
