Terrifying pictures of half-cut down coniferous forests make you think. Is the two-week presence of a Christmas tree in the house worth such sacrifices? It is even sadder to observe a picture after the New Year, when the discarded former "green beauties" flaunt everywhere. There is an alternative option to purchase a live Christmas tree. She will delight you with her appearance even after the end of the winter holidays. No, this is not an artificial tree, but a decorative spruce in a pot. Caring for her is a little more difficult, but in the end you will get a real beauty in your garden.
Choose a Christmas tree
Tubed spruce is a great way to slow down deforestation. In addition, a felled tree ceases to be fragrant after a couple of days, and crumbling needles now and then dig into the heels. This cannot be said about the planted spruce. Decorative species amaze with their diversity, even the most sophisticated gourmet will be able to choose a plant to their liking.
If you decide to buy a Christmas tree and plant it yourself, pay attention to its root system. Her condition will be a harbinger of the plant's lifespan. Conifers have a predominantly deep root system. If, due to its length, the tree does not fit in a pot, find a large container or plant it in open ground. In no case do not shorten the root of the plant, otherwise it will live no longer than a cut spruce. Decorative dwarf beauty has a more compact root system. Therefore, this species is excellent for growing in a pot.
When buying an already planted Christmas tree, please note that in a cramped container, the roots of the plant are formed quite tightly. Having chosen a suitable tree, do not rush to pay. Ask the seller to take it out of the pot to show the root. There are unscrupulous traders who cut off the disturbing part and sell the plant. And what will happen to such a tree, we wrote above.
Decorative spruce in a pot. Care and features
On the eve of the New Year holidays, it's time to go for the symbol of the New Year. But what to do after the spruce is bought? The description of the tree will help you learn about the features of growing and caring for this plant.
Conifers grow rather slowly, so they can be in a tub for several years. To do this, you need to properly contain spruce in a pot. How to care for such a plant is described below.
Spruce in a pot should be watered at least 3 times a week, the best option is every other day. To do this, spend 2-3 liters of water. Carefully make sure that the earth in the pot does not dry out, and this may be if the air in the apartment is dry.
Remember that you can not stay in a heated room for more than two weeks decorative spruce in a pot. Caring for her at room conditions is simple:regular watering and high humidity. After the New Year holidays, send the winter beauty to the balcony or other cool but well-lit place. A sharp temperature drop can harm the plant, so it must first be hardened. To do this, leave the tree for several nights in a room where about 7 degrees below zero. Insulate the pot to prevent the root system from freezing. Use hay, straw and other materials.
To improve the growth of the tree and its condition, transplant the plant every 2-3 years. Choose a pot a few centimeters wider than the previous one.
Spruce, like all plants, requires regular watering, which stops with the onset of real frosts. In spring, it is recommended to fertilize the soil, and feed the tree with complex mineral fertilizer, which is applied along with water.
We carry out a shaping pruning
This question arises for everyone who sets out to grow spruce in a pot: "How to care for the plant so that it acquires a beautiful shape?" The answer is simpler than it seems. To get a lush tree of symmetrical shape, it is necessary to regularly carry out shaping pruning. This procedure is carried out in early spring in dry weather, when the plant has not yet entered the phase of active growth. When pruning, stick to the natural shape of the crown and shorten only too long bare branches. Thus, branching will be stimulated, and you will get a beautiful lush tree. You need to cut the branch immediately after the joint, from which new branches will go.
Important! Do not trim weak ora sick tree, because after the procedure it may not recover and will begin to dry. Cut branches only to the green needles, as the woody part does not produce new shoots.
We transplant the Christmas tree from the pot into the garden
After the tree has successfully wintered, it can be transplanted into the garden. The best time to transplant is spring. To do this, prepare a hole that will be slightly larger than a pot. Before planting, you need to fertilize the ground, so put compost on the bottom. Remove the tree from the pot and plant it in the hole. Then water generously.
For good growth, it is recommended to feed the plant with special fertilizer every spring. When choosing a place to plant, keep in mind that in a few years a small Christmas tree will turn into a large tree.
What can replace the Christmas tree?
Besides Christmas trees, other conifers are also grown in pots: pine, fir, holly, sciadopitis and others. These trees reach small sizes and grow very slowly, which is a good substitute if you are not satisfied with an ornamental spruce in a pot. Caring for a pine or fir is the same as for a Christmas tree. The only difference is that pine can withstand quite large frosts if the tree is first hardened.
Types of decorative Christmas trees
The variety of ornamental fir trees is amazing. Below are photos of the most common species.

Maxwellii. The height of such a plant does not exceed one meter. It has dense needles and tolerates frost well.

Nidiformis. Plant height - no more than 1 m, width - 2 m. The crown has the shape of a nest. Frost-resistant, does not tolerate excess moisture.

Tompa. Height 1 m, width - 1.5 m. The crown has a conical shape. The tree grows very slowly, while it has thick and lush needles.

Glauca Globosa. The height does not exceed one and a half meters. The needles are bluish in color, frost-resistant and unpretentious.

Montgomery. The height of such a spruce is about two meters. It tolerates drought, frost and pruning well. Spruce has an unusual color. Blueish needles at the tips of the branches, more green - closer to the trunk.