Building a barn: options, necessary materials, installation features, photo

Building a barn: options, necessary materials, installation features, photo
Building a barn: options, necessary materials, installation features, photo

The purpose of the article is to tell the reader how to build a barn with their own hands. Summer residents engaged in growing plants or cattle breeding need this room. The main thing is that it can be built independently from inexpensive building materials. If you follow the instructions given in the article, the result will be to build a multifunctional and reliable building.


Before you start building a barn, you need to decide for what purpose this non-residential premises is being built. The more functions assigned to the structure, the more capital should be its design. For example, a barn that will store only garden tools - shovels, pitchforks, rakes, etc. - does not require the construction of a foundation. However, such a structure is considered temporary, not capital. For the latter option, you will need a solid foundation and strong walls. In the capital shed, summer residents can store:

  • building materials;
  • transport - boats, bicycles,motorcycles, etc.;
  • lawnmowers;
  • fishing gear;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • coal and dry wood for kindling a stove or fireplace;
  • hay, etc.

In addition, often such buildings are used as housing for pets and as workshops where various machines are installed. There are many options for building sheds. Building walls can be built from the following materials:

  • boards, logs, bars, etc.;
  • gas, foam or cinder blocks;
  • bricks;
  • rubble stones;
  • metal (for example, corrugated board);
  • plastic;
  • sandwich panels.

By design, the premises in question are classified into the following varieties:

  • with or without windows;
  • with one or more inputs.

Thanks to such a wide variety of options, building a barn in the country is a simple but time-consuming task, since you will have to build a foundation, walls, roof and finish the room with facing materials. But first, it is necessary to delimit the place on the site where this object will be built.

Project development

block shed
block shed

Before you start construction, you need to legalize the object. To do this, you need a competent project plan, which will indicate the dimensions of the barn and take into account other nuances. Of course, the premises may not be officially registered, but in this case, local governments can not only issue a fine to the owner, but also demand to dismantleillegally constructed structure.

A utility shed is a room in which not only a room for storing property is sometimes arranged, but also a bathroom (combined or not - it does not matter). To create a project, you need to consider the following points:

  1. Total building area.
  2. Zoning space into separate functional areas. According to the designers, incendiary mixtures and, for example, hay cannot be stored in the same room. In this case, you will have to create a drawing that will take into account such nuances.
  3. View of the soil on the site where the construction of the facility is planned.
  4. Location of utilities.
  5. Number of window and door openings.
  6. Availability of a shower room.
  7. Building materials from which separate parts of the building structure will be constructed: foundation, walls, roof, etc.

It is advisable to order a project from professional firms, since the slightest mistake made when creating a drawing will cause the request to legalize the structure to be rejected.

Choosing a seat

small shed
small shed

The main thing is that the neighbors should not be against the construction of a barn, since the building can darken their site. The choice of location directly depends on the type of premises, the location of the garden, garden and other structures. An equally important role is played by the soil on which the construction of the facility is planned. For example, if loamy soil prevails on the site, you will have to organize a columnar foundation. In addition, the following requirements must be considered before starting the construction of a summer cottagebarn:

  1. The room in which it is planned to store solid fuels (coal, firewood) is being built as close to the house as possible. Builders recommend building a barn from the same material as the main building.
  2. If a building with an area of up to 50 m2 will be used as a subsidiary farm, it is located behind a residential building or a summer kitchen at a distance established by sanitary standards. As a rule, this figure is at least 7 m. In turn, from the fence of households. the building - a barn for animals - should be distant at a distance of 4 m or more.
  3. The ideal location of the building, which will be used as a warehouse for storing garden tools, is near the garden on the shaded side, where plants grow poorly or not at all.
  4. It is desirable to choose a territory for construction where there are no other irregularities in order to exclude flooding of the premises. Therefore, the construction of a barn on a plot with depressions must be carried out on a columnar foundation.

After choosing a territory and developing or purchasing a project, it is necessary to start construction activities. According to summer residents, popular options are rooms, the walls of which are made of foam blocks, and utility buildings erected using lumber using frame technology. Therefore, both methods will be discussed in detail below.

Building a utility shed: tools needed

The list includes the following construction tools:

  • measuring tape;
  • plummet;
  • line level;
  • "Bulgarian" or hacksaw;
  • drill and screwdriver;
  • hammer and mallet;
  • shovel;
  • carpentry ax (sharpened);
  • set of screwdrivers and wrenches;
  • hand saw;
  • chisel;
  • stationary knife.

In the course of the work, other tools may be needed, for example, brushes for applying paints and varnishes, pencils, drills, etc.

Organization of a columnar foundation for a wooden shed

columnar foundation
columnar foundation

This critical stage is an important part of the construction of the facility. The durability of the entire building depends on the quality and reliability of the foundation. For an outbuilding, the further construction of which will be carried out using frame technology using lumber, it is recommended to make a columnar foundation. This foundation can be built using:

  • concrete mortar, which must be poured into prepared pits or reinforced pipes (metal or asbestos-cement);
  • building blocks (brick or cellular concrete);
  • rubble stone.

Having chosen the option for building a barn, you need to start building a columnar foundation in this order:

  1. Mark the site using sharp pegs and polypropylene thread, taking into account the data from the project documentation. As a result, you need to check the diagonals with a tape measure.
  2. Dig trenches every 1.5-2 m, each of which should be at least 15 cm below the freezing levelsoil.
  3. Fill the hole with gravel and sand, and then tamp it down so that a bedding layer of 15 cm is obtained. Repeat the same steps with each recess.
  4. Install the poles at the same level so that they rise about 15–20 cm above the ground. To increase the bearing capacity of the poles, you need to supplement their design with steel rods.
  5. Check the horizontality of the poles with a cord. Having found the slightest inaccuracies, you need to eliminate them with the help of scraps of the board, which must be installed on top of the supports.
  6. If brick or block pillars were erected, they must be plastered and treated with waterproofing mastic.
  7. Glue two sheets of roofing material on bitumen over each support.
  8. Arrange a blind area around the pillars, the purpose of which is to prevent soil from washing out.

Before proceeding with the next stage of building a room, you need to wait at least 3-5 days for the mortar to set.

Building a wooden shed: instructions

barn frame
barn frame

For the construction of the frame, you will need boards, beams, mounting angles and fasteners (for example, self-tapping screws or dowels). You should know: before building a wooden shed, lumber must be treated with antiseptics and flame retardants for fire protection. Having built a reliable columnar base, it is necessary to start building a room with a pitched roof:

  1. Lay a tie bar on the foundation, which must be attached to the concrete with anchor bolts. At this stage, you will need an electric drill, as well asdrill bits for concrete and wood.
  2. Install the lower trim frame over the beam, which must be filled with ordinary lags.
  3. Cover the floor with edged boards, thick plywood or OSB boards. For the proper construction of a country shed, these structural elements should be laid so that two-millimeter gaps are formed between them, which are necessary for thermal expansion.
  4. Install the front wall of the frame, taking into account the dimensions specified in the project. You need to fix it with temporary jibs.
  5. Assemble and assemble the back and sides of the timber frame. The result should be an impeccable "building skeleton", the walls of which have the same height. If there are any irregularities, they will have to be eliminated by sawing or, on the contrary, supplementing the structure.
  6. Install the top trim on the ends of the racks.
  7. Assemble a cantilever frame from short boards. The upper parts of the lumber must be cut at an angle to form a slope, which must be calculated in advance. To do this, draw the planned roof profile in the form of a rectangular triangle.
  8. Make a blank of rafter legs, which should be attached to the side of the installation site. Need to know: structural elements must be of such length that the result is an eaves overhang.
  9. Open the rafter legs and install them over the racks, fixing the corners.
  10. Arrange a solid wooden crate along the rafters, provided with a waterproofing carpet.
  11. Lay roofing material. It can be tiles, corrugated board, ondulin andetc.
plank shed
plank shed

After the completion of the main construction work related to the construction of the barn (a photo of the finished non-residential premises is given above), it is necessary to perform facing work. The finished frame is usually sheathed with unedged boards, which are nailed vertically. Next, door and window openings are arranged, and then engineering communications are carried out.

Establishing a strip foundation for a barn made of foam blocks

To build this base yourself, you need to follow the following instructions:

  1. Prepare the site: remove soil and level the construction site.
  2. Limit the territory of the future strip base with a nylon cord or twine and sharpened stakes according to the dimensions specified in the project.
  3. Dig a trench 15–20 cm deep below the freezing level of the soil. During the construction of a barn from foam blocks, it is necessary to leave space for the installation of formwork. In turn, the width of the trench directly depends on the similar size of the base, indicated in the project documentation.
  4. Fill the bottom of the prepared excavation with sand and gravel. The result should be a pillow about 20 cm thick, which must be compacted with a vibrating plate.
  5. Make formwork from boards or plywood sheets. The main condition is that the upper edge of the structure should protrude 20–30 cm above the ground.
  6. Strengthen the formwork with braces and transverse bars, which must be installed every 1.5 m.
  7. Lay roofing material or polyethylene on the inner walls of the finished structure(minimum thickness is 50 µm).
  8. Reinforce with steel bars (the diameter of each element should be 8–12 mm). The result of the completed stage is a three-dimensional mesh with cells of 40–50 mm.
  9. Fill the formwork with a concrete solution consisting of cement, sand and water. To prevent air bubbles from forming, the mixture, which is in a liquid state, must be pierced with a rod.
  10. Cover the curing concrete with foil. It needs to be moistened periodically to prevent cracking.
  11. Dismantle the formwork after the concrete has completely hardened (hardening time - 28 days).
  12. Backfill the trench with earth.
  13. Lay two layers of roofing felt over the foundation.
strip base
strip base

Building a barn from foam blocks: instructions

After the tape base hardens, you need to start building the walls of the room. The main thing is to check the horizontalness of each laid out row with a level and a plumb line. The slightest unevenness will cause the building to warp, so this requirement should not be neglected. To build a barn with your own hands, a step-by-step instruction for building a room from foam blocks includes the following steps:

  1. Determine the places where the door and window openings will be located.
  2. Laying starts from the corner of the base. Dressing is done in half a block.
  3. To level the surface of the base, put the first and second rows of foam blocks on a cement mortar, and the rest on a special glue, since this will make thin seams. Atthe need to cut the blocks to the required dimensions.
  4. Build a gable roof. First, lay the floor beams with a section of 100 x 100 mm in the grooves between the foam blocks of the final row. The main thing is that the lumber should be at least 20 cm longer than the walls. The next step is to put a beam (Mauerlat) around the perimeter of the structure, fixing it at the corners with metal brackets and fixing it to the floor beams using self-tapping screws or dowels. Then lay the transverse bars, and nail the boards on them. A truss structure should be attached to the Mauerlat and a crate made. The final step is to lay the roofing material (for example, corrugated board), which must be mounted with an overlap using stainless steel screws with a double thread.
  5. Insert the windows into the prepared openings and hang the doors. Before entering, it is desirable to make a small porch or steps. The construction of the barn does not end there, because the floors still need to be sewn up and the walls of the room must be insulated.

You can clad the building outside with siding, and inside with clapboard. It is desirable to conduct lighting in the room. Electricians recommend using acrylic lamps as lamps: they are resistant to mechanical damage.

Animal barn: rules and regulations

animal shed
animal shed

There are increased sanitary requirements for such a hozblok. The building in which the animals will be located must be provided with a good ventilation system. This is due to the fact that the litter is chemically aggressive, since it releases a lot of ammonia. Therefore, it is desirable to equip a speciala place where manure will be stored - a valuable organic fertilizer.

Before you start building a barn for animals, you need to choose a place on the site for placement. In this case, you need to focus on the regulatory documentation, where all the requirements and norms are mentioned. In addition, the structure must withstand mechanical stress. It is better to build a barn from building blocks. You also need to consider that some animals (for example, goats) gnaw wood, so you can not process lumber with various chemical compounds.

If it is necessary to build a barn where pigs or cows will live, it is better to build a wooden room with a reinforced frame. Such a structure should be reliable and warm. However, according to livestock breeders, it is better to build an outbuilding from foam blocks on a tape base with subsequent insulation.


Building a barn with your own hands is a long and painstaking task, for which you first need to purchase all the necessary tools and materials. Construction technology depends on the purpose and functionality of the premises, its dimensions and, of course, the financial capabilities of the owner. In addition, it is necessary to legalize such a structure. Therefore, you need to use only high-quality building materials. All work on the construction of a capital barn can be done independently. The main thing is to follow the construction rules and take into account the recommendations given in this article.