Spruce carnation is used to improve flower beds and garden plots. A variety of shades and ease of care have made it a very popular flower for growing at home. This plant is also called branched or spray-carnation. She is in demand among florists and is one of the leaders among plants that decorate the garden.
Carnation is a flower that prefers sun and warmth, so it should be planted in places where all the necessary conditions are available. If you grow the plant in the shade, it will not fully bloom during the flowering period.

Varieties and methods of reproduction
This species belongs to perennial plants of the clove family. There are more than three hundred varieties of bush carnation in the world. These flowers are common not only in Eurasia, they can be found in the cold regions of the American continent, and in sultry Africa.
Carnation, planting and caring for which require certain skills and abilities, reproduces in several ways:
- With the help of seeds. They are sown in pots and only after germination are planted in open ground. If you sowed in May, then starting frommid-August, the bushes need to be thinned out or planted.
- Cuttings. It is used in the event that reproduction of the same type of plants is required. If the cuttings are carried out regularly, the flower blooms especially magnificently.
- Reproduction by layering. This method is suitable for almost all types of plants. In places of internodes, an incision is made in the cutting, which must be placed in a mixture of soil and sand. The landing site itself must be constantly moistened, this will accelerate the growth of the root system.

The domestic flower growers divided the championship in the cultivation of spray carnations between four main varieties:
- Perennial garden carnation.
- Spruce pinnate carnation.
- Chinese.
- Turkish.
To understand why they became the main ones in cultivation on the territory of our country, it is necessary to dwell on each of them in more detail.
Perennial garden carnation
The variety was bred by artificially crossing the most beautiful and he althy plants. The named bush carnation was brought to our country from the countries of the Mediterranean. Its main difference is continuous flowering, which begins in mid-June and ends only with the first frost.
In early autumn, flowers need to be transplanted into garden pots, and the soil should be fertilized with a special balanced composition of trace elements. During the growth period, care is needed for the plant in the form of breaking off new leaves, forming a bush.

Spruce pinnate carnation
The homeland of this type of carnation is the slopes of the European mountains, from where it got its distribution. The plant is planted in a bush way. The flowering period begins in the second year of growth. The inflorescences have two varieties: simple and double, while the flower itself has an unusual aroma that spreads throughout the garden.
The variety of colors in the feathery carnation is the richest: white, pink, red, purple and burgundy. The bushes in the flower bed blend well with other plants.

Chinese bush carnation
This variety is native to the northern parts of Asian countries: China, Japan, Korea. This plant has been grown since ancient times - already in the eighteenth century, Chinese bush carnation appeared in our area. The flower has a variety of shades and is great for growing in the Russian Federation. By the way, although this plant is perennial, Russian gardeners grow it as annual flowers. The carnation is formed into individual bushes with a shoot length of 10 to 20 cm.
Leaves are placed on the stems, in the places of formation of nodes. Buds can be both monophonic and multi-colored. Chinese carnations are planted exclusively in places where there is a lot of sunlight - in open areas. The best for planting are areas with loamy soil.
Flowers are propagated by seeds, which are sown in soil fed with microelements. Transplantation of seedlings from greenhouses is carried out during the warm periodyear, the best time for this procedure is mid-May. About a month after the plant sprouts, the carnation should be dived. The soil is fertilized twice for the entire period: after transplantation and during the setting of buds. The flowering period is at the end of summer.

Turkish carnation
Her homeland is Southern Europe. The flower has a bright inflorescence, a pleasant aroma and unpretentiousness during planting and growing. Reproduction and cultivation of Turkish cloves is within the power of both professional gardeners and beginners. The plant is easy to care for, has several different colors, but blooms, like most carnations, in the second year after planting. In bush propagation, it is recommended to leave a small space for good plant formation.
Turkish bush carnation develops rapidly after planting. It tolerates frost well and is not capricious about the choice of soil, so it can be grown on any land.

Good to know about
If you liked the described flowers (bush carnation), then you should also know some of the nuances of caring for them:
- You cannot plant a carnation in a flower bed next to tulips. Plants have similar diseases, which will negatively affect the development and formation of the flower.
- When a plant is infected with parasites, it should be treated with chemicals. These flowers also have diseases that are quite dangerous for them - these are fungi.
- Over watering can be detrimental tocarnations.
- It is important not to leave the bushes without tillage and do not forget to feed the soil in time.
With proper care, you can grow a beautiful flower that will decorate any garden.