Usually, when twins are born, parents have a question about how they will share the space of one room among themselves. Most often, such thoughts are visited by those who have a small living space. So, we are faced with the task: how to properly divide one room into two, placing two beds there, separate bedside tables and drawers for storing things, and, of course, rationally design a workplace. After all, soon the kids will go to school, and sitting at the same table together is not entirely comfortable. Few parents want to listen to the eternal arguments of children about who will do the homework now. Therefore, long before the school period, you must properly organize the workspace for your kids. And one in which two students could comfortably sit and study at the same time. Let's see what are the suitable table options for two children.

Desk for twochildren placed in front of the window
This is a very common option for dividing the workplace between two children. The method is this: place two tables at the same time in front of the window (unless, of course, space allows). Some parents do not support such an arrangement of the workplace: they say that the sun's rays should only fall on the left. But it is worth remembering that in the modern world it is possible to artificially create the desired direction of light. So you will definitely not have any problems with lighting. If the width of the children's room is 2.5 meters or more, you can safely proceed to prepare the workplace according to this principle. In addition, by combining two tables into one, you will significantly free up the room from unnecessary things, leaving more space for games and entertainment.

What should be considered in this design?
In almost all apartments, batteries are placed under the window. Of course, there is a certain plus here: in winter, your children's feet will definitely not freeze. But here we should not forget about fire safety measures. The main thing is to place the furniture so that it does not come into contact with the surface of the battery. It is desirable that the children's desk is not made of flammable materials. Also make sure that there are no drafts through the windows, otherwise your children will be at risk of colds. The ideal option would be the installation of metal-plastic windows.
Desk for two children, placed with the letter "G"

Such a desk for twochildren is also considered one of the most common options. There are several benefits to note here. Firstly, you are given the opportunity to place one table opposite the window, and the second - against the wall. Thus, you have more opportunities for the rational arrangement of the rest of the furniture. Secondly, your children will not look at each other, but will be focused solely on work. There are no problems with the batteries by the window, and, in general, there are no questions with the installation of this furniture.
So, we have looked at the two most popular ways to properly place a desk. You have already seen photos of various design solutions above. Surely they convinced you that a desk for two children can be very functional if it is chosen and placed correctly.