If the dacha is used not only as a garden, but also as a place of rest, then in the yard, of course, it is worth installing a barbecue, barbecue, or at least a simple outdoor hearth-bonfire. All these devices can be purchased ready-made in the store today. However, since they are made of metal, they do not differ in particular reliability and durability. Therefore, it is still worth building a more solid brick structure on a suburban area.
How to make a hearth-bonfire: choosing a place
Sometimes it happens that the owners of a summer cottage do not have money or even just time to build a large stationary barbecue or barbecue. In this case, it is worthwhile to quickly collect a small outdoor hearth-bonfire. It can be built, in total, in just a couple of hours.

First of all, you should choose a place for such a hearth. Do not place a fire pit, for example, next to a fence, house wall or tall trees. It is best to find some flat open area for him. The dimensions of the fire should be such that people sitting around will not experience discomfort later.
How to make a hearth in the country
Under the fire in the ground you need to dig a small pit (30-40 cm deep). It is best to make it round. In this case, the finished hearth will look more spectacular. Around the pit, a deeper trench should be dug under the walls. At its bottom you need to pour small gravel. The same material should be laid at the bottom of the pit.
Next, the walls of the hearth themselves are laid out. If the fireplace has a square shape, for this purpose it is worth using high-quality red or fireclay bricks. For a round hearth, rubble stone is more suitable. Masonry can be carried out on a solution prepared from high-grade cement and sand in a ratio of 1x3. But it is better to use clay mortar with s alt or a special mixture for the construction of walls of such a structure as a hearth in the country. You can buy it at the building materials store.

It is not necessary to make the walls of the hearth too high - 30-40 cm is enough. After the sides are ready, and the solution is completely set, you can start pouring the bottom with concrete. For strength, it should be reinforced with a metal rod or mesh.
After pouring, the bottom should be located at a depth of about 15 cm from the ground level. In this case, the outdoor fire pit will be much easier to clean. You can even slightly raise its bottom above the soil surface. However, this will, of course, have to build much higher walls. Near such a fireplace, it is also a good idea to put benches - ordinary or semicircular (depending on the shape of the hearth).
BBQ or barbecue?
A beautifully laid out outdoor hearth-bonfire can become a real decoration of a summer cottage. But you must admit that large barbecues or barbecues made of bricks look much more solid in the courtyards of country cottages or residential buildings.
There is no fundamental difference between these two constructions. The main difference is that in the first case, skewers are used for frying meat, and in the second, a grill.
However, many summer residents today call a brazier a simpler structure, intended actually for frying meat on fire. In this case, a barbecue is considered a whole complex, in addition to the oven itself of a simple design, including:
- table;
- sink;
- sometimes a grill and other similar accessories.
Of course, such a large convenient structure can only be built if there are enough funds. As for the actual construction technology, it does not differ much from the method of building a conventional barbecue.

Filling the foundation
Both the brazier and the barbecue, if they are built of brick, must be installed on a solid concrete base. The foundation for these heavy structures should be made slab. Under their base, a pit is dug in the ground with a depth of 40-50 cm. An additional layer of sand is poured onto the bottom. Next, a footing with a thickness of about 5 cm is poured. And after it hardens, formwork and a reinforcing cage are installed. Then the actualfoundation pouring. Its surface, as a result, should be absolutely flat and horizontal.
Building a brazier
After the foundation concrete has matured (at least in two weeks), you can start assembling the brazier itself. Laying should be carried out with dressing of seams in half a brick. The stone is laid on three walls. They should be located strictly at right angles to each other.

After the walls are raised to a height of about 70-80 cm, one row of bricks needs to be moved slightly deeper into the brazier. The bottom of the thick metal brazier will subsequently be laid on the resulting support. Next, two more rows of bricks are laid out - these will be the walls of the brazier. Ahead, above the “empty” place, the masonry is being carried out along steel corners.
In principle, the construction of a barbecue oven can be completed here. The open country brazier learned in this way will be quite convenient to use. However, it is still worth laying out three of its walls to a height of another 80 cm and cover the resulting structure with a cone-shaped or pyramidal tin chimney. The latter can be bent by yourself or purchased ready-made in the store.

Features of building a barbecue
The street brick hearth of this variety is assembled according to the same principle as the brazier. However, in this case, at some distance from two parallel walls of the structure, two more are laid out (to the height of the bottom of the brazier or slightly lower).
Subsequently between them and herselfmetal sheets are installed by the furnace. In one of the resulting countertops, a hole is made for the sink. A grill rod is usually hung above the brazier in a barbecue.
Portable structures
As you can see, laying a barbecue or a brazier, and even more so such a simple design as an outdoor hearth-bonfire, is an absolutely simple matter. The experience of a stove-maker for the construction of such structures is absolutely not required. The main thing is to do everything slowly, using a plumb line and a building level.

If the owners of a suburban area do not have enough time for such a simple procedure as the construction of a standard street structure, you can also purchase a ready-made portable hearth. However, in this case, special attention should be paid to the quality of the fixture.
A hearth is made - whether it's a fire pit, a barbecue or a barbecue - it must be made of fairly thick metal. As for the design of the structure, which can be different (often very unusual), in this case it all depends solely on the taste preferences of the owners of the dacha or country house.