Paving garden paths is not at all difficult, it is within the power of every owner of a suburban area. These paths have a long service life, look beautiful and fit perfectly into any style of landscape design. Modern tiles for garden paths - the material is quite durable, and since decorative paths are not designed for heavy traffic, making them yourself is not difficult even for beginner gardeners.
As a rule, the width of such tracks varies from 0.5 to 1.5 meters. Based on this, the dimensions of the building material should be selected. When determining the width of the path, it should be borne in mind that when laying paving slabs for garden paths, they must completely fit between the curbs, that is, there should be no need to trim them. Thus, you will not only save on the purchase of material, but also get a more even and beautiful surface.

Garden Path Tiles can be installed in a variety of ways, but brick tiles are the most common.masonry, "column" or "herringbone". In this case, you should select a rectangular material of standard sizes. So you get a concise, geometrically aligned surface. If you want to decorate the garden with an original and spectacular path that will emphasize the style and sophistication of your site, you should pay attention to such finishing material as “wave” garden path tiles. Separately, it is worth noting that if you want the path to serve for a long time, you should carefully follow the technology of its paving.
After you have marked the direction of future paths, you need to remove the top layer of soil and thoroughly clean the surface of stones and plant roots. At the installation site of the curb, it is necessary to dig a recess along the entire length of the future path with a depth of at least 15 centimeters. The bottom of the trench should be covered with sand, moistened and carefully compacted. Installing the curb is on liquid concrete mortar.
After the preliminary work is hung, and the base of the curb has dried out properly, it is necessary to prepare the area of \u200b\u200bthe track for its paving. To do this, you need to lay a base of crushed stone or gravel about eight centimeters thick along the entire length and carefully level it. Tiles for garden paths are laid on a compacted base. For this, a concrete mixture is used. A gap of about five millimeters should be left between the plates. If during work you need to cut paving slabs, it is better to use a grinder with a diamond blade for this.
After the garden path tiles are laid, the seamsshould be covered with a cement-sand mixture and remove the excess with a broom. The entire surface of the track must be thoroughly moistened, it is better to use a hose with a diffuser for this. You can walk along a garden path laid in this way right away, without waiting for the concrete to dry completely.

Decorative garden path will noticeably decorate your site, and the realization that you created this beauty with your own hands will increase pleasant impressions.