Veka plastic windows: customer reviews

Veka plastic windows: customer reviews
Veka plastic windows: customer reviews

If some time ago plastic windows were considered an element of prestige, an indicator of the social status of the owner of a house, apartment, now times have changed significantly.

Nowadays Veka windows are in demand. Customer feedback indicates that this product is convenient to use.

History Pages

Metal-plastic windows are an affordable way to protect your home from street noise and cold.

Veka windows do an excellent job of this. Reviews about the company, which appeared on the market of door and window profiles in 1968, are only the most positive. Buyers note the individuality of the approach, the quality of products. They highlight the excellent aesthetic performance of the company's products.

Manufactured products

Veka windows can be seen in many countries around the world. Reviews and photos confirm the demand for window and door profiles produced by a German company.

With the ability to releasehigh-quality plastic products intended for repair and construction, the company supplies the market with folding shutters, roller shutters, PVC plates of various types for subsequent use in industry and construction. The company has a developed network of factories in some European countries, Russia, USA, China, Ukraine.

panoramic view
panoramic view

Companion Reviews

What is the difference between Veka plastic windows and analogues? Reviews of construction companies that cooperate with the German manufacturer of "clothes" for windows are mostly positive. Builders note the affordability of the cost, the suitability of products for operation in difficult climatic conditions. This profile is equipped with reinforcing amplifiers, which adds strength and reliability to the structure.

What else characterizes Veka plastic windows? Reviews of construction companies that purchase these products relate to the excellent soundproofing characteristics of these systems. There are a number of hollow chambers inside the window, which allows you to increase the soundproofing parameters, as well as provide additional protection from the cold.

Thanks to this profile, it is possible to install double-glazed windows, the width of which reaches 42 millimeters.

profile options
profile options

Owner Reviews

What is the design of Veka windows? Reviews of those property owners who have used the services of the company include information about fittings. The quality of rotary, folding, sliding, shtulp, tilt-and-turn mechanisms for the products of thismanufacturer. Buyers pay special attention to the Euroline Pro multi-chamber system, which is similar to the classic Veka windows. Owner reviews are positive, everyone notes a reinforced camera made of galvanized steel. It is designed for double-glazed windows up to 32 mm, so these products are in demand in regions with harsh climatic conditions.

The use of a sealant made from a new high-quality material makes it possible to use this product even in the regions of the Arctic climate.

design specifics
design specifics

Review of new products

Which customers choose windows for themselves? Veka. Reviews about the company, presented photos confirm the company's concern for its consumers. For example, for high-quality protection against cold and noise, you can purchase the VEKA Proline profile. Its width is 70 mm, so you can install double-glazed windows up to 42 millimeters.

What are the parameters of such Veka windows? Feedback from customers who have already installed the Veka Proline profile in their apartments is only the most positive. The complete set with support strips, expanders, decorative profile deserved compliments. The owners of the system note the external similarity with Euroline, and professionals point out important design differences between these types of products.

Veka Proline is equipped with a multi-chamber structure, which has a positive effect on thermal insulation, noise protection.

Veka Softline

What are the distinctive features of Veka Softline 70 windows? Reviews of those who have already become their happy owners are filled with words of gratitudeGerman manufacturers of these products. Customers note the excellent soundproofing characteristics of the five-chamber profile.

What else should be noted about Veka Softline windows? Reviews about the appearance of this "clothing" for windows deserve special attention. Buyers highlight the beautiful metal edging, and experts talk about a different purpose for this part.

It additionally protects the room from heat loss, allows property owners to save on heating.

Feedback on the Topline profile used when installing Veka windows in residential areas is also positive. They are preferred by owners of refined taste who dream of seeing their apartment as the embodiment of design art.

Swingline profile

Such Veka windows are also of interest. Customer reviews agree on the following parameters: simplicity and ease of opening systems, original design, availability of high-quality steel fittings. The original rounded shapes of plastic elements are an excellent detail for creating home comfort and harmony.

window system options
window system options

Important details

Why do many buyers prefer Veka Whs windows, reviews of which are only the best? The reason for such a demand for these products is the possibility of ordering a profile according to individual sizes. In addition to high-quality fittings, the buyer has the opportunity to choose the number of cameras of the profile system. For example, for a cold climate, the version of the 6-chamber system "VEKA" Alphaline, which has a landing width of 90 mm, is ideal. The innovations used by the manufacturer in their work made it possible to install double-glazed windows up to 51 mm in such a system.

In addition to window profiles, the company also produces door systems, pays attention to the manufacture of balloon glazing, manufactures products for decorating shop windows, attics of residential buildings. Plastic products offered by this company do not need additional coloring, they are suitable for constant ventilation, reliably protect the room from precipitation, low temperatures. That is why customers prefer Veka windows. Reviews and opinions are presented, now let's move on to describing the installation features of this product, and also give a short digression into history.

Interesting facts

For the first time in our country, Veka plastic windows appeared around the second half of the last century. Surprisingly, from the very beginning of the appearance of such systems, there has been a dispute between scientists, engineers, environmentalists regarding their negative impact on the human body.

Of course, the main discussion on this issue flared up between representatives of medicine and environmentalists. The subject of such a dispute was the question of finding the most reliable way to protect a person from toxic chemicals that are allegedly used in the production of modern plastic windows.

At the same time, given how far plastic window manufacturing technologies have gone in a short period of time, we note that Veka products are absolutely safe for use in residential premises.

PVC windowsmade mostly of polyvinyl chloride. Among the main chemical elements that are included in the composition of polyvinyl chloride, we note chlorine and ethylene. In the process of manufacturing a plastic window, these chemicals lose their activity and cease to pose a real threat to human he alth. In addition, polyvinyl chloride is absolutely safe for the environment. Ecologists who analyze the quality of Veka products are convinced that all systems comply with sanitary and hygienic standards. Windows do not contain lead, which negatively affects the activity of the human cardiovascular system.

If a fire breaks out, plastic windows won't emit much carbon monoxide, so the occupants of the dwelling have a better chance of saving their lives.

decoration of balconies
decoration of balconies

Advice on choosing and installing plastic windows

Any owner of an apartment or house is well aware that not only the appearance of his home, but also the comfort of life will depend on the choice and installation of windows. It is the windows of the Veka company, especially in wooden houses, that become real “eyes”, that is, they decorate the house. It depends on the owner of the house how much he will be able to use the windows to change the overall exterior design of his home for the better.

In the event that it is difficult to independently choose the company's windows for the house by size, shape, color, you can seek professional help from Veka specialists. They will not only pick up the window, but also solve the problems with installing it indoors.

Among the types of windows that are more in demand in the modern construction market, Veka plastic windows are considered the undisputed leader. For the most part, they are produced in white, since it is the one that is optimally suited for brick, panel, wooden houses. German manufacturers of plastic windows pay due attention to the external design of their products, offering consumers PVC windows in black, red, and other colors.

Depending on the color of the facade of the house, you can make a choice of PVC windows that match the color. For example, using the contrast of black windows and a light facade, the owner of a country house gives the building individuality and originality.

For a house made of sandwich panels, you can limit yourself to white plastic windows.

The vast experience that the manufacturers of Veka plastic windows managed to accumulate for several decades proves the reliability and quality of the manufactured goods. For example, the engineers of this company advise the owners of wooden houses to install Veka windows 10-12 months after the erection of the walls of the house. During this period of time, the building will shrink, and no gaps will appear in the double-glazed windows.

If you install plastic windows immediately after the construction of the house, due to the natural shrinkage process, a compensation gap will appear. This will not allow the use of plastic windows in a stationary mode, may adversely affect the duration of operation of structures.

customer reviews
customer reviews

Panoramic glazing Veka

Using suchglazing in city apartments is considered a demonstration of the material we alth of the owner of the apartment. An excellent result can be achieved in cases where a panoramic view of the corner of the room is performed by the windows of the German company Veka. According to the reviews of the owners of city apartments, the window systems of this manufacturer have maximum thermal insulation characteristics. The installed window perfectly absorbs all extraneous noise.

Panoramic glazing is used on complex objects that require not only material costs, but also time to create them.

For the first time this type of glazing was used in France in Provence, then gradually "migrated" to the neighboring French provinces: Languedoc, Auvernay, Guienne.

The essence of the structures was that in those areas where they had their own beautiful garden, one could admire the beauty of nature through them. In areas with developed industry, such a variant of window design was almost never found. The main reason for the appearance of panoramic windows was precisely the desire of a person to live alone with nature, to enjoy its beauties at any time of the year. The German company offers an excellent selection of designs to make such a dream come true.

Thanks to this type of window systems, it was possible not only to admire the surrounding landscapes, but also to receive the maximum amount of sunlight. Panoramic windows by Veka are one of the options for additional lighting of a living space.

The window is able to radiate a plane, resulting in a positive effect on the lightdrawing indoors.

To organize a panoramic window in a city apartment, it is necessary to solve technical issues that are subject to real professionals working at Veka. The simplest option for decorating windows in this style can be considered balcony frames. It is these designs that are currently one of the most popular among the owners of apartments with large balconies. If earlier people purchased windows cheaper, today the trend has changed. Citizens try to buy high-quality and reliable windows. They understand that it is much more profitable to buy products with a long service life than to spend money on new repairs every year.

plastic windows veka reviews
plastic windows veka reviews


Veka offers consumers not only window systems, but also door blocks. Turning to the German manufacturer of "clothes" for windows and doors, you can not worry about the appearance of your country house or city apartment. Specialists who work in the company will select the best option in terms of cost, heat-insulating and sound-proofing characteristics, color, appearance of structures, as Veka provides an individual approach to each client.
