Installation of multi-level ceilings made of PVC, drywall and other materials is one of the most difficult types of repairs in a modern apartment. However, having the skills to install such a design, the homeowner will be able to make an original ceiling of almost any geometric shape, install any type of lighting, choose a color from a wide range of colors. All of the above advantages make suspended structures very attractive. Many homeowners want to learn how to make do-it-yourself two-level stretch ceilings with lighting.
Preparing the ceiling

To install two-level ceilings at home with your own hands (there is a photo of this design in the article), first you need to properly prepare the room for such repairs. At the initial stage, the following activities should be carried out:
- It is advisable to remove all furniture and things from the room to provide free access to the ceiling. If afurniture is too bulky, then cover it with plastic.
- The ceiling should be cleaned of dust, dirt, old decorative coatings (tiles, wallpaper, paint, etc.). The surface must be leveled with putty.
- Calculate the area of the ceiling to purchase the required amount of building materials.
- Draw a diagram of the electrical wiring to be mounted under the hanging frame.
Calculation of building material for plasterboard ceiling

To properly make a two-level ceiling with your own hands (you will find a photo of examples of such a design in the article), you should imagine what the final look of the room will be after the repair. To do this, you must adhere to a certain calculation order:
- Calculate the perimeter of the room where you plan to make a suspended two-level ceiling with your own hands. The resulting value is the length of the UD form profile.
- Another type of CD shape profile is calculated based on the width of the room, as well as the distance between this building material. For successful installation of a two-level ceiling with your own hands, a step of 0.6 meters is enough. Divide the length obtained after measurements by 0.6. Round the result obtained up to whole numbers. This is the number of CD profile strips you need to purchase.
- The number of metal hangers should be twice as many as UD and CD profiles.
- There should be exactly the same number of jumpers that are installed between profiles and connectors asmetal hangers.
- The calculation of the second level of the ceiling must be done in the same way.
- Do-it-yourself calculation of drywall for a two-level stretch ceiling is carried out taking into account the size of the sheets. As a rule, there are two types of them in hardware stores: 0.6 x 2.5 and 1.2 x 2.5 meters. The area of each ceiling level should be divided by the area of the GKL sheet. Experts recommend choosing a sheet no more than 9 millimeters thick.
- To attach the frame to concrete, you must purchase dowels and self-tapping screws 6 x 40 and 6 x 60 mm, respectively.
- For reliable connection of crabs and suspensions, screws LN11 and LN9 are needed.
- To securely fasten drywall sheets, you will need MN30 and MN25 self-tapping screws.
You should also calculate the number of fixtures, wires and corrugated pipe to insulate the wiring.
Repair Tools

To make a two-level plasterboard ceiling with your own hands, you will need the following tools:
- saw with small teeth or sharp knife to cut drywall;
- level;
- ruler and tape measure;
- perforator;
- screwdriver or screwdriver;
- hacksaw;
- metal spatulas;
- mesh for grinding irregularities after applying putty;
- scissors that can cut metal profiles;
- sanding fine paper.
Installation of plasterboard ceiling
Make from drywalldo-it-yourself two-level ceiling with step-by-step instructions is not at all difficult. However, you should know that there are two ways to build such a structure:
- First you need to complete the first level, and then start working on the second.
- To carry out the installation of the frame, consisting of two levels at once. Then you can sheathe the ceiling with drywall. This method allows you to save money on building materials.
First mounting method

To make a two-level plasterboard ceiling with your own hands with step-by-step instructions in the first way, you need to start by marking the top of the room. To do this, draw a horizontal line on the wall at the height where the first level ceiling will end. Then you need to extend this mark around the entire perimeter of the room. Profiles should be installed along the resulting line.
The marking for the intermediate profile should be applied in increments of 0.6 mm between the profile rails. Profile data must be fixed to the ceiling using hangers. Then fasten the cross bars in the same step.
If you plan to install lighting on the ceiling of the first level, then it's time to do the wiring.
Next, you need to sheathe the frame with drywall sheets using self-tapping screws. The distance between them should be no more than 20 centimeters. The fastener head should not sink much or protrude beyond the plane of the sheet.
To complete the second stage of the construction of a two-level ceiling in the hall with your own hands, you needapply markings in those places where it is planned to install metal profiles. If you planned to install a curved frame, then you should first make cuts on the profile with special metal scissors or a hacksaw.
Next, you need to attach the guide profile to the concrete, and then connect it to the intermediate profiles and the first level ceiling. If necessary, run wiring along the resulting frame for lighting.
After the second level structure is fully assembled, you can proceed to fixing the drywall. As soon as the last sheet of GKL is securely attached to the ceiling, it is necessary to make cutouts on it for the installation of fixtures, and then putty all the bumps and seams. After complete drying, the surface should be carefully leveled and sanded with sandpaper.
At the final stage of manufacturing a two-level ceiling with lighting with your own hands, you need to apply water-based paint to the outer surface of the drywall. To achieve the best result, several layers are usually applied.
Pay special attention to corners and other hard-to-reach places.
Second mounting method
To make a two-level do-it-yourself drywall ceiling with lighting, using the second method of manufacturing the structure, you must first make the second-level ceiling, and then start working on the first.
This method is a little more difficult than the first, but you will need far fewer sheets of drywall, which saves a lot of money on repairs.
Installing lighting on the ceiling
Many novice masters ask how to make a two-level ceiling with their own hands with lighting, and what type of light bulbs to choose? It is preferable to install LED light sources in living quarters. A wide range of colors of these bulbs allows you to emphasize the original design of the room.
In stores that sell lighting equipment, you can find LED lamps for 24 and 12 Volts. Neon lamps are also quite popular, they are designed for voltages up to 100 volts. They emit a fairly bright light, so the recommended installation distance for such devices is 5 meters.
Installation of a two-level stretch ceiling

Stretch ceilings have long gained incredible popularity. The secret of their success is an affordable price, various colors and materials, reliability and quality of the coating. The installation wizard for such decorative elements may not be limited to simple smooth white canvases. Thanks to modern materials, it is possible to create complex suspended multi-level structures in the apartment, as well as use canvases with various patterns.
Many people who make repairs at home are wondering how to make a two-level ceiling with their own hands and what installation methods exist. There are three main installation options for this design:
- 1 option: using translucent and perforated canvases. In this case, it is worth remembering that you should first draw along the ceilingwiring, install LED strips or small lamps. In this case, you should choose lamps that do not get very hot during their operation so that the rubber sheet does not melt.
- 2 option: installation of an opaque perforated canvas. Holes in it can be cut out in a simple or complex shape, they just place a light source, for example, a large chandelier, which is close to the ceiling.
- 3 option: use a translucent canvas that only partially transmits light. Such material is usually used to imitate the starry sky, foliage, planets or other interesting patterns on the ceiling.
If you want to make a two-level ceiling with your own hands, consisting only of canvases, then you should stretch such material first at the first level, and then at the second. After completion of the work on the wall, there is a rather large load, so large self-tapping screws should be fastened to the wall so that the structure does not break.
Stretch ceiling together with drywall

Installing a two-level ceiling in the kitchen with your own hands from drywall, in the center of which a stretch fabric will be located, is a rather difficult task. Before starting work, you should carefully study the step-by-step installation instructions for this design:
- A frame is first mounted on the concrete ceiling, on which drywall sheets will subsequently be attached.
- Then it is necessary to lay all the wires along the top of the room forlighting. It is best to use an LED strip, which will subsequently perfectly illuminate the stretched part of the ceiling.
- Next, the frame of the first level must be sheathed with plasterboard. It will be used not only as decoration of the first tier. A stretch ceiling will also be attached to it, which will be located on the second level.
- After that, you should spread the wiring on the second tier. It is preferable to use LED strips that are hidden under the ceiling. They illuminate the room from above through the stretch film.
- At this stage, it is necessary to eliminate all irregularities on the drywall sheets with putty, and then proceed to paint the ceiling.
- Now it's time to stretch the rubber sheet on the ceiling. Usually such work is carried out by professional teams, since it is impossible to carry out such work without experience and the necessary equipment.
Plastic panel ceiling

A do-it-yourself two-level PVC panel ceiling is a great design idea for your home. Decorative items such as plastic panels are easy to connect to each other with a fastener built into them. It is very strong, durable, PVC is not afraid of moisture, sudden temperature changes, it is not afraid of corrosion.
To install such a ceiling, the master will need a minimum set of tools, namely a powerful construction stapler, staples for it and dowels with self-tapping screws for plastic.
Decorative PVC panels are classified intodepending on the type of connection to seam and seamless. The latter, after installation, look much more attractive, as it seems that the ceiling consists of a single sheet of plastic.
A do-it-yourself two-level ceiling made of plastic panels is usually done in rooms where it is constantly humid (bathroom, balcony and toilet). Less often, such material is used in bedrooms and in the kitchen.
Advantages and disadvantages of PVC panels
To decide on the installation of a two-level ceiling with your own hands, you should find out what are the advantages and disadvantages of this finishing material:
- Low cost, high quality, many color options. You can assemble a beautiful picture from several panels.
- Installation is incredibly simple, even a person with no experience in construction can handle it.
- The ceiling does not require special preparation for repair work. It is enough just to build a frame from profiles.
- Plastic is not afraid of the flood. If moisture gets on it, just dry the panels slightly.
Some disadvantages of plastic ceiling finish:
- Even expensive seamless ceilings have noticeable joints at the junction of the plates, if you look closely at the ceiling.
- In a severe flood, the ceiling may break under the load of water flows.
- Plastic melts easily when heated strongly, please consider this when choosing the type of lighting in the rooms.
Repair work
Before you start assembling a two-level ceiling with your own hands, you need to prepare a concretethe basis for it, namely, to remove partially exfoliated layers of paint, crumbling plaster, dirt, old wiring and lighting fixtures. If there is mold, you need to get rid of it. Wipe the ceiling with a damp cloth to remove invisible dust and debris. Allow the ceiling to dry slightly after cleaning is complete.
The frame for plastic panels is usually constructed in two types: wood and metal. The first is ideal for rooms without high humidity. The cost of a wooden frame is low, the installation process will not take much time and effort.
Metal panel fasteners consist of metal profiles. It is best used in the bathroom and toilet. It will cost the builder a little more, and during the installation process care and accuracy will be required, because the profiles can be easily bent, thereby ruining them. If you install the metal frame correctly, then it will serve you for decades.
Wooden bars or metal profiles must be attached to the ceiling using hangers, self-tapping screws, dowels and corners. If the ceiling area is curved, has differences and significant irregularities, then you first need to mark with a pencil on the wall where the PVC panels will be placed. For this work, use the building level.
Then you need to install fasteners for PVC panels. Take UD and CD profiles over the entire area of the room. The step between them should be up to 0.1 meters. Otherwise, the plastic may sag.
After the frame is completely ready, proceed to the wiringwires. It is best to use several small lamps installed at some distance from each other, or an LED strip to illuminate the room. Halogen lamps for fixtures perfectly withstand temperature extremes and high humidity. It is advisable to put them in the restroom and on the balcony. LEDs are suitable for the kitchen or bedroom.
Finishing the ceiling with plastic panels is identical to the technique of attaching PVC sheets to the wall. After fastening the first board near the wall, it is necessary to fit the second board to it from the side, and then fasten them together with latches. Press the still loose part of the side panel to the frame with a metal screw. So that the head of the hardware is not visible, the attachment point should be located in the lower protrusion of the groove of the plastic plate. Then fasten the panels to all profiles or planks of wood.
It is important to purchase self-tapping screws made of stainless steel or with a special protective coating that protects against moisture. Otherwise, traces of rust may appear on the fasteners from water, which will spoil the appearance of the ceiling.
When assembling the rest of the PVC boards on the ceiling, mount them on one open side only. The opposite side of the panel will be held by the latch of the adjacent lining.
The last tile will most likely need to be cut on one side. Before installing it, you should measure the distance from the attached panel to the nearest wall with a tape measure or ruler. It is best to take several measurements in different places, because often the walls in the house have significant curvature.
After measuring, cut a piece of plastic tile, and then install the resulting piece on the ceiling. Secure the edge closest to the wall with self-tapping screws in three places.
At the final stage, glue the plastic plinth to the corners of the wall so that it touches the PVC panels.
To hide the vertical part of the step that connects the second and first level of the ceiling, cut strips from the remaining parts of the plastic decorative panels. Joints can also be hidden by gluing skirting boards on them.
After the glue dries, you can start installing lights and connecting them to the network.