Fragrant summer plants in your own garden or in a public flower bed will not leave anyone indifferent. This is especially true of the queen of flowers - roses. Lush bushes with colorful buds require special care and knowledge. How to propagate a rose? This question is of interest not only to amateur gardeners, but also to those who decide to start breeding this plant on an industrial scale.

How to propagate a rose by layering? This method is most suitable for plants with long and flexible stems: shrubs and climbing. The soil on which the layers will take root is fertilized with peat. With the beginning of spring, the bark of the annual stem is cut at the eye, the length of the cut is about 8 cm. The shoot is lowered into a shallow hole, pinned with flyers, and sprinkled with earth. The end of the sprout should be in a vertical position, so it is tied to a peg. The land should be watered regularly. After a year, the shoot will take root, and it can be transplanted. In the first season, the flower should not bloom, the buds are cut.
If there is no time for grafting or cuttings, and the task is how to propagate a rose in the easiest way, thendividing the bush fits perfectly. It is used for breeding own-rooted miniature and park flowers. Before the start of budding, the bush is dug out of the ground. Then they are divided into two (maximum three) parts so that each has a root system. The resulting small bush is planted in the same area. In order for the plants to successfully overwinter, having grown more roots, the buds must be cut in the first year of flowering.

Propagation of roses by cuttings is suitable for varieties such as miniature, climbing, most shrubby, vigorous floribundas. As for the wrinkled park look and many varieties of yellow flowers, this method is unacceptable for them.
The positive aspect of this type of breeding is the absence of wild shoots. But own-rooted roses are not frost-resistant, and their storage in winter takes place in a basement or other place with a temperature in the range of 2-4 degrees Celsius.

Let's consider how to propagate a rose by cuttings. Green stems during the budding period of plants are cut and cut into several pieces with two buds. At the same time, the lower cut is made oblique, and the upper cut is straight. Finished cuttings are treated with a fungicide and any special substance for root formation. They are necessary to prevent fungal diseases. Leaves are trimmed by one third. This is important so that the plant does not lose a lot of moisture. Sometimes the stems are placed in boiled water for 20-30 days before planting, but can be planted at an angle in a greenhouse in a mixturesand, earth and peat. The leaves of the cuttings should not touch. The plant needs to be in a greenhouse at a temperature of 22-25 degrees and at 90 percent humidity. As soon as the first leaves appear, the shelter is ventilated, and then it is cleaned completely. For the winter, such roses are again placed in pots and stored indoors, hiding from frost.
There is more than one way to propagate a rose: by grafting, seeds, budding, root offspring. The considered types of flower breeding are the most common and successful, they give 80% of a positive result.