The mini drill is an electric tool that is often used for various purposes by homemade radio amateurs. However, this device can be successfully used for other tasks in everyday life. With this tool, you can drill various holes, cut many materials (plexiglass, plastic, wood, metal).

It is used for surface cleaning, milling, engraving, sharpening. Using a mini drill, you can perform sanding, trimming and many other operations.
The device can operate both from a 220 V mains supply and from a 12, 24, 36 V battery. cartridge. These additions include drills, diamond grinding wheels of various sizes and shapes, abrasive, cutting, polishing carved discs. In addition, the package may include grinding drums, polishing stones and felts, grinding discs, wire brushes, burrs and other items.
If necessaryyou can make nozzles for a mini-drill with your own hands. It is only necessary to attach the working body of the device to a metal rod, which can then be inserted into a collet or chuck. To do this, a hole is drilled in the middle of the nozzle or glued to the surface of another suitable device available in the master's arsenal.

The use of a flexible shaft makes it possible to hold only the working body, with which various tasks are performed.
The mini-drill is equipped with either a set of interchangeable collets into which the nozzles are clamped, or a cam miniature chuck that serves the same purpose. The latter is much more convenient, as it allows the use of different diameter nozzles with shanks.
Many craftsmen manage to make a mini-drill with their own hands. To do this, they use a miniature electric motor left over from old household appliances, such as an electric toothbrush or a tape recorder. In this case, it is important to be able to fix a chuck or collet on the drive shaft. This mechanism is quite easy to make if you have a lathe at your disposal.

However, homemade devices are not as convenient and practical as industrially made devices.
Today you can buy a mini-drill from many well-known companies, and this tool is not so expensive. At the same time it is very convenient and reliable. In the modern market of electrical appliances, the leading position in the production of mini-drills are occupied by Dremel, which is a subsidiary of Bosch (Bosch).
By the way, because of the name of the manufacturer, this tool is often called "dremel". Prices for it depend on the configuration and power. A simple "mini" drill will cost about one and a half thousand Russian rubles. A quite good functional model can be bought for three to four thousand rubles.