The apartment is cluttered: how to fix the situation? General cleaning of heavily cluttered apartments

The apartment is cluttered: how to fix the situation? General cleaning of heavily cluttered apartments
The apartment is cluttered: how to fix the situation? General cleaning of heavily cluttered apartments

Global cleaning with trash removal and sorting of things should be done at least once a season, and preferably monthly. This will make sure that we really accumulate a lot of unnecessary items, and will help us learn to live easier. But after all, a mess in an apartment is a mess in your head, and in order to get something new, you must first make room for it.

Of course, there are pathological cases. In the United States, TV shows are being filmed about people who have brought their home to such a state that it is already difficult to move around it. This is due to psychological problems, fears and syndromes. Such people need to work only with medical specialists. If the neighbors littered the apartment, what to do? In the event that the situation is really critical, and the garbage interferes with other residents, you need to contact the housing fund or local public figures.

cluttered apartment
cluttered apartment

And too lazy, but clean enough people can always find out the prices forcleaning apartments in Moscow or any other city, so as not to engage in such a tedious task on your own. Now employees of cleaning companies can not only clean the apartment, but also make the space more organized, sort out cabinets and throw away the excess.

Where to start cleaning

How to quickly clean a cluttered apartment? You need to decide how often you will conduct an "audit". Even in a relatively clean home, there is always something to get rid of, so it is better to carry out general cleaning not only with the change of season, but more often. Don't try to do everything at once. Take one room first, and when you're done, take a break. Only after that, with renewed vigor, move on to another. You need to move gradually. General cleaning of heavily cluttered apartments is not carried out in one day.

For cleaning, you need to prepare inventory. You will need a lot of packages: for garbage, for unused things that can be given to someone, sold or left for the time being "for a trial period." You will need felt-tip pens, labels, tape, boxes, dust rags and a timer. All things after decluttering will be laid out in bags and boxes, so as not to get confused in them, it is worth signing each storage location. The timer is needed to literally not drown in the garbage, but to stop in time. You can set it for one hour and start cleaning. In the process, you need to act quickly and not be distracted by anything.

If the apartment is completely cluttered, it is better to start work from the entrance to the room and move clockwise. After decluttering oneplaces you can proceed to the next. If you jump from place to place, then you will only lose strength and time. The rubbish accumulated over the years needs to be disassembled into several boxes. You can leave something, it’s time to throw other things into a landfill, and something usable, but not personally needed by you, can be given to those in need or sold. In the process of putting things in order, do not immediately put the item in its rightful place, but for now, just put it in a box marked “Return to its place.”

cleaning in the apartment
cleaning in the apartment

After the garbage bag is filled with unnecessary things, you need to immediately tie it up and send it to the landfill. You should not start looking at things and think that something else might come in handy. Better not look inside. The box with the inscription "Give away" needs to be reviewed and decided what to do with each specific thing. For example, children's clothes that have become small can be given to a friend whose family is expected to replenish. There are orphanages and shelters that will also not refuse good, albeit worn, things. Some of the junk you don't need can be sold. These can be vases, souvenirs or books in good condition.

Searching for junk

Before you start taking out the garbage from the apartment, you need to separate all this rubbish from the necessary things. To do this is very difficult. It turns out that knickknacks that you have long forgotten about warm your soul, and old things can come in handy for a trip to the country. But it's worth looking at the truth. Small souvenirs only collect dust, and old clothes will remain dead weight in the closet. But how do you know what is reallyshould be thrown away? You can take several photos of the apartment and view the result on a large monitor. Everything that is out of place and looks like rubbish will immediately be revealed.

You can apply the chronological principle of discarding. It is worth getting rid of everything that has not been used for more than a year. These are half-empty perfume bottles, expired spices, old medicines, jars with cream residue, and so on. It is these things that create a mess in the apartment. It is necessary to clear the dwelling from stale things more boldly. You can focus on the available space. You need to decide in advance what and how much you will store. If these are children's drawings, then you need to select a box of a suitable size, and when it is full, sort through everything and throw away the excess to make room for new drawings. So you can learn to store things in the available volume.

general cleaning of heavily cluttered apartments
general cleaning of heavily cluttered apartments

Decluttering the wardrobe

Often the apartment is cluttered with clothes. Putting things in order in the wardrobe is one of the most interesting, but at the same time the most difficult tasks. First you need to decide what exactly you have to leave. Usually this is the basic wardrobe. The minimum of women's clothing usually includes: a black dress, which is appropriate for business negotiations, and at a party, and in nature, a neutral-colored raincoat, a beige or white blouse or shirt, a skirt, black trousers, classic dark blue jeans, a jacket or blazer, a high-quality cardigan and two sweaters, beige high-heeled shoes, sneakers or sneakers in white or black,down jacket, elegant ballet shoes, at least two bags (one small and elegant, and the second roomy). These things are quite enough, but, of course, every woman has her own basic wardrobe. All this must be left.

Now for the things to get rid of. This is all that does not fit in size, things that are obsolete and worn out. They need to be distributed, thrown away, given to an orphanage or a community assistance center, and tried to be sold. You don’t need to throw it away yet, but you should put aside clothes that need repair, things that you don’t like yourself in, on a separate shelf. Good products that do not suit you personally are best sold, and everything that needs repair is repaired. A separate category is things that should have been thrown away a long time ago, but they are so dear to the heart that they lie just like that. I need to gather my strength and throw it all away.

First you need to start sorting out your things, and only then decide what to do with the clothes of your children or your husband. Men usually clutter up the wardrobe is easier. They can almost always select from the whole mass of shirts and T-shirts those that are comfortable. If these things are in good condition (not worn, do not require repair), they can be left. This is half the job done. It remains only to leave jeans, shorts, trousers, 2-3 sets of clothes for going out and for every day, home clothes (two sets are also enough). It is better to buy socks in several identical pairs at once, throw away shabby borsets, and replace a bunch of eco-leather belts with one, but of high quality.

how not to litter the apartment
how not to litter the apartment


Junk in the apartment consists of many items that are not used constantly, but are needed just in case or are stored as a memory. But memorabilia must be able to distinguish from soulless souvenirs. Printed photographs, the first drawings of a child and diaries are precious as a memory, you don’t need to throw them away, but pathologically hoarding is also not an option. A good solution is to allocate a separate box for such gizmos and monitor its filling. As soon as it is full, sort and discard the part to make room. Not every knick-knack has a place in a clutter-free home. We need to remember this.

Household appliances

Do not rush to throw away household appliances. Non-working devices should be put in a separate bag. If by the next "revision" the technique still does not work, then there is no need for it. Well, if you can fix the devices. So the functionality of the house will improve, and there will be no items that take up space without work. But where to put the rubbish, that is, old tape recorders, cassettes, non-working equipment that cannot be repaired and will no longer be used? Cassettes need to be digitized (if there are memorable photos, and films can simply be downloaded when needed), very old things can be tried to be given away to nostalgic ones, and non-working ones can be sold for spare parts.

Unused items

Massive gifts in the form of sets, tureens, sets, intricate vases and so on, if they are new, can serve someone and even please. We need to give these things a chance for a second life. Don't throw them in the trashbasket. Can be put up for sale at half the price. The same applies to household appliances, which have been replaced by more advanced counterparts. Cleaning can also earn money!

"Special" things

In the apartments of the older generation, you can find intact sets, bed linen, slippers and towels, which are in case important guests arrive. As a rule, the long-awaited guests never appear, and things become outdated or become unusable, the apartment is cluttered. Any things need to be used, otherwise this is a banal accumulation. A special occasion is every day. It's time to get used not to store the service in a sideboard, but to put it on the table even for a simple evening tea party. The same goes for "going out" and other similar items.

Graphic Peace

Immediately getting rid of labels on shampoo, toothpaste and other personal and home care products, food and clothing? This only works with clothes (and even then not always). It may seem that the idea is strange and even crazy, but in fact, any label contains a lot of unnecessary information and eats away at the eyes. Against the background of satiety with information, this does not benefit at all. It is worth accustoming yourself to get rid of the labels immediately after leaving the supermarket, so as not to waste time at home. These are extra things that distract.

cleaning apartments in moscow prices
cleaning apartments in moscow prices

Storage wisely

The main rule of organized storage - in the end it should be comfortable and spacious. The more free space in the room, the better. Although this conflicts with the habitual and even natural for many people the ability to complicate things, as well as with a passion for hoarding and shopping. But the world around has become more technologically advanced: there are fewer wires, instead of a mountain of papers, you can store scanned copies in electronic form, all volumes of the encyclopedia are placed on a flash drive, and for storing, for example, fur coats, there are special services that will make sure that clothes survive the warm season intact., safety and security.

After taking out the garbage from the apartment, you need to decide where and how to store the necessary things. It is worth sorting objects into "hot" and "cold". The former are used every day. These are household appliances, clothes, shoes. "Cold" things - a home library, seasonal clothes, Christmas decorations, gizmos dear to the heart, and the like. To store them, it is better to organize the system somewhere in the corridor so that there are fewer cabinets in the living room. Open storage is best minimized, and if you already have an open rack, you can additionally buy fabric or cardboard boxes to hide document folders, photo albums and other things that are not used every day from prying eyes.

decluttering the wardrobe
decluttering the wardrobe

Fly lady system

How not to litter the apartment? Things that need to be thrown away will appear and appear again. The only solution that will allow you to maintain cleanliness and order is to make a system out of cleaning. It is worthwhile to carry out global decluttering at least once a season, and do not do general cleaning on Saturdays, but a little bit, but every day. The fly lady system fits well with these rules, which will allow you to keep clean easily and simply.

Is the apartment cluttered? First you need to throw away everything superfluous, and only then start experimenting with systems to maintain order. The meaning of the system is that the apartment is divided into zones, each of which is given a week. Work in a certain area should not take more than 15 minutes a day, and an hour of cleaning is carried out once a week.

Additionally, you need to highlight hot spots, that is, places in the house that need constant “supervision”. Usually this is a desktop, on which mugs and papers accumulate every day. Also every day the sink in the kitchen needs cleaning.

It's not too difficult. With this approach to housekeeping, you can once and for all forget about fearsome general cleaning, after which you need to take an extra day off. Of course, the prices for cleaning apartments in Moscow (and even more so in the provinces) are not so high, but it’s much more pleasant to keep your home clean on your own.

Secrets of professional maids

It is worth learning fast and high-quality cleaning from the maids in good hotels. They know and use many tricks and tricks in their daily practice to speed up the process. First you need to remove everything superfluous - dirty linen and garbage, in order to start as if from a clean slate. It is better to use microfiber for cleaning dust. Every time you put things in order, cleaning services staff recommend cleaning the curtains. This is best done with a wet or dry towel. Towelshould be heavy enough to hit hard, but light enough to keep the arm from getting tired.

space organization ideas
space organization ideas

The floor should always be vacuumed before washing. It is usually advised to start from the far corner, moving towards the door. But it’s better to first vacuum the places where they most often go, and only then start from the corner. So you vacuum twice over the most polluted areas. Cleaning the bathroom should be left in the end. This will minimize the transfer of bacteria, which are always abundant in a humid environment. For cleaning, it is good to use ordinary vinegar, which will help to cope with those contaminants against which even super-products are powerless. Old toothbrushes will also come in handy. This will clean hard-to-reach places.
