Nursery for children of different sexes: how to arrange it correctly?

Nursery for children of different sexes: how to arrange it correctly?
Nursery for children of different sexes: how to arrange it correctly?

Nursery for children of different sexes should be designed based on their relationship. After all, if in one family children live like a cat and a dog and fight for every little thing, then in another they do not spill water. And in the second case, it will be much easier to arrange a room. But for those kids who can't get along, you can find a compromise that will help them make peace and become closer to each other.

children's for children of different sexes
children's for children of different sexes

Where to start?

A nursery for children of different sexes should begin to be drawn up with a division into zones. So you can highlight the most important - a place to sleep, play and do homework. And do not forget that it is very important for children to have their own territory. If possible, place two separate beds and separate desks in the room. Or let the table be common, but large, so that there is enough space for both.

Bunk bed - a bone of contention or a house for two?

Nursery design for children of different sexes starts with a bed. If there is not enough space to accommodate beds for each child, then you should pay attention to the bunk bed. But it is worth remembering thatit can become another reason for a quarrel between children. After all, they both will tend to sleep upstairs. In this case, parents need to look for a compromise. In no case should you insist on your opinion. So, the decisive argument may be the greater age of one of the children.

children's room for children of different sexes
children's room for children of different sexes

It will be safer for him to sleep upstairs - he will definitely not fall. But remember, the arguments must be convincing, otherwise the child may think that you love him less than a brother or sister and withdraw into himself. But if the children can agree on their own, then everything is just fine here. In this case, the bed will soon become a place for their shared secrets and mysteries.


So, we have determined the sleeping place - we are moving to the working area. If there is not enough space to accommodate two desks, then it is worth putting one, but a large one. It is better to seat children facing each other, so they will become less distracted. If at the same time one of the kids does not have enough light, then you should pay attention to the desk on wheels - you can turn it around and plant the kids so that there is enough light for both.

Children's room for children of different sexes - what is the secret of the interior?

nursery design for children of different sexes
nursery design for children of different sexes

Of course, it shouldn't be too girly or too boyish in the first place. It would be optimal to arrange it in a fairy-tale theme. In this case, it is worth choosing a plot in such a way that the picture differs by gender. Then the children will not be offended. You can, of course, divide the room according to color. Paint the walls and ceiling in different shades. But psychologists have established that this is not worth doing - the children will move away from each other. And if they are already not very friendly, then nothing good will come of such an undertaking. A nursery for children of different sexes should be common for two, and not for each separately. If there are two beds, then you can divide the territory quite simply - put a rack with books between them. It's interesting - you can play and hide, besides, it's very useful - no one canceled reading books.


Nursery for children of different sexes should be spacious, and there should always be a place for games in it. Also, pay attention to how your children will bond if their room stops becoming a place of arguments and fights.