Projects of aerated concrete houses. House with an attic of aerated concrete

Projects of aerated concrete houses. House with an attic of aerated concrete
Projects of aerated concrete houses. House with an attic of aerated concrete

Modern technologies are focused on making materials as strong as possible and meeting all requirements for thermal conductivity, hardness, durability and moisture resistance. By reducing the specific weight of products, manufacturers increase the block size, which helps to reduce the time to build a house.

In this case, we are talking about aerated concrete, which has all of the above characteristics, as well as a perfectly flat surface on all sides. It is quite simple to make wall decoration from this material, even a novice master can cope with the work in the shortest possible time.

If you decide to build a private house, then the density of aerated concrete should be D 500, the thickness of the walls should be equivalent to 380 millimeters (if you do not intend to insulate). However, external finishing work will have to be carried out.

Building the foundation

aerated concrete house plans
aerated concrete house plans

Before you start building a residential building, you mustprojects of houses made of aerated concrete should be considered. They will describe everything to the smallest detail, including the type of foundation. The type of foundation to be chosen depending on many factors and aspects, among them we can distinguish the soil.

Aerated concrete is a fairly light material, so you can save on building a heavy foundation. It is possible to abandon the heavy buried strip foundation or pile foundation by using a slab foundation, since the bearing slab has a huge bearing area and will be able to undergo structural loads. It will not be necessary to deepen it, which will reduce the labor intensity and volume of earthworks.

Foundation technology

aerated concrete houses turnkey projects
aerated concrete houses turnkey projects

You can draw up projects of aerated concrete houses on your own, but most often modern developers entrust this business to professionals. In order to build the foundation, you need to dig a 30-centimeter trench, laying a pillow of sand on the bottom. The main condition is the rammer preparation.

Ideally, you should use a vibrating plate, and at the next stage, you can lay all communications according to the type of water supply and sewerage system. After carrying out these manipulations, you can make a strong concrete screed, which will protect the structure from damage. Next, the formwork is erected - the side seams must be protected with foam sheets for thermal insulation. After the cement screed has hardened, it is covered with a waterproofing layer. It is important to strengthen the future foundation by laying the reinforcement frame. Distancebetween the elements of this system should not seem more than 40 centimeters. Only after that you can start pouring concrete.

Laying aerated concrete blocks

projects and construction of houses from aerated concrete
projects and construction of houses from aerated concrete

Projects of aerated concrete houses are presented in the article. You can borrow one of them for your own construction. After the foundation is ready, you can start laying the walls, using cement mortar for this. Seams should be formed in such a way that their thickness is equal to the limit of 3 to 5 millimeters. The composition is applied with a notched trowel. Due to the fact that the blocks are perfectly even, it will be quite easy to fit them. If necessary, cut the product, you need to use a grinder or an ordinary saw. Aerated concrete is quite easy to process, it can not only be sawn, but also cut and planed.

Arm belt

inexpensive aerated concrete houses prices
inexpensive aerated concrete houses prices

Projects of aerated concrete houses quite often provide for a second floor. In this case, it is necessary to equip 2 armored belts, the last of which will be supported by floor slabs or logs. The formation of the first floor should be carried out with brickwork, as for not too heavy and small houses. If we are talking about a spacious cottage, then the armored belt is laid out with reinforcing bars. It will be enough just two bricks in height.

Formation of partitions and walls

aerated concrete house walls
aerated concrete house walls

If you are unsure of yourforces, it is possible to order turnkey houses from aerated concrete, while projects will be prepared by specialists. With self-construction, the thickness of the bearing walls is best limited to an indicator that is equal to 380 millimeters. Internal partitions do not have to be made of aerated concrete blocks. On sale you can find special products, the thickness of which is 10 centimeters. It is important to remember that with a decrease in the density of the product, its thermal insulation qualities are higher.

Building an attic

house with an attic of aerated concrete
house with an attic of aerated concrete

Before you start construction, you must definitely consider projects, and the construction of houses from aerated concrete in this case guarantees to be successful. After completing the formation of the walls, you can proceed to the construction of the truss frame. Initially, you need to lay and fix the power plates around the perimeter of the house - for this, a square bar with a side of 100 millimeters is used.

Then a frame for the room is installed, the racks will act as supports for the truss system. To do this, use a beam of not so significant section. Initially, you will need to install vertical racks, which are located at the end and beginning of the building. They are fastened to the longitudinal beams by means of stamped steel corners and self-tapping screws. In order to facilitate the work on fasteners, it is recommended to use a screwdriver. Further, a jumper is laid on top of the racks, which is then fixed.

The walls of the house made of aerated concrete can bemake it as smooth and durable as possible, since the quality of the attic floor will depend on this. A cord should be stretched between the two arches, which should indicate a horizontal line. Arches should be mounted along a stretched rope, the distance between which is dictated by the method of installing rafters. The arches are interconnected by jumpers, fixed with stamped corners. The latter can be replaced with nail plates.


If you are interested in inexpensive aerated concrete houses, prices for which can vary from 10,000 to 13,000 rubles per square meter, then you can ask which companies on the modern market build such buildings. If you decide to do the work yourself, then after assembling the frame, you need to start installing the rafters. For this, the timber is cut to the required length, and a groove is cut out at the base for installation on the Mauerlat. The next step will be fixing the upper rafters, the difficulty lies in the need to comply with a certain angle.

As you can see, you can build a house with an aerated concrete attic yourself.
