Do-it-yourself country path. Tiles for paths in the country

Do-it-yourself country path. Tiles for paths in the country
Do-it-yourself country path. Tiles for paths in the country

Country path is a special element of a country house, which any home master can easily build. This beautiful decoration for the landscape fills the space with comfort and freshness. The arrangement of such tracks is incredibly simple. The tile is laid in several stages. The process is within the power even for those who know nothing about construction work.

What are garden paths

cottage path
cottage path

Today, gardeners are offered a huge range of tiles for landscape design. It can be not only purchased garden paths, but also home-made options. They are made from many materials, such as gravel, earth, wood, brick, expanded clay and others. Depending on the characteristics of the cottage, you will choose the best option.

Paths made from paving slabs

Tiles for paths in the country - this is the most aesthetic and technological option. Neat curly design looks decent. You can combine different shades during masonry and be sure thatthe final version will look great both from a distance and up close.

Among all existing types of tracks, it is with the masonry of this option that difficulties may arise. It will take quite a lot of time to get it right. Tiles for paths in the country and distinguished themselves in their cost. This is one of the most expensive materials.

Brick paths

This subtype is not inferior to tiles in terms of its technological characteristics, but in terms of cost it is much cheaper. Of course, all summer residents know that brick can quickly be exposed to the chemical attack of the soil. But you shouldn't worry. You can safely lay such a path in your summer cottage: it will serve you for at least 15 years.

Concrete paths

do-it-yourself garden path
do-it-yourself garden path

Do you want the track in your country house to last not 5 years, not 10, but much longer? Then concrete will be an excellent option for masonry. Strength and durability are the main advantages of the material. Proper installation will allow the structure to last at least 40 years. It is worth noting that in appearance such tracks are very attractive.

Especially beginner masters prefer to choose concrete paths for laying in their country house. This is done quite simply, it does not take much time, and it is affordable. The main thing is to prepare reinforcing elements and formwork, take care of additional waterproofing, and only then pour concrete. This design will be more durable and reliable, and will last a very long time.

Wooden walkways

garden paving slabs
garden paving slabs

Paths in the summer cottage should be a continuation of landscape design. No material is better than wood. Around your house - nature, birds sing in summer, above your head - blue sky. Now imagine how neatly a wooden path will shade all this beauty!

If we talk about masonry, a beginner will be able to cope with the work without outside help. However, there is one important nuance. If you want the path to turn out not only beautiful, but also comfortable to walk on, then before laying, look at the dimensions of the saw cut logs. They must be the same in size, otherwise the design will be inconvenient to use.

Gravel paths

Most owners of suburban areas prefer gravel paths. It seems that this design is the most cost-effective and easy to install. However, during operation, one should not forget that this material is installed on a special formwork and is necessarily supplied with small curbs. If this is not taken into account, the gravel will simply scatter in different directions over time, and will no longer look beautiful and neat.

It is advisable not to lay only gravel because it is inconvenient to walk on it in shoes with thin soles. Fine material crumbles quickly. But in combination with other material it will look very beneficial and last a long time.

Stone paths

Considering various options for country paths, it is simply impossible to ignore the stone ones. Large flat boulders will be a bright additionarchitecture of your country house. A little secret: make such a path as winding as possible. You can also combine boulders in size, put not only large ones, but also small ones. This move will create a natural effect. For ease of movement on the track, choose smooth materials.

Before laying, you need to prepare the base, sprinkle it with fine gravel or soil. Only then are boulders placed.

Rubber crumb

path in the allotment
path in the allotment

Country rubber paths - a modern, stylish and sustainable option for laying in a summer cottage.

Key Benefits:

  • The material is not afraid of exposure to sunlight, does not fade over time.
  • Not afraid of moisture (you'll never know what fungus and mold are).
  • Has excellent traction.
  • The material is not affected by chemicals.
  • Long service life, optimal cost and easy laying.

Why do we need a garden path

Sometimes summer residents decide not to put a path on their site because they need to pay designers and workers for this. However, the whole procedure can be performed independently. A do-it-yourself country path will become the pride of your site and its decoration.

Why is it needed:

  • The path will allow you to move more comfortably around the country house.
  • During the rain, it is thanks to the garden path that the dirt that we carry on our feet will not get into the house.
  • The plot will become moreeye-catching.
  • With the help of the track, the site can be divided into several functional zones.

Form for country paths

Today, hardware stores offer a large selection of a wide variety of products for decorating garden paths. If you do not want to spend extra money, you can make stencils yourself. Of course, the process is quite painstaking, but how nice it will be to look at the result!

form for country paths
form for country paths

Advantages of making your own stencil:

  • Uniqueness.
  • The ability to add dyes, various decorative elements.

It's like cooking. You can buy a ready-made cake in the store, or you can bake it at home with your own hands. Believe that the product prepared by yourself will taste better!

Make a garden path with your own hands

Do-it-yourself country path is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is to have a little patience, then the final result will surprise and delight you. The whole process consists of two main steps. This is the preparation of the foundation and the laying of the foundation.

country paths price
country paths price

Step by step quick guide:

  • Determine the perimeter of the future alley and dig a continuous trench. Its depth should be no less than 10 cm, and this does not depend on what type of coating you will use.
  • Crushed stone is poured into the bottom. The height of the flooring is a maximum of 3 centimeters.
  • We compact the gravel well,then add a layer of fine gravel.
  • After the foundation is ready, you can start laying the paving itself. Press each individual element firmly to keep it firmly in place.
  • In order to fill the resulting gaps, a sealant is poured on top. You can use sand for this.
  • Don't forget to make a small border. It looks beautiful and will not allow the material to spill over time into the garden.

A little imagination, desire and diligence - and your country path is ready!

It is most convenient to lay footpaths in the summer. At this time, the earth is no longer petrified, but not very wet either. However, there are exceptions. For example, if you decide to make a path not just for walking, but so that a car can also drive along it, then work should begin in the spring. Of course, you will need to adapt to the weather conditions, but in the summer, when you come to rest in your country house, you can safely drive a car. Regardless of the season, always check the weather forecast. This is necessary to avoid problems with rain, because otherwise all work will be stopped indefinitely.

Helpful tips

rubber walkways
rubber walkways

Even the simplest country path requires a lot of concentration. These helpful tips will help you get things done right and gracefully:

  • For a small country house, walking trails are perfect. These are separate elements, for example, concrete squares, which are located ona certain distance from each other. You can arrange them as you like - in a checkerboard pattern or in a chain.
  • Don't be afraid to combine materials of different textures. In this way, you can add personality to your country house and make the walkway more wear-resistant and durable.
  • Don't forget to check the weather forecast. If the weather forecast is for rain, it's best to wait. Although after the garden path is ready, it is very useful to pour water over it. Excess sand will wash off and the top layer will compact.
  • If you want to give the path a curved shape, then the best option is to use natural stone. Even the tightest turns will look sleeker with it.

Cost of work

A great addition to your landscape design is country paths. The price varies depending on the chosen masonry material. The average cost of preparatory work is 1,000 rubles per square meter.

But do not forget that everything can be done by hand. You will need to purchase only individual materials (sand, masonry material). With independent work, your garden path will cost no more than 2000 rubles. Agree, this is quite inexpensive, considering the pleasure you get in return.

Country path, made with your own hands, will be the subject of your pride. In addition, it will perfectly complement the overall design and decorate the garden. Make stencils for pouring material with your own hands, fill the site with comfort and attractiveness!