Outdoor sewage equipment

Outdoor sewage equipment
Outdoor sewage equipment

Video: Outdoor sewage equipment

Video: Outdoor sewage equipment
Video: High-Pressure Water Jetting Service | Roto-Rooter 2024, September

Construction of a residential building or an office building is impossible without planning and installing an external (external) sewage system (https://www.standartpark.ru/catalog/podzemnye-kommunikatsii/). By definition, this is a sewer network that stretches from the point of release from the premises to the point of discharge of treated water.

The external sewage system consists of:

  • local wastewater treatment plant;
  • well;
  • pipe systems.


Pipes for external sewerage are made of the following materials:

  • cast iron. Pipes of this type are distinguished by a relatively low price;
  • polyethylene;
  • polyvinyl chloride. The use of this type of material allows you to install reliable and durable pipes that are difficult to attack by chemicals. The service life of pipes of this type is up to 95 years.

The advantages of using plastic pipes in relation to metal ones include ease of installation, high strength, absence of corrosive processes in pipes and high frost resistance.

The development of science and technology finds its response in the production of pipes. There is a displacementmetal pipelines polymeric. Currently, PVC pipes are widely used in the construction industry. They are slightly flammable, they have high resistance to ultraviolet radiation. For the installation of polyethylene pipes used for outdoor sewage, expensive equipment is used, work with it requires highly qualified personnel, as well as special working conditions. When installing PVC pipes, these difficulties are absent: working with them is very simple, requires less time and effort.

During the construction of the house, the problems of flooding of the plot of land where the construction process is underway are also solved. To solve it, the use of a complex of drainage pipes is used, which is used to remove excess moisture from a piece of land (the foundation of a house). Pipe laying should be done with a slight slope, which ensures the movement of moisture. Drainage pipes have a special appearance: holes are made on their surface at the top through which excess moisture seeps, then it flows down the pipe and enters a previously prepared container or natural ditch.

The following types of drainage pipes are distinguished:

  • With holes.
  • With cleansing materials.

According to the type of raw materials used for production, pipes are divided into metal, ceramic and polymer. Metal and ceramic pipes have a number of disadvantages. This is a large mass of the product, which forces the use of heavy equipment for installation, complex installation process, low performance, short service life and highthe cost of the drainage process.

Plastic pipes, on the contrary, have many advantages that make products the market leader in this area. These include:

  • long service life. It is from 50 to 60 years, which is twice as long as asbestos-cement and ceramic;
  • have a high level of durability;
  • not affected by corrosive processes;
  • are light weight;
  • the inner surface of the pipe is very smooth, so it does not form blockages;
  • low cost of parts, as well as the possibility of self-installation without the involvement of professional workers and special equipment;
  • wide range of pipes for different purposes.
  • PVC pipes are made from one or more layers of raw materials. They can be flexible (soft) or straight (hard). Pipes also differ in the type of surface: they are smooth or corrugated.

    Pipes for sewage and drainage have significant differences (https://www.standartpark.ru/catalog/podzemnye-kommunikatsii/):

    • Water and sewage move through sewer pipes, ground water is transported by drainage pipes.
    • Various raw materials are used for sewer pipes, for example, metal, ceramics, cast iron, polymers. Drainage pipes are made almost entirely of polymers.
    • Sewer pipes and joints in them must be completely waterproof, drainage pipes allow moisture to pass through.

    Both of the above types of pipesare very popular among buyers, so there are a large number of offers for their sale on the product market, so buyers have the opportunity to choose the best option.
