Aloe is a very common plant that can be found in almost every home. It has a unique healing power that can fight a variety of ailments. According to legend, it was aloe juice that provided the irresistible beauty to Queen Cleopatra. Wonderful recipes, the main component of which is this plant, are passed down from generation to generation. Growing a plant is easy if you know how to propagate aloe. So let's look at this process.

How to propagate aloe?
Since ancient times, the plant has been valued precisely for its healing properties. It is used for many different pathologies, including arthritis, ulcers, diabetes, constipation.
The plant is widely used to combat chronic ailments. And this, as you know, is a long process. Unfortunately, one plant is often not enough for such a long-term therapy. Therefore, the question arises sharply: how to propagate aloe at home?
Used in several ways. After reviewing each of them, you canchoose the best one.
Flower growers, explaining how to propagate aloe, give the following methods:
- basal shoots;
- seeds;
- cuttings;
- top shoots.
What is each of the ways?
Reproduction by basal shoots
People call them "kids". Basal shoots are young shoots. It can appear even in a relatively immature plant. "Kids" are new shoots with delicate leaves. They practically do not have thorns, but differ in the presence of their root system. How to propagate aloe at home with the help of "kids"?

To obtain planting material, a plant should be removed from the ground. Young shoots are carefully separated from the mother. Now you can proceed to landing.
Prepare the ground first.
Soil mix consists of:
- leaf or sod land;
- washed river sand (coarse);
- charcoal;
- fine brick chips.
In addition, be sure to provide a drainage system. It is recommended to lay medium-sized expanded clay on the bottom of the pot with a layer of 2-3 cm. The flowerpot should contain several holes to ensure free outflow of water.
This method of reproduction is considered the most reliable. After all, the rooting of shoots occurs very quickly. And their further development is practically no trouble.
Propagation by cuttings
This method alsois very popular with flower growers.

Let's consider how to propagate aloe cuttings:
- The best period for such a process is the beginning of spring and the first months of summer. This is the time of active vegetation.
- To get cuttings, you should cut off the side shoot. It is recommended to separate it almost near the base.
- For 3-5 days the stalk is dried in the shade. Place the cut should be sprinkled with charcoal.
- A layer of drainage is placed in the bottom of the pot. Soil is poured on top of 2/3. It is best to use special soil for succulents. The remaining third of the pot (1/3) is covered with coarse wet sand.
- The cutting must be deepened into the soil by approximately 1-1.5 cm.
- The flowerpot with the plant is transferred to a well-ventilated, bright room. The air temperature should be about 25 C. Using a spray gun, constantly moisten the sand. As soon as new leaves begin to appear, it is advisable to increase watering.
- After 2-3 weeks the young plant is ready for transplanting.
Now you know how to propagate aloe leaves. The procedure is completely simple and will not cause difficulties even for beginner growers.
Propagation by stem cuttings
This method is similar to the one described above. However, in this case, it is not a leaf that acts as a cutting, but a part of the stem with leaves and nodes. For such purposes, the top of the plant is most often used.
How to propagate aloe this way?

Flower growers recommend:
- Cut off part of the stem (top). Remove 2-3 leaves.
- Dry the plant in the shade.
- Then it is recommended to simply put it in water.
- After a month, your cutting will give excellent elastic roots. Such a plant is completely ready for planting.
Growing from seeds
This is a fairly rare breeding method. Growing a plant from seeds is a laborious and lengthy process. After all, aloe planted in this way will acquire its natural decorative appearance only after 2 years.
However, considering how to propagate aloe at home, you should dwell on this method. In addition, this method has its fans. And this is not surprising, because watching the stages of plant development is quite exciting.
The seed propagation procedure looks like this:
- Planting is carried out in early spring. Seeds must be purchased in advance.
- A shallow container is used for planting. Aloe needs special soil. Soil is made by mixing equal amounts of soddy, leafy soil and river sand.
- Indoors, it is necessary to maintain the air temperature around 20-22 C. In addition, you should provide a lot of light. For such purposes, a lamp is often used. Do not forget that aloe is a very photophilous plant. Be sure to water the soil. The best way to do this is with a spray bottle.
- When sprouts appear, the plants should dive. They are seated one by one in small containers.
- Onfor 1 year, small pots with plants are kept in a greenhouse. And only with the advent of spring can aloe be transplanted into larger flowerpots. Take care of such plants as usual.

Care instructions
No matter which propagation method you choose, remember that the plant needs the right conditions:
- Aloe loves light very much. It will not develop normally in the shade. However, you should protect it from direct sunlight so as not to provoke a burn.
- It is undemanding to temperature. But do not test it for "strength". The plant will not be able to grow at temperatures below 10-15 C.
- Don't forget to water. In summer, it is recommended to moisten the soil 1-2 times in 7 days. In winter, 1-2 waterings per month are sufficient.
- Ventilate the room. Aloe can withstand drought, but it dies in stuffy weather.
- From April to September, feed aloe. This procedure is performed once a month. Fertilizer for succulents is an excellent top dressing.
As you can see, propagating aloe is quite within the power of even a beginner grower. Most importantly, be careful and patient. In this case, the team of "home doctors" will always come to your aid.