How to plant cacti? Ways to propagate cacti at home

How to plant cacti? Ways to propagate cacti at home
How to plant cacti? Ways to propagate cacti at home

Cactus refers to plants that can reproduce by shoots. "Children" in this case may not have roots. Succulents are naturally hardy and can survive in almost any situation. In this article, we will take a closer look at how to plant cacti at home from shoots.

Pros and cons of the method

how to plant cacti at home
how to plant cacti at home

Propagation of cactus by shoots has a number of advantages. This method is quite simple and economical. No special costs are required for its implementation. However, there is always a risk that an exotic plant simply will not take root in a new environment. This is directly related to the fact that the process does not have its own roots.

Choose time

How to plant cacti at home? When is the best time to do this process? Let's dwell on this in more detail. The cactus shoot can be planted throughout the year. However, the spring-summer period is more suitable for this procedure. The climate in the homeland of succulents is quite hot. Therefore, it is better if the length of daylight andtemperature conditions will be as close as possible to native weather conditions.

Like any other plant, cacti and succulents in the warm season are in the phase of active vegetative development. This will greatly facilitate the process of rooting the culture.

How to plant a cactus shoot in autumn or winter? In this case, be sure to remember that the young plant must be provided with the correct temperature and light conditions.

Soil for planting

So what do you need to know about this? One of the most important points in answering the question of how to plant cacti is the right choice of soil. Ordinary garden soil is not suitable for these purposes. In a flower shop you can buy a substrate for succulents. It includes humus from turf and leaves, river sand, peat and other essential nutrients. If there is no opportunity to purchase the mixture, then you can try to prepare the soil with your own hands. For this, garden soil, coarse sand and peat are taken. These components are combined in a ratio of 1:1:0, 5. You can also add some foam balls and dry leaves to the soil.

Drainage system

drainage for cactus
drainage for cactus

What is it for? In the absence of proper drainage, it will not work to grow a beautiful plant. It is usually a layer of materials that help drain excess water. Drainage should take from 1/5 to ½ of the tank.

It may include:

  • pebbles;
  • expanded clay;
  • small pebbles;
  • broken brick;
  • cut wine corks;
  • broken styrofoam.

Capacity selection

Another important issue that you have to decide when transplanting cacti is the selection of a pot. Experienced flower growers recommend planting succulents in plastic containers. Plastic does not change the temperature of the soil and does not absorb water. If you prefer environmentally friendly materials, you can use ceramic and clay containers. It is better to give preference to light-colored pots. In them, the soil will heat up less.

How to plant a cactus without roots? Since the root system of these plants is very long, this fact should be taken into account when choosing dishes. Cramped and small pots for transplanting are not suitable. It is better to use wide deep containers in which the roots can receive enough nutrients and moisture. The main condition is the presence of drainage holes to drain excess fluid. In their absence, water accumulating at the bottom can cause rotting of the roots, and consequently, the death of the entire plant.

Choose a sprout

how to plant a cactus without roots
how to plant a cactus without roots

How to plant a cactus with children? What you need to know about the choice of processes? Let's dwell on this in more detail. Before carrying out this procedure, it is extremely important to properly prepare the process. "Kids" are formed on the cactus itself. They can be located both in the upper part of the plant, and at the very roots. They are separated from the mother plant very simply, since they are practically not connected to the stem. Branches of many typessucculents while still on an adult plant begin to produce roots. Over time, they can even fall off and fall to the ground, moving on to the further development of the root system. Reproduction of plants takes place without any problems. When choosing a process for transplantation, be sure to pay attention to its size: the larger it is, the better. Consider also such an important point as the location of the process. According to experienced flower growers, better shoots are closer to the top.

For planting a cactus, you can also use "babies" without roots. This will not cause much difficulty. It is desirable to place the process at the same time for 3-7 days in a dark, cool place so that the cut dries out a little. This is done to prevent decay.


how to divide a cactus when transplanting
how to divide a cactus when transplanting

It is advisable to familiarize yourself with this aspect in the very first place. So, how to divide a cactus when transplanting? Many novice flower growers are afraid to carry out this procedure on their own, although there is nothing complicated in it. Let's take a closer look at how to transplant cactus shoots without roots.

To separate the babies from the mother plant, it is better to use tweezers or a knife. It is especially important to consider this recommendation if you are going to plant a cactus with needles. Although the "babies" are not very firmly attached to the mother plant, the shoots should be separated with extreme care. If the smallest particle remains in the cactus, this can lead to decay. As a result, the sprout will not take root.

Everything you need forplanting is better to prepare in advance. This is a container, soil, drainage, a spatula and the sprouts themselves. First, lay the drainage layer on the bottom of the tank. The remaining space is covered with moistened soil. Make a small indentation in the middle of the pot. A "baby" is placed in it without dropping, cut down. If there are roots, then it is better to straighten them. Lightly press the soil with your hands to fix the young plant. In no case do not bury the shoot deep into the ground. To prevent moisture from evaporating too intensively from the surface of the soil, you can place sea pebbles and pebbles on top of it.


cactus care
cactus care

This aspect should be given special attention. Now that you understand how to plant cacti, it would be nice to know how to properly care for a plant at home. The first question that usually arises for beginner flower growers is where to put the cactus pot. In this case, everything will depend on the variety of succulent. So, cacti that grow in the desert are best placed in sunny places. Florists recommend forest plants to provide partial shade.

The first 5-7 days after planting, the cactus should not be watered. It is enough just to spray the plant with water at room temperature. This will prevent complete drying out. Watering should start a little later. Make sure that the soil is not wet all the time, it should dry out slightly. The most optimal watering scheme is 2 times a week. Over time, the number of waterings can be reduced to 1 time per week.

Why doesn't the cactus take root?

Sometimes it happens that the plant dies after transplantation. Beginning growers often face this problem. This is usually due to errors in the preparation of the process or its planting. If it is bad to dry a young culture before planting in the ground, it will rot. Perhaps you have chosen too young a plant for transplantation. In this case, it will most likely simply dry out and not take root. It is also important to observe the optimal growing conditions: the succulent should not be filled with water or placed in a cold and dark place.

Types of cacti

how to divide a cactus when transplanting
how to divide a cactus when transplanting

Let's take a closer look at this. The most popular types of cacti, photos and names of which can be found on resources of interest:

  1. Astrophytum: growing quite well. A distinctive feature of the culture is the presence of white flakes on the outside of the ribs. When flowering, beautiful yellow inflorescences are formed.
  2. Ferocactus: Possesses tough, long spines. Usually this type of cactus has a cylindrical shape. It can reach 5-6 inches in height. "Kids" often appear near the main trunk. In summer, large flowers may appear on adult specimens.
  3. Prickly pear: This type of cactus is characterized by unpretentiousness and rapid growth. When caring for this plant, it is important to use gloves, as it has very sharp spines. The peculiarity of this cactus is the presence of tiny prickly bristles along the entire stem. They can cause much more inconvenience than the needles themselves, becauseit is very difficult to spot them. There are different varieties of prickly pear: flat, oval, and so on. These cacti are characterized by a large size. They bloom amazingly. They bear edible pear-shaped fruits. Plants are hardy enough and can be planted even in open ground.
  4. Echinocereus: small globular cacti covered with short spines. They bloom quite often with beautiful inflorescences. This type of cactus is very easy to care for, so it is often recommended for beginners.


In the review, we examined in detail how to plant cacti. Much in this matter depends on the correct choice of process. Experts recommend choosing large "children" growing in the upper part of the plant. After separation, the process should be dried for some time. If this is not done, it may simply rot. When the young plant is ready, it can be transplanted. It is better to take a spacious and deep pot for cacti so as not to interfere with the proper development of the root system. You should also take care of laying the drainage layer in advance. It is best to use a special soil for succulents.

how to plant cacti
how to plant cacti

We also looked at the main types of cacti, photos and names. Based on this information, you can easily choose the right plant for yourself.