For a long time, the bathhouse has been the main room equipped for washing a person with the simultaneous action of steam and water. And if earlier it was only possible to wash and steam in it, and in a combined room, now it is a multifunctional building, which consists of several departments for wellness procedures, rest and relaxation.
A separate room that needs to be given close attention during construction is the washing department. Therefore, the most important question - how to make a washing room in the bath and equip its interior, has always worried any zealous owner.

Dignity of a washing room
Of course, in small private baths it is very difficult to arrange several branches. Therefore, in such buildings there are two departments, a dressing room with a place to relax, as well as a steam room with a sink. The stove heated both the place for washing and the steam room at once. On the one hand, such a constructive solution made it possible to save fuel material for heating the combined compartment, but such heating of the room had a detrimental effect onpeople's he alth.
For comfortable washing, people began to arrange a washing room in the bath separately from the steam room. The main advantages of separate rooms are the following:
- possibility of accommodating a large number of people simultaneously taking a bath procedure;
- easy to create a comfortable temperature for washing;
- washing room in the bath allows you to create a practical and unique interior in the room;
- simple and affordable cleaning of the washroom and its maintenance.

Basic requirements for a washroom
To create comfortable conditions for a long stay of people, the washing room in a wooden bath must be equipped with good ventilation. A reliable air exchange system allows you to effectively regulate the temperature and humidity levels in this room.
From the main technical requirements for a washing room in a bath, the following can be distinguished:
- The presence of a special hole in the ceiling and roof to create exhaust ventilation in the room.
- The air inlet pipe should be two meters above ground level.
- The supply ventilation is equipped with a forced air supply system, with the ability to adjust the amount of air flow.
- Before you make a wash in the bath, you need to think over and equip the system of cold and hot water supply.
If the ventilation of the room is incorrect or does not function effectively, then the appearance ofmold and mildew in wooden structures, as well as unpleasant odors from dampness and moisture.
Floor requirements
Particular attention when arranging a washing room in a bath with your own hands should be given to the correct arrangement of the floor covering. It should be taken into account that the operation of the surface will take place in conditions of high humidity and a large temperature difference.
To increase the service life, the floor in the washroom should meet the following requirements:
- have a certain slope to the drain hole to drain water in full;
- have good resistance to temperature extremes and high humidity;
- ventilate well and dry quickly;
- the floor should be well insulated to prevent drafts.
Types of floor coverings for washrooms
In the baths, wooden or concrete floor coverings are most in demand. At the same time, wood floors can be both leaking and not. The concrete base is always made non-leaking, with a slope.
A simpler option for arranging the floor is a leaky design. At the same time, floor boards are laid with a gap of 3-5 mm, which ensures good water drainage and easy drying. They try to make the flooring collapsible in order to dismantle it if necessary and dry the boards on the street. The leaking floors of the washing room in the bath are made without a slope, as the water is removed through the gaps in the boards and is absorbed into the soil under the building.
A significant disadvantage of a leaky coating is consideredthe impossibility of its insulation or the creation of a floor heating system.
Boards in the manufacture of a non-leaking floor are laid without a gap, while it is necessary to ensure that the surface slopes towards the drain. Water through a special water collector is discharged outside the bathhouse through a sewer pipeline.
Advantages and disadvantages of concrete floors
Concrete floors are often made in the washing department of the bath. Filling such a surface is even cheaper than installing a wooden structure.
Benefits of concrete floors:
- easy to prepare the base and install the cover;
- long trouble-free operation;
- reliability and strength of the material;
- unpretentious maintenance and cleaning.
A significant disadvantage of the concrete surface is considered to be a cold and slippery floor. A heating device or the use of special shoes will help to eliminate this problem.

Wooden floor technology
Leaking wood flooring is not very difficult to make. First of all, foundation pillars are installed, then logs are attached, and boards with a gap of 3-5 mm are laid on top of them.

Technology for making non-leaking wood flooring is as follows:
- First you need to install the subfloor. To do this, bars are attached to the lower edge of the log, on which unedged boards are laid.
- Next, you need to makewaterproofing of the washing room in the bath. To do this, we lay roofing material on the draft floor.
- The next step will be the installation of thermal insulation. The most suitable material for these purposes is expanded clay, which is poured between the lags.
- A second layer of insulating material must be placed over the insulation.
- The final step will be laying the finish coat. Tongue-and-groove boards of a non-leaking floor are laid without a gap with a slope towards the drain hole.
If grooved boards are fastened not with nails, but with special bars, then the floor can be made collapsible. This will allow you to periodically disassemble the coating and dry it outside.
Arrangement of concrete pavement
Concrete-type flooring is considered more reliable and durable (service life - more than 25 years) than wooden floors.
Concrete floor technology:
- First of all, it is necessary to make a pit for receiving wastewater from the washroom. To do this, a drainage pipe with a diameter of 15–20 cm is laid in a dug pit, which is led into the sewer of a building or into a sewer.
- Then they level the soil and make a pillow of crushed stone with sand or broken brick up to 20 cm thick, and carefully compact this layer.
- Before insulating the washing room in the bath, a layer of waterproofing made of roofing felt or similar material is laid.
- Then, insulation is made by backfilling with a layer of expanded clay. The thickness of the layer depends on the climatic conditions of the area (most often the height is 5–10 cm.)
- Placed on top of the insulationreinforcing mesh and pouring cement mortar.
Washing room ventilation
To prevent the process of rotting of the material, the floors in the washroom must be equipped with a ventilation system. The simplest ventilation option is to create holes between the rough and clean base, to which pipes are connected to drain water.
Also, air exchange can be done by installing floors in adjacent compartments at different levels. For example, for high-quality air exchange, the floor in the washing room is made three millimeters lower than in the dressing room. But this method is much more complicated than the previous one, so the first option is more popular among builders.
For these purposes, holes are made in the corners of the room, into which pipes with a diameter of 5–10 cm are laid, and then, after finishing the washroom in the bath, pipes for ventilation are installed.
Wall decoration in the bath
After the proper arrangement of the floor covering, special attention must be paid to the process of finishing the internal and external walls of the building. You can choose various interior design options based on the photo of the washing room in the bath, but often developers independently decide on the issue of finishing the washing room, based on their requirements and wishes.

Mostly the interior of the washroom is decorated using wood, but also recently, wall decoration with tiles or natural stone has become more and more popular. Since the temperature in the washing room is not very high, the use of coniferouswood species becomes optional. Linden, which does not change color, and cedar, which has a pleasant coniferous aroma, are perfect for wall decoration.
Wall decoration is made with mandatory insulation to improve the quality characteristics of the bath, which are based on the ability of the material to retain heat.

Finishing materials are attached to a specially made crate. In this case, the insulation is placed between the wall and the finishing material. It is only necessary to remember that the insulation must be isolated from the penetration of steam.
Various natural and artificial materials (mineral wool, bas alt fiber or glass wool) are used as insulation. Outside, the building is insulated with foam boards.
Washing station ceiling fixture
According to the law of physics, warm air always rushes upwards, therefore, in order to prevent heat loss in the washing compartment, the ceiling must be made without cracks and gaps. At the same time, good insulation of the ceiling is considered an important condition for the high-quality operation of the bath.
Most often in the washing room, a hemmed-type ceiling is equipped. Its device is not very complicated. Edged boards are nailed to the floor beams from below, on which a layer of vapor barrier material is laid. On top of this layer, between the beams, a heater is placed, which is protected from moisture penetration by a waterproofing material. In conclusion, this whole “pie” is sewn up with boards. Thus, the ceiling receives triple protection.

The final step will be finishing the ceiling. Try to avoid the use of plastic plates, which quickly lose their beautiful appearance and shape due to exposure to temperature and moisture, while emitting an unpleasant odor.
The most common material for ceiling decoration is wood, preferably hardwood.
In a modern bath, the washing department is considered an important and necessary room. It must be arranged in such a way that it is convenient to wash, and also the interior pleases the eyes of bath visitors.