How to make a housekeeper with your own hands: necessary materials and tools, procedure, photo

How to make a housekeeper with your own hands: necessary materials and tools, procedure, photo
How to make a housekeeper with your own hands: necessary materials and tools, procedure, photo

Constantly losing your keys somewhere, then wasting precious time late for work? An ordinary key hanger will help to cope with this. In our article, you will learn how to make a housekeeper with your own hands (photos of products can be found in the following sections), as well as what tools and materials you will need for this. Rest assured, step-by-step instructions and an abundance of different product options will allow you to create something unique even for those who are not too versed in this.

Why should you make your own housekeeper?

If you are wondering how to make a housekeeper in the hallway with your own hands, then you are on the right track. Most people will simply prefer to purchase a finished product from a hardware store, but true craftsmen do not look for easy ways. Besides, whypay extra money when you can do something with your own hands, putting all your soul into an ordinary object? Here is just a small list of the benefits that handmade key holders have:

Key holder with an inscription
Key holder with an inscription
  • good combination with the interior (color and design are chosen by yourself);
  • using an ordinary object, you can convey love to loved ones;
  • confidence in the reliability of a product made by one's own hands;
  • great pleasure from the creative process;
  • low cost of materials.

In addition, do not forget that the stores offer a rather meager range of housekeepers. This is especially felt by the owners of apartments with an unusual interior. In hardware stores, it can be difficult to find a key holder that is made in avant-garde or country style, and it is extremely reckless to purchase a product that will not fit into the general environment.

In addition, most modern key holders are made in China. Yes, such interior items are quite inexpensive, but they can easily break even under the weight of keys, not to mention various accidents that lead to deformation. Therefore, it would be better to make the housekeeper yourself, based on individual requirements for its appearance and characteristics.

Determining the construction and design

Decided to make a wall key holder with your own hands? Photos from the following sections will help you decide on the design and construction of the future product. Rest assured functionality and appearancethe housekeeper is limited only by the imagination and capabilities of the person who decided to make it. However, in order to create a piece of furniture that will harmoniously fit into your home, you need to think through all the smallest details in advance, for example, how many bunches of keys you plan to store on them, what material the key holder will be made of, what it will be attached to, and so on.

If you want to make a really unusual item, it is highly recommended not to follow any patterns. You must put your whole soul into the product and make it so that your household will like it. To do this, you can use the most daring ideas. For example, some craftsmen make a key holder in the form of a cat or dog out of wire, meaning that the keys will be attached to the paws and tail. Others drill through several hangers to the framed photo: simple, quick and original.

As for hangers, you can also make them yourself or buy them in a store for mere pennies. The first option is suitable for those who already have experience in processing various materials and want to create something truly unique and unrepeatable, for example, a gift for a loved one, made entirely with their own hands. However, if you have never used a jigsaw or drill before, then it would be best to purchase hooks at a hardware store so as not to bother with their manufacture. Fortunately, a fairly large assortment of such parts is on sale, that is, you will have plenty to choose from. In this case, the main thing is not to pay attention to the quality of the product (the weight of the keysrarely exceeds 300 grams), but on its appearance.

Which material is better to use?

Answering the question of what you can make a housekeeper with your own hands, it is worth noting that there can be a huge variety of materials. And there is no preference. Each of the materials has its own advantages and disadvantages. Even an ordinary wooden branch can be used to make a key holder. And it is far from a fact that a metal product will fit well into your home, although it will have excellent strength.

Wood and plywood
Wood and plywood

Here is just a small list of materials from which you can make a key holder:

  • wood block;
  • metal plates;
  • old photo frames;
  • cardboard or plywood;
  • leather or substitute.

It is highly recommended to purchase materials for crafting at wholesale depots, and not at hardware stores or in the market. The fact is that the assortment in such establishments is rather scarce, and the cost of materials is almost doubled. Although if finances do not play a big role for you, then there is no need to save. Moreover, not so many materials are required to make a key holder.

List of required tools

Before you make your own key holder, make sure that you have all the necessary tools for this. Otherwise, in the process of work, you will have to constantly be distracted or use alternative methods of processing the material, which can be quite unsuccessful, which will affectproduct quality and appearance. So, here is a list of the most essential tools you may need:

Tools for work
Tools for work
  • screwdriver or drill - for fastening the key holder with screws to the wall;
  • nails and hammer: a more budgetary fastening option is less reliable;
  • grinder with a disk - for metal processing and cutting out metal parts;
  • pins and glue are indispensable for fastening cardboard parts;
  • scissors or stationery knife - suitable for cutting cardboard;
  • awl - suitable for making even holes in cardboard;
  • circular saw is ideal for cutting wood pieces;
  • sandpaper - suitable for woodworking.

As you can see, the list of tools is quite extensive. However, it is worth noting that these are only the main items that may be needed in the process. As a rule, the breadth of the list depends on the complexity of the product and the materials used. For example, if you decide to work with plastic, then you may also need a soldering iron. So it is better to get everything you need in advance. If you do not have any of the tools in the garage, then you can ask friends or neighbors for it.

Ideas for a wooden key holder

Did you decide to make a wooden wall key holder with your own hands? This classic option will not require much physical effort from you, since wood is one of those materials that can be processed very well. The essence of creating a wall item is that the master cuts a blank froma wooden board, after which it processes it with sandpaper or a jigsaw, introduces various decorative elements, varnishes it, and only after that fastens several hooks in order to hang keys on them in the future. There can be a huge variety of performance options, so you should not get hung up on one thing.

For example, if your old wall clock is broken, you can remove the dial from it, attach a new mechanism to the square board, then hang several hooks on the structure and fix the watch on the board. Such work will look especially beautiful if the dial was taken from an old watch. You can also add additional decoupage elements, for example, cover the housekeeper with a wax patina or varnish. Well, if you know how to burn wood well, then such skills will come in handy when creating almost any key holder.

You can also take a five-millimeter sheet of a good tree and draw some simple picture on it, where all the elements are fastened together. Alternatively, the words "House" or "Keys" can be used. After that, you will need to carefully cut the resulting pattern with a jigsaw and process it with sandpaper. If you want to give the tree a white color, then it is best to use the simplest option for this - cover the product with plaster. It remains only to screw a few decorative eyelets, and the key holder will be ready. You can also hang several old keys on it, pre-processing them in plaster - beautiful and unusual.

Cardboard key holders: ideasfor the lazy

How to make a housekeeper yourself (with your own hands) (photo will be presented below) from cardboard? The most important advice in this case would be the acquisition of really high-quality material for work, which will not be afraid of processing. It is best to look for the base in hardware or stationery stores. Remember that the denser the cardboard, the easier it will be for you to work with it, since you do not have to constantly worry about the fact that small parts will fall off if carelessly handled.

Find some beautiful picture on the Internet, print it out on a printer, cut it out, then lean it against cardboard and begin to carefully outline all the contours with an ordinary pencil. To begin with, it is best to choose some simple element, such as a house or a star. However, over time, you will be able to cut out cats, flowers, keys and other complex objects that have a lot of curved details from cardboard. After cutting, it remains to process the resulting picture in any of the available ways and apply several decorative elements. Hooks for keys are hung with glue - right inside the cardboard.

Key holder with the inscription "Family" in English
Key holder with the inscription "Family" in English

The sign with the inscription "Family" is a rather simple and original idea for a housekeeper. In the photo, this word is written in English, but you may well try to write it in Russian. To do this, open the Microsoft Word program on your computer, then write the desired word in it, select the font size and style, and then print the blank.and repeat all the above steps. The advantage of words over pictures is that you can use dozens of different options, especially if you are fluent in computer programs. But the picture cannot be edited in any way.

Shelf-key holder

In some cases, a regular key holder may not be enough, for example, if, in addition to the keys, you need to lay out a mobile phone or wallet. In this case, you can make a housekeeper from an ordinary shelf by attaching a few simple screws or hooks to it. Moreover, the more original and unusual the shelf will look, the more beautiful the keychains under it will look.

Key shelf
Key shelf

Of course, you can make a shelf with your own hands. Luckily, this is easy enough to do. It is only necessary to draw up a schematic drawing of the future design in advance, and then cut out all the necessary details from the tree, process them with sandpaper and fasten them together with screws or glue. You should also treat the product with a stain so that it changes color to a darker one and is not subject to aging.

The final step will be the fastening of hooks for keys. In this case, you can use the most unusual elements to make the piece of furniture look more original. For example, hooks can be made removable or wooden by cutting them yourself from the remnants of the material. It will be possible to hang not only keys on them, but also glasses, caps, watches and other accessories that you put on when leaving the house. Well, it will be possible to put a wallet or a phone on the shelf, so that forthey did not have to return later.

Key holder in the form of a key

Perhaps one of the most banal options that you can bring to life with your own hands, but it will look original in any apartment. To make a key holder out of wood with your own hands in the form of a key, you will need to use a board no more than 1 centimeter thick. Alternatively, you can use a regular sheet of plywood, which is very easy to work with a jigsaw. Such material will cost much less, but after cutting out the base, you will have to carefully process the edges with sandpaper so that no one gets hurt about them. It is also highly recommended to do all the work in special protective gloves.

Key holder in the form of a key
Key holder in the form of a key

After you manage to make a plywood key holder with your own hands, be sure to paint it with acrylic paint of the color that will harmoniously fit into your interior. After that, it is recommended to treat the entire product with varnish in order to increase its service life. By the way, the advantage of the key is that it does not have to purchase additional hooks for bundles. Everything you need can be hung directly on the screws, without specially tightening them to the end. Well, or you can use more expensive mounts that have a decorative look.

Leather key holder

Key case
Key case

Make a housekeeper out of leather with your own hands, so as not to lose the keys while walking - what could be easier than this? For work, we need a piece of good leather, an awl, strong threads, a fewfasteners, as well as paint. If you have ever tried your hand at needlework before, then making such an item will not be difficult. We simply fasten together two cut-out pieces of skin so that a bag is formed. After that, we attach the button to the front of the key holder with a riveter, and attach another small piece of leather with the second part of the button on the back. After that, it remains only to paint the skin in black or gray. Congratulations! You managed to make a key holder out of leather with your own hands, and now you will never lose your keys, even if they fall out of your pocket. You can also add some beautiful patches to such a product so that it looks more original.

Conclusion and video

We hope now you understand how to make a housekeeper with your own hands for your apartment. If any of the stages is still incomprehensible to you, then we strongly advise you to watch a short video in which the master makes a housekeeper at home and tells the viewer everything in detail. We strongly recommend that you watch it to the end, especially if you are making such a piece of furniture for the first time.


As you can see, there are quite a few different options for key holders that you can make yourself and hang at home. Remember that the variety of manufactured items is limited only by your own imagination. If you have a really bold idea, then don't be afraid to bring it to life. After that, you will have not only a place where the keys will always be insafety, but also a wonderful piece of furniture that will be in harmony with the overall composition of your apartment.
