During the construction of buildings made of foam blocks, bricks, natural and artificial stone, redistribution of the load over window and door openings is required. For this, a concrete bridge is used. Its bearing capacity is determined by its size and internal structure.
Main features and varieties

Concrete lintel increases the strength of the building, increases its service life, preventing the collapse of the entire structure and openings. According to the principle of production, these products can be attributed to two varieties, the first of which is monolithic and is manufactured at the construction site, while the second is a prefabricated one, which is produced industrially.
Prefabricated jumpers and their parameters

A prefabricated concrete lintel can be bar, while its width does not reach 25 cm, as for slab lintels, the mentioned parameter is more than 25 cm. It is possible to single out facade products that protrudefacade of the building and are used for openings, the width of the masonry protrusion of which starts from 25 centimeters.
Standard sizes

Concrete lintel can have standard dimensions that correspond to GOST 948-84. Thus, the limit values \u200b\u200bfor the length can be equal to 10.3, but the maximum figure reaches 33.7 cm. As for the height, it can vary from 1.2 to 2.5 cm. The width varies from 1.4 to 2, 9 cm.
Door and window lintels are mounted on Portland cement without fitting, this indicates that the product cannot be cut. If the opening has an excessively large thickness, then it can be covered with several elements.

Concrete lintels, the dimensions of which were mentioned above, according to state standards, must be resistant to cracking, characterized by rigidity and high strength. Frost resistance of concrete should correspond to F-35 - F-200. The concrete component must be strong and conform to the M-200 grade or higher. The moisture content of concrete should not exceed 13%. Products are refractory and reinforced during production. Reinforced concrete lintels have a technological slope, which indicates that the lower plane is slightly smaller compared to the upper one. The width deviation can be 8 millimeters or less. As for the deviation in length, it cannot be more than 2 centimeters. Reinforced concrete lintels are earthquake resistant and able to withstand a 7-pointearthquake.
Cost of reinforced concrete lintels
Concrete lintel, the price of which may vary depending on the manufacturer, as well as technological conditions, must have a quality certificate and a certificate. When choosing products, the first thing you should pay attention to is the load that the element can withstand. It is necessary to take into account the brand of concrete. If we consider several manufacturers, then Uralstroymarket is ready to provide a bar jumper at a cost of 975 rubles per unit. In this case, the size will be 20.7 x 1.2 x 2.2 cm. For an identical product, Concrete Concrete Set asks a price of 512 rubles, while RusGradStroy offers the same product for 813 rubles.
When buying products of the described type, it is important to pay attention to the marking, which deciphers the dimensions and technical features of the jumper. A brand is 3 groups of letters and numbers, which are separated by a dash. The first group indicates the section number, after which the jumper type and length are mentioned. The second group allows you to understand what is the design load and what class of reinforcement was used in the manufacture. The third group indicates the marking of loops, releases of reinforcement bars and mortgages. It mentions the seismic resistance and density of the concrete used in the production.
Features of jumper installation
Non-bearing lintels can be mounted manually, but only if the height of the window or door opening is no more than 2 meters. As for the bearing jumpers, their installation is carried out by a crane. For the convenience of carrying out such work, holes are made in advance in the product, the diameter of which is 3 cm. They are sometimes replaced with mounting loops. Before laying, the lintels are checked for damage.
The solution is designed to fill the resulting hollow spaces, forming seams.
When choosing jumpers, you need to pay attention to their quality characteristics, since each model is intended for specific purposes. That is why it is important to pay attention to the marking, the decoding of which you can do yourself after reading the article. However, installation in many cases is not possible to carry out on their own, without involving construction equipment, for which you will have to pay for the rent.