Dracaena can be called the most beautiful ornamental leafy plant.

There are about 50 of its species growing on the islands of Southeast Asia and Africa. The most popular is the "Dragon Tree", but it is not literally a tree. This is a shrub with an upright stem, on which a bunch of green leaves is formed. Only with age will the stem become woody. In room conditions, the plant grows up to 1.5 m. Dracaena fragrant and marginata are also great for interiors and rooms. The first is distinguished by bright green leaves with a silvery stripe in the middle. It can grow up to 2 meters in height. And its fancy flowers in the form of fluffy balls will exude a pleasant aroma, although at home dracaena blooms quite rarely. Dracaena marginata (bordered) is famous for its palm-like appearance. On its lignified stem, a cap of needle-shaped thin leaves flaunts, which may have red, green or yellow stripes. In principle, any dracaena will be a wonderful decoration for a home, office or green garden.

Propagation of dracaena by seeds
To do this, soak the seeds for a day in a stimulating solution, its temperature should be 30ºC. Then they are sown in special soil mixtures for palm plants. You can sow in ordinary soil, but the first is preferable. It is best to use disposable cups for this. The seeds are sown, the soil should be watered, and the cup should be covered with polyethylene. Reproduction of dracaena seeds does not cause much trouble. After 5-8 weeks, sprouts will appear, they need to be hidden from direct sunlight. The soil should not be waterlogged or excessively dry. When the sprouts reach 5 cm, they should be transplanted into separate pots.
Propagation of dracaena by cuttings

For this, a strong young stem is selected, which is cut into segments of 3-5 cm. This should be done with a razor or a sharp knife. Each segment of the stem must have at least 2 eyes. On each stalk, you need to cut the bark on one side and stick them into the previously prepared soil. Plants should be placed in a warm place, be sure to make sure that there is no direct sunlight. Don't forget to keep an eye on the humidity. After about 2 months, the first shoots will appear. Reproduction of dracaena can also be carried out using the top of the mother plant. To do this, it is cut off and placed in a glass of water. You need to add a little charcoal to it. Only after a couple of months the roots will appear and the plant can be planted in the ground. By the way,several new shoots will appear in place of the cut top.
Dracaena fragrant: reproduction
This species is easily propagated by stem and top cuttings. This can be done at any time, for example, after anti-aging pruning. But still the best time is spring.

Dracaena marginata: reproduction
This species can be propagated by air layers and cuttings, stem segments and seeds. It is necessary to sow seeds and cuttings at a temperature of at least 22-25ºC. And don't forget about the lunar calendar. The optimal time for cuttings is the growing moon. There should be a few leaves left on the stem. It is through them that the cuttings will feed until the roots form. The roots grow long enough (at least 2 months), during this time some of the leaves will die. With the appearance of roots, the plant is planted in the ground. For decoration, 3-5 specimens can be planted in one pot.