In the kitchen, among the many household appliances, the refrigerator occupies an honorable and special place. It is constantly in use and operates around the clock. Doors open many times during the day. And of course, during use, as well as when moving or rearranging, defects may appear on the surface of household appliances. Which spoil not only the appearance of the device, but also the design of the kitchen as a whole. Next, consider how to fix a dent in the refrigerator that occurred during the operation of the cooling device.
Sudden temperature change
For minor damage, several methods can be used. Before applying one of them, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the damaged area with paper or cloth napkins. Next, consider how to fix a dent in the refrigerator by alternating opposite temperatures. To do this, use the included hair dryer. Point the device at the dented area and heat the area for about a minute, thereby expanding the metal. Enough averagetemperature values in order to avoid overheating of the surface, which can break the seal located in the interstitial space.

After that, you will need prepared dry ice. To work with ice and avoid serious injury to exposed skin, wear special protective gloves. It is also necessary to protect the metal surface of the refrigerator from possible scratches. Therefore, put a piece of ice in a soft suede cloth as well. Having placed in the center of the damage, gently begin to move the ice from the middle to the edges throughout the area for about a minute. Then stop and remove the rag. This is one of the easiest and most affordable ways to fix a dent in your refrigerator. The metal will return to its position, accompanying the movement with a characteristic click.
Suction Cup, or Mini Lifter
Another way to fix a dent in your fridge is to use a vacuum sealer. Which, in turn, will stretch the defect, returning the metal to its original state. Before starting work, the surface of the refrigerator must be cleaned of dirt and wipe the damaged area with an alcohol solution in order to degrease.

Apply a special adhesive to the area and place a suction cup in the center. After the glue base dries, a handle in the form of a rocker is put on the fixture. On both sides of the device there are rubber gaskets that protect adjacent areas from damage. Thenwith a special screw of the mini-lifter, by winding, the metal lends itself to the thrust of the suction cup and bends in the right direction. After the dent on the refrigerator has been removed, the device can be removed, the glue can be wiped off and the remaining composition can be washed off with water.
Hammer and Trowel
There is a risky way to fix a dent in a refrigerator door with a rubber mallet. This method can be used by experienced craftsmen who are directly related to a similar type of work. Initially, it is necessary to degrease the metal, then heat up the dented area with a hair dryer and press the trowel against the damaged surface. Next, tap lightly on the shoulder blade with a hammer. During the vibration process, the surfaces will resonate, and the dent will take the correct position.
Compressed air
Next, let's look at how to fix a dent in the refrigerator door with a can of compressed air. Most often they are used when cleaning computer parts and internal elements. It can be used to repair damage. When working, you need to lift the bottom of the can up and in this position apply a little compressed air to the surface of the door.

During spraying, condensate is released when cold. Under its influence, the metal is compressed and takes its usual shape. If this does not happen, then you can first heat the place with warm air from a hair dryer and repeat the procedure from the beginning. You may have to do the manipulation more than once.
One of the tricksDecisive, how to straighten a dent on the refrigerator, is puttying. To do this, use paper with a fine emery surface to clean the damaged area. Then apply a primer to the unevenness. After it dries, the area with the dent is puttied. The main thing is to choose the right shade that matches the main color of the refrigerator. It should be noted that not all surfaces lend themselves to this method. Even the putty former damaged areas remain visually visible, especially on a glossy finish.

Important Tips
When using any of these methods, basic precautions should be taken.
- Be sure to ventilate the room not only after work, but also in the process of straightening the dent. When using dry ice, it is important not to touch the pieces with bare hands - this can lead to injury and frostbite. Wear thick ice-resistant gloves.
- A dent in the door makes you want to hit it from the other side. Do not under any circumstances do this and do not disassemble the door yourself. This will cause a malfunction in the refrigeration and sealing of the refrigerator.
- Do not use an ordinary metal hammer as a percussion tool. It can not only break the varnish coating, which can no longer be repaired on its own, but also provoke new damage.
- If the dent is small, then you can simply decorate it using special stickers or magnets. You can place a family photo or a notebook withreminders.

Using our tips, you yourself will return your refrigerator to its original appearance and be able to decorate its surface.