Building a house is an important milestone in the life of every person. That is why it is very important to choose the material from which your future home will be built. In many ways, the aesthetic and operational characteristics of housing depend on it. The price of the purchased material also plays a significant role in this choice.

In our time, the range of different materials for the construction of residential buildings is large enough to make a choice in terms of price - quality. Today, aerated concrete is gaining more and more popularity in the construction market. This is a relatively new material that is made from foamed raw materials. When solidified, it acquires a porous structure. This feature gives it some advantages over other building materials.
Aerated concrete is very malleable and easy to use. It is easy to cut and drill. And not only with electric tools, but also manually. The pores in this material (filled with gas) make it much lighter than ordinary concrete blocks,therefore, a turnkey aerated concrete house will cost you much less. It is a quality material with excellent thermal insulation properties, so it will keep you warm in winter and cool in summer.
It's no secret that we all want to get a turnkey aerated concrete house - right away

livable. What is included in this concept? The house should have such communications as: electricity, heating, sewerage and water supply. In order to properly build a house from aerated concrete, the issue of communications must be approached even before the start of construction work. In this case, the cost of them will be minimal, and your house will be light, warm and comfortable all year round.
Today, many construction companies are happy to take on the construction of a turnkey house. Aerated concrete, as already noted, is a pleasant material to work with, and the result always pleases both builders and customers. Although easy to use, it should be handled by professionals.
To properly build a turnkey aerated concrete house, you need to know some rules:
- during construction, it is necessary to use a reliable foundation (monolithic reinforced concrete slab). The slightest distortion of the foundation can cause cracks in the masonry;
- blocks of aerated concrete are laid on a special glue, and not on a cement mortar. This greatly improves the degree of thermal protection of the masonry;
- house decoration (both internal and external) must be vapor-permeable or have ventilation gaps, duringavoid waterlogging the material.

There are other subtleties that professionals who build a turnkey aerated concrete house know about. Therefore, when making such an important decision for yourself as construction, contact them.
Surely many are interested in how much a turnkey aerated concrete house will cost. The cost of such a structure depends on the density of the material and the thickness of the walls - the smaller it is, the lower the price. Summer houses made of aerated concrete (with a wall thickness of 20 cm) are more expensive than frame and timber houses and at the same time do not have any obvious advantages over them. A house with a wall thickness of 30 cm will cost 15 - 20% more than an analogue from a bar, but you will get additional heat capacity and strength. In addition, you can do finishing work without waiting a year for shrinkage.