Spring treatment of gardens with iron sulphate. Spring treatment of the garden with urea

Spring treatment of gardens with iron sulphate. Spring treatment of the garden with urea
Spring treatment of gardens with iron sulphate. Spring treatment of the garden with urea

With the advent of spring, everything around is awakening. This applies not only to young buds on trees, but also to various pests that have been waiting all winter under the bark, fallen leaves. Therefore, it is important to carry out agrotechnical measures in time that will protect the plant even before the buds and leaves bloom. Practice has shown that independent manual collection of pests is a very laborious process and, unfortunately, is not always effective. The fight against caterpillars and beetles with herbal preparations often shows the same result. If there are a lot of pests, then chemistry will come to the rescue. Spring treatment of the garden with iron sulphate is simple and effective.

Spring processing of gardens
Spring processing of gardens

Types of chemicals

Now consider all the positive and negative characteristics of chemicals for pest control in the garden.

Spring treatment of gardens with chemicals gives an excellent result. These substances can cope not only with pests, but also with diseases and weeds.

Spring garden preparations:

  • herbicides;
  • insecticides;
  • fungicides;
  • zoocides, etc.
springgarden pest control
springgarden pest control

Herbicides are used in weed control.

Insecticides are used to kill harmful insects.

Fungicides help fight the spread and destruction of pathogenic fungi.

Zoocides are used in the fight against warm-blooded harmful animals.

Unfortunately, most pesticides are poisons. They poison the body of the pest. Pesticides also include sterilizers and growth inhibitors. Therefore, the spring processing of gardens must be carried out taking into account all the recommendations.

The action of chemicals

Modern drugs that are aimed at pest control act quickly enough. Many can see the result of the action within an hour after application. This effect may persist for a long time. If your plants are characterized by a mass defeat or have an advanced stage of the disease, then the pesticides must be rotated in such a way that the insects do not develop addiction.

After a certain period of time (each drug has its own) chemicals decompose. This period lasts from several days to three weeks. Thanks to this action of the preparations, we can safely say that processing trees in early spring or in autumn after harvesting cannot bring any harm to a person.

spring treatment of the garden with chemicals
spring treatment of the garden with chemicals

Today, there are a large number of drugs on the market that are characterized by a combined effect. They allow you to quicklyeffectively control a variety of pests. This eliminates the need for re-treatment of plants.

The use of urea in horticulture

Of course, don't forget about fertilizer. One of the most popular and highly effective drugs is carbamide (urea). This is a fertilizer in granules that contains nitrogen in an assimilable form (an essential element for the development, growth and nutrition of the plant).

Urea is a fertilizer that is characterized by the maximum concentration of nitrogen. Under the action of enzymes of soil bacteria, this fertilizer is converted into ammonium carbonate. This process takes approximately 3 days. It is also used for feeding crops. Can be used in greenhouses.

Ammonium carbonate may partially decompose in air. Some of it is also lost as ammonia gas. Therefore, the introduction of urea into the soil by a surface method can lead to a significant loss of nitrogen. You should also consider the type of soil. Indeed, on alkaline and neutral soils, such a loss will be maximum.

Use of urea

This substance must be applied throughout the projection of the crown of shrubs and trees. For an apple tree, you need to prepare 250 g of urea, for plums and cherries - 140 g.

Adding urea is quite simple. You can sprinkle it on the surface of the plant, after which it must be watered. You can dilute the fertilizer, but don't forget to water.

It should also be remembered that carbamide can acidify the soil. Therefore, it is neutralizedlimestone aid in accordance with the proportion of 1 kg of urea per 0.8 kg of ground limestone.

To process an area of 10 m2 100-150 g of urea should be prepared. 2/3 of the solution is applied to the soil, and the rest is gradually used during the growth of the plant.

Spring garden urea treatment should be done before bud formation.

Using iron sulfate

Practically all people have heard the name "iron vitriol". But unfortunately, not everyone knows about it. In fact, this is an effective and versatile tool that can significantly increase the fruiting of trees. It is also used to restore old plants. Many gardeners know this tool and actively use it. As for beginners and amateurs, they unjustifiably forgot iron vitriol. And in vain, because this remedy is available to almost everyone, its action has been tested for many years, and besides, its cost is quite low.

spring treatment of the garden with urea
spring treatment of the garden with urea

Spring treatment of gardens with a solution of vitriol allows you to get rid of mosses and lichens. To do this, use a 5-7% concentration of the substance. After this procedure, by the summer, lichen and mosses will be destroyed, and the tree will become more alive, he althier and more beautiful. And in a year you will be able to get a big harvest. Spring treatment of the garden with urea also allows you to saturate the plant with the necessary fertilizers.

One-time treatment in the spring is carried out for young trees. If your garden consists mainly of old trees, then in the fall you need to re-carrytreatment of plants in the garden with iron sulphate. This will prepare the tired trees for winter and allow the result to be fixed.

spring treatment of the garden with iron sulphate
spring treatment of the garden with iron sulphate

Gardeners mistake

Unfortunately, many amateur gardeners make the mistake of adding lime to iron sulfate. This can lead to negative consequences for plants. And the thing is that inexperienced gardeners inattentively get acquainted with the information, because lime can only be added to blue vitriol, and not to iron.

Irreplaceable fertilizer

Iron vitriol is a unique fertilizer that allows you to enrich the plant with iron in an easily accessible form. What is this element for? The fact is that it is iron that plays an important role in the respiratory system of a plant.

Iron deficiency is common in fruit trees: pears, apples, peaches, plums. It is also recommended to spray raspberry and rose bushes. In addition, vegetable crops also need iron (cabbage, potato, tomato).

The lack of this element leads to the appearance of chlorosis on various crops. This provokes a weak growth of young shoots, underdevelopment of leaves and minimal fruiting. Therefore, spring chemical treatments in the garden are a must.

Pros of iron sulfate treatment

As mentioned earlier, each plant requires care and attention. It is imperative to protect the plant from various pests in time, enrich it with useful elements, etc. Iron sulfate belongs to such substances. What does it provide?

  • Plant nutrition. Iron vitriol affects the formation of chlorophyll in the foliage in flower and fruit crops. Flowers and leaves take on improved coloration.
  • Pest control, mosses, lichens, fungal spores.
  • Disinfection. This tool does an excellent job of eliminating unpleasant odors from summer toilets, latrines.
spring chemical treatments in the garden
spring chemical treatments in the garden

Features of using iron sulfate

Spring treatment of the garden from pests is necessary for every plant. Iron vitriol is used as a microfertilizer. This process is carried out by spraying for tree crowns or by sprinkling for foliar top dressing.

Spring treatment of gardens requires the preparation of a solution. It is made independently. To do this, 5-10 g of the drug should be prepared for 10 liters of water. Spraying should be carried out in early spring, even before bud break. The procedure should be repeated after 15 days.

You can also get rid of house fungus on wood and walls with a solution of ferrous sulfate: for 10 liters of water 1.5 kg of the drug.

For whitewashing the walls in the basement, a solution is used: for 10 liters of water, 400 g of the drug.

Features of the use of chemicals

Spring treatment of the garden with chemicals is fraught with dangers. Therefore, be sure to read the instructions. After all, it is necessary to observe not only the processing time, but also the dosage. Often this information is provided by the manufacturer on the packaging. High concentrationthe drug can adversely affect plants. It is possible to burn buds or leaves, the death of pistils, a decrease in the viability of pollen. And this negatively affects the quantity and quality of the crop. Unfortunately, the uncontrolled and inappropriate use of chemicals has a detrimental effect on the state of the environment, which leads to a violation of the natural balance.

Incorrect use of chemicals can also adversely affect human he alth. This can also lead not only to the disease of wild animals and birds, but also to their death. In addition, insects and fish also suffer because of this.

spring garden preparations
spring garden preparations

As for a person, pesticides can get into his body not only through the gastrointestinal tract, but also through the respiratory system and skin. Therefore, special attention should be paid to their own protection when treating plants with various preparations. Ferrous sulfate gardening in the spring also requires some safety measures.


Modern horticulture cannot exist without the use of various chemicals. They help to get rid of pests, nourish plants with essential trace elements. Their correct use will help to get a he althy, high-quality and abundant harvest.
