"Spark" - balsam flower

"Spark" - balsam flower
"Spark" - balsam flower

"Spark" - a flower of bright balsam. This name was not given to him by chance. It is enough just to look at the bright inflorescences, and it suggests itself. For those who cannot imagine window sills in their home without plants, this is one of the best options. Many are afraid that they will not be able to care for such a bright pet, and choose something familiar. For example, inconspicuous ficuses. But you don't have to be afraid. The flower "Spark" (balsam) is as unpretentious as it is beautiful. Care for him is within the power of the most careless and inexperienced growers.

twinkle flower
twinkle flower

Waller's balsam - old plant

Another name for this green wonder is impatience. The plant was brought to our continent more than four hundred years ago. And it comes from the hot tropics. In Zanzibar and other countries on the east coast of Africa, it is often found naturally. The bright "Spark" is famous not only for its beauty. The flower is very useful for the local population - henna is extracted from it (or rather, from its roots).

The wild variety of this plant in the St. Petersburg Botanical Garden first received the notoriety of a weed. But laterattentive scientists discerned its amazing decorative qualities, and this bright "Spark" began to appear often on the windowsills of Russian residents. The flower was already known and popular in the nineteenth century, so much so that the mention of balsam can be repeatedly found in Russian classical literature. Among the people, he received another name.

flower light
flower light

Balsam is called "wet Vanka" because of one of its interesting features - the plant anticipates a thunderstorm and emits small droplets of water. Wet leaves can also be the result of excessive watering.

"Spark" is a flower that remains beautiful for a very long time. It is difficult to find a similar one among indoor plants. After all, its flowering lasts up to eight months a year! The colors with which the "lights" flowers will fill your home are surprisingly diverse. Balsams are white, yellow, orange, pink, purple. In addition to monochrome, there are striped and speckled varieties. Another colloquial name was given to balsam for the characteristics of its fruits. The seed pods are very fragile. You can't touch them so they don't explode. Therefore, the plant is also called "touchy".

flowers lights
flowers lights

Caring for balsam

The most important aspect is watering. The soil must be constantly moist. Spraying the leaves will also not damage the balsam. Unless you should avoid moistening open flowers. Light must be diffused. But if you take care of regular watering, then the plant will withstand even direct sunlight. The lack of light does not greatly affect the balsam, but it can contribute to its excessive stretching upwards, which does not always have a good effect on the appearance of the plant. You can form a beautiful balsam bush if you pay attention to pinching. No need to be afraid to damage the flower. This will only encourage the plant to bloom more luxuriantly. Periodically carefully inspect the balsam. It can be attacked by parasites. Most often it is mites. If this happens, you need to treat the plant with a special compound that is sold in a flower shop.
