Children's room for two children of different sexes. Organization of working and sleeping space

Children's room for two children of different sexes. Organization of working and sleeping space
Children's room for two children of different sexes. Organization of working and sleeping space

Children's room for two children of different sexes always causes difficulties in terms of space planning. After all, whatever one may say, parents need to create a space for playing games, communicating with friends and resting children. In addition, dads and moms have a big task of organizing sleeping places, and it all needs to be combined.

If the children have a slight difference in age, and the area of the room is large enough, then parents are able to show all their imagination and complete the room in any design solution.

Children's room for two children of different sexes
Children's room for two children of different sexes

Attic as a children's room for two children of different sexes

As a rule, the attic has a large area, which allows you to create a children's room, partially divided in half, that is, sleeping places are divided, with personal belongings, and the daily area remains common, for games, study with all the necessary attributes. How can you create a nursery interior for children of different sexes? For this, dividing the room with the help of color is perfect, for the girl - the pink part, for the boy - the blue or sky-colored part. Thus,it turns out a room where children have their own personal corner, and at the same time there is a common space for communicating with each other. This is one of the attic design solutions that can be applied to a regular room as well.

Children's room for two children of different sexes
Children's room for two children of different sexes

Bunk beds are a great idea to save space and create a private area for kids to sleep in. Bunk beds help expand the play space that is sometimes lacking. Here one should take into account the fact that even in large rooms one should carefully consider the arrangement of furniture (for example, for study), and at the same time, without reducing the playing space. That is, if the study tables are separate, then they should be placed in such a way that they fit neatly into the interior and at the same time do not interfere with the games. A children's room for two children of different sexes provides for jobs, and the best option would be to combine them, for example, setting tables opposite each other. Why is this needed? This is necessary for knowing each other, communicating with each other. This assumption is not fictitious, according to psychologists, it is useful for both girls and boys. Many parents do not think about this, and organize a workplace separated by a partition in order to prevent children from being distracted by each other. This solution is acceptable, but more suitable for adult children.

Children's room for two children of different sexes
Children's room for two children of different sexes

A children's room for two children of different sexes with a small area creates problems in terms of organizing a playspace. For this, bunk beds are ideal, combined with drawers for clothes, toys, bed linen. It is very convenient and saves a lot of space. For children with a large age difference, beds are provided that combine both a chest of drawers for things and a computer desk.

Why does a children's room for two children of different sexes require such attention? Children tend to argue forever, to share something among themselves, and when they have their own personal space, their own table and their own drawer, this can be avoided.
