A beautiful and well-groomed lawn, like on the glossy covers of magazines, is the dream of every homeowner. A he althy and green lawn requires a lot of attention. To keep the green carpet always looking good and well-groomed, cutting and fertilizing the grass is not enough. Something else is already needed here, such as, for example, an aerator (verticutter) for a lawn.
What is a verticutter
Before you get used to this word, you can break your tongue. This strange at first glance word is a very useful device that helps to monitor and care for the grass. A lawn verticutter is a must for every homeowner, as this device significantly improves the condition of the green cover.

Why do we need a verticutter
During the growth of the lawn, generations of grasses are replaced several times, garbage accumulates on the ground, everything is covered with a layer of moss. Also, the root system grows so much that the plants become crowded. All this is the result of the action of fertilizers that water the soil. The plants grow too fast, so the remains of it formed during mowing cannot be so fast.processed by various microorganisms and insects.
Also, after wintering, all fallen leaves and other organic debris turn into a thin layer of biomass. Because of this, the lawn is compacted and becomes like a continuous plexus of yellowed threads. There is no pleasure in contemplation.
All this leads to the neglect of the lawn: the grass begins to turn yellow, in some places peculiar voids form from the bare earth. Salvation from such a destructive action of nature can only be seen in such an ingenious device as a lawn verticutter.

Verticutter operation principle
Over time, the ground under the lawn is covered with all sorts of debris and plant remains. They must be carefully cleaned so that the grass does not rot. In addition, due to the compaction of the upper layer, the earth is covered with the so-called "crust" (it is partly formed from the fact that people trample the lawn). This very "crust" impairs gas exchange. Oxygen, which the roots also need, does not enter the ground well, and poor plants simply cannot get enough of it. The same goes for water and fertilizers. The liquid also does not pass well through the compacted earth. And what about the verticutter? The lawn verticutter works like a comb. He "combs" the grass and removes all the accumulated felt from it. By setting a certain level of active knives, it is possible to achieve the effect of pubescence of the earth, when the knives enter the ground, cutting the roots of the grass, and fluff it, filling it with oxygen. All this is done in order toso that the lawn always looks beautiful and he althy.
Verticutter, scarifier or aerator
When it comes to choosing this unit, there are three names: verticutter, scarifier or aerator. In principle, all these names mean almost the same thing.
Aerator is a unit with the help of which aeration of the soil is carried out, its saturation with oxygen. This device has in its arsenal special rollers with knitting needles that pierce the soil to a certain level. Such piercing does not harm even a young lawn. These actions lead to the fact that the earth becomes looser, the green carpet is better saturated with oxygen and other nutrients that come with water and fertilizers. Thus, a number of several changes take place: the grass root system develops correctly, oxygen and nutrients reach the roots much faster, which improves the growth of the shoots themselves, making the shoots themselves juicy and green. In general, the main task of the aerator is to help the soil "breathe".

The lawn verticutter and scarifier are synonymous. Such an aggregate also helps the earth "breathe", but does it in its own way. Instead of piercing the soil, it simply removes the top layer of stale debris, which also blocks the access of oxygen. He can also loosen the ground with his knives, which gives a peculiar effect. The fact is that when the roots of plants are cut, they begin a period of intensive growth. The root system starts rapidlydevelop, which gives a certain positive result. Apparently, that's why the lawn verticutter was called a scarifier. Reviews say that the scarifier is still better, because it can not only loosen the ground, but also "comb out" all the felt and unnecessary organic debris from the site.
When to buy a verticutter
It is advisable to buy such a unit together with a lawn mower. It is advisable to go through the verticutter a couple of times after each cutting of the green carpet and remove all the debris formed during mowing.
Verticutter (aerator) electric for lawn or still gasoline
When buying a verticutter, it is worth solving one problem, which type of motor to choose? Here it is already necessary to weigh all the factors that will affect the choice. First of all, you need to understand why this unit is needed at all.

If the maintenance area is small, then it makes sense to purchase an electric lawn verticutter. For small summer cottages and country houses, where, of course, electricity is provided, the best option would be to buy a scarifier that runs on electricity. The length of the wire is enough to process your site. If it is not enough, you can always buy an extension cord.
Verticutter for a lawn petrol is intended for "industrial" scales. If the site is really large, then you should think about buying a gasoline scarifier. He does not need wires that only restrict his movement. It will also be useful in placesremote from the mains.

Positive and negative aspects of the electric verticutter
First of all, future buyers pay attention to the price of goods. Electric scarifiers are cheaper than their petrol counterparts. In addition, caring for such a device is much easier and easier. Another plus is the weight of the machine. The electric miracle weighs less, which has a positive effect on the lawn, because the less it is trampled on, the better. An electric verticutter is much quieter than a petrol one. This is especially good for those who live in the city in a private house and do not want to disturb the neighbors.
The main disadvantage of the electric unit is its range and dependence on electricity. It is useless in remote locations.
Pros and cons of a gasoline verticutter
Gasoline verticutter is much more powerful than electric. It can also work anywhere. The most important thing is to follow the lubrication. It must always be present.

The engine makes a lot of noise and exhaust emissions during operation, which are harmful to the environment. They are also significantly heavier and more expensive than their electric counterparts.