Expanded clay floor: instruction, technology, pros and cons

Expanded clay floor: instruction, technology, pros and cons
Expanded clay floor: instruction, technology, pros and cons

Expanded clay floor is an excellent solution, as you can get a flat surface without complex preparatory work. This material is preferred by many builders, as it is easy to install, unpretentious and has a low cost.

A simple screed with expanded clay helps to quickly level the surface, make the floor with good heat and sound insulation characteristics. The pouring technology is quite simple, so if you have the most minimal skills, you can do it yourself.

Material features

Before you determine which expanded clay for floor screed is most suitable, you need to figure out what exactly this material is. It is very popular in construction and is suitable for insulation. Expanded clay has very good characteristics and affordable cost. This is a porous material that is light in weight and is obtained in the process of firing clay under high temperature. It is mainly produced in the form of round or oval granules.

Material Feature
Material Feature

When making clay underexposed to high temperature, it swells, the material is burned, resulting in a strong shell. Expanded clay is highly durable and resistant to external influences. The quality of the material largely depends on the accuracy of the technology in its manufacture.

The density of expanded clay reaches 200-600 kg per m3. The lower this indicator, the more pores it contains. Such material is distinguished by high thermal insulation qualities, but denser expanded clay is characterized by better strength. The size of the granules is 2-40 mm. Expanded clay is natural and environmentally friendly.

Advantages and disadvantages of the material

Expanded clay floor is very popular as this material has many advantages. It is light, loose and porous. It is based on clay rocks with quartz. Expanded clay has high thermal insulation properties, so its laying can reduce heat loss in the room. This material meets almost all requirements. Its main advantages include such as:

  • high level of thermal insulation;
  • lightweight;
  • good soundproofing;
  • affordable price.

Expanded clay does not rot and does not attract rodents. Due to the flowability, they can fill the space with any volumes and shapes.

Despite all the advantages, there are certain disadvantages of expanded clay. Due to its use, the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe room may slightly decrease. Expanded clay is able to absorb moisture, so it is requiredadditional layer of waterproofing.

Varieties of couplers

Leveling the floor with expanded clay is considered the easiest way to screed, but it has certain nuances even when using ready-made mixtures. Depending on the surface of the base and the features of the room, technologies such as:

  • self-leveling floors made on expanded clay;
  • leveling with subsequent insulation;
  • dry screed.

The whole process of arranging an expanded clay floor is simple, and absolutely anyone can do it very simply. In addition, no special skills or tools are required. The most important thing in the process of making a screed is to strictly monitor its thickness. It must be at least 30 mm.

Expanded clay for thermal insulation is used quite often. Due to its lightness, there is a minimum load on the floor slabs.

Screed features
Screed features

As with any other alignment, you must first set the level. To do this, you can use a laser or hydraulic level. Markings are put on the walls, according to which the floor will be leveled in the future. Then you should eliminate the defects on its surface and install the beacons.

After leveling, you can immediately proceed to work with expanded clay. The technology for preparing the solution for all types of floor is the same. A semi-dry screed helps to solve two problems at once, namely: warming and raising the floor surface. It has great advantages of preparation, as there is no need for thorough cleaningdust. You just need to get rid of the existing construction debris. Then it remains only to dry it and make sure the required level of humidity.

When a screed is needed

Sometimes it is advisable to perform the floor with expanded clay. This happens when:

  • with a sufficiently large height difference in the room;
  • if necessary, reduce the weight of the array;
  • if you need to save money;
  • when planning floor areas with a complex structure.

Many builders are convinced in practice of the advantages of using this material, as it is very convenient to use and affordable.

Screed technology

When leveling the floor with expanded clay, various methods of forming the base surface are used. For this, a cement-sand mortar is used, which is poured onto an expanded clay pillow. Initially, the distribution of expanded clay over the surface is required. Then all this is poured with cement milk to hold the bedding together.

Dry screed features
Dry screed features

You can also mix expanded clay with a sand-cement mixture, add water and pour the floor with the finished mixture. This method is easy to perform, and also allows you to make an even base in a short time. All components are combined in equal proportions by adding water to the desired consistency.

The dry method involves the preparation of a mixture of expanded clay with sifted sand. This process is characterized by an accelerated pace of laying and allows you to perform a smoothfoundation over large areas.

With strict adherence to technology, it is possible to operate the base for a long time without performing major repairs. This allows you to make a solid foundation for the subsequent topcoat, and also ensures the safety of engineering communications.

Preparatory stage

When making a floor with expanded clay, the technology must be observed very strictly in order to end up with a high-quality and even base. An important stage is the preparatory work.

Initially, you need to clean the concrete surface from the remnants of the old screed, remove debris, and repair defects. If the subfloor is made of wood, then the rotten boards should be replaced, and the cracks should be carefully filled. In the case of a soil base, it just needs to be leveled. To do this, a mixture of expanded clay and sand is laid directly on the surface of the earth.

In addition, it is necessary to perform such preparatory work as:

  • waterproofing;
  • thermal insulation;
  • soundproofing.

The need for waterproofing is determined by the hydrophobic properties of the material. The insulating layer can be laid under the bottom of the screed or on its surface. However, recently they have begun to double-layer on each side.

Heat insulation is required for private houses, the first floors of which are on the ground or above the basement. If expanded clay is used, then additional sound insulation is not required.

Be sure to set the beacons, since only with their help the surface will turn out to be even. Atarranging a dry screed, you need to fix a damper tape opposite the floor covering so that there is no creaking when walking. In other cases, it is laid over the entire thickness of the poured layer. This is necessary to compensate for expansion from the effects of temperature and humidity.

Material calculation

The technology of floor screed with expanded clay is quite simple, so even a non-professional can handle it. However, you must first carry out the calculations of materials. To perform a dry screed, a number of different indicators should be taken into account, in particular, such as:

  • room area;
  • string thickness;
  • location options and sizes of materials.

To carry out an accurate calculation of expanded clay for floor screed, it is required to determine the approximate average thickness of the layer being filled. Then you need to multiply the height of the backfill by the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. It is worth noting that it is rather difficult to perform accurate calculations, so it is advisable to make a small margin.

When screeding is wet, the height of the layer is initially determined, and calculations are made based on this.

What materials are required

Expanded clay flooring has certain features that must be taken into account. If you use traditional methods that provide for subsequent pouring with a concrete mixture, then the fraction of bulk material does not play a special role. Expanded clay of any size is suitable, even the smallest one.

Expanded sand is very well suited for leveling floors with large level differences. This material is recommendedonly in areas whose surface has significant damage, and when mounting an artificial board.

Many people are interested in which expanded clay for the floor is best suited. Professionals recommend using material with a fraction of 5-20 mm, mixing it in a proportional ratio. In the process of laying the expanded clay layer, grains of different sizes are well combined with each other. This feature has a positive effect on the subsequent operation of the floor, which does not shrink and is not subject to deformation.

In the process of insulating the floor of the house with expanded clay, materials such as:

  • damper tape;
  • waterproofing film;
  • expanded clay;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • glue;
  • guides;
  • level;
  • shovel, spatula, trowel, tools for cutting sheet materials, knife, screwdriver;
  • GVL floor elements.

Tape and film are used exactly the same as for conventional screed. When choosing a expanded clay composition, you need to focus on ready-made mixtures, the choice of which is quite wide.

Hydro- and vapor barrier

When arranging the floor with expanded clay in a wooden house, waterproofing may be required. The extreme need for this is due to the fact that:

  • formed damper layer between the screed and the walls;
  • excludes the possibility of mortar adhesion with building materials;
  • reduces the movement of sound waves from floors to walls.

Before equipping a warm floor with expanded clay,it is especially important to solve the issue of waterproofing (if the work is carried out in a high-rise building, namely: in apartments above the ground floor). To eliminate the possibility of a very strong leakage of liquid to the lower floors, you can use a simple solution intended for plaster and close existing large holes with it.

To make a durable waterproofing layer, there are many options. The most effective way is the use of liquid mastic. The mixture is applied with a roller or a wide brush. It completely covers the floor and the wall, where it is required to perform an expanded clay screed. It is necessary to apply the composition in two layers. The break between their application should be at least 3 hours.

If it is not possible to purchase a sufficient amount of the required material, you can simply use plastic wrap. In this case, certain requirements must be taken into account, namely:

  • film must be thick enough;
  • joining seams should overlap with strong fixation with adhesive tape;
  • the free part of the film near the wall should protrude 10 cm above the screed.

When all the conditions for high-quality and complete waterproofing of the floor are met, you can proceed to the main task of warming and leveling the surface.

Then you need to install beacons. The process of mounting guides when filling the floor with expanded clay is almost the same as when arranging a cement screed. The only feature and difference is that you need to use T-shaped metal beacons. Initiallya guide is mounted, which will be located near the wall opposite from the door.

The distance between the installed beacons when filling the floor with expanded clay mortar is 1 meter. In order for the slats to stand firmly and motionless, they must be fixed with self-tapping screws or cement mortar. It is possible to set the exact horizontal plane between all the rails only with the help of the building level. To insulate the base, the layer of bulk expanded clay should not be more than 8 cm.

Arrangement of a dry screed

This method is used most often. This is due to the fact that a dry floor screed with expanded clay does not require a lot of time and effort to complete it. The surface is leveled, waterproofing material is laid, namely:

  • bitumen impregnated paper;
  • polyethylene;
  • roofing material.

Initially, a dry screed of the floor with expanded clay is performed, and sheets of chipboard, GVL, and asbestos-cement slabs are laid on top. After waterproofing, you need to glue the damper tape. Basically, this product is equipped with an adhesive layer, but if it is not there, then you can simply press it. Along one of the walls, a shaft of expanded clay is poured under the floor screed, on which the lighthouse is laid. Its height is controlled by adding or removing material. At this stage, it is also important to consider that about 2 cm of the thickness of the base will be covered by wood-based panels.

Semi-dry method
Semi-dry method

Then you should step back from the shaft distance, apply expanded clay over the entire area and level. When everything will beready, carefully remove the beacons and fill the resulting strobes. Now you can proceed to the implementation of the finish coating. The whole process takes approximately 1-2 days.

Installation of slats should be started from the farthest corner of the room. It is necessary to initially cut off the part with the lock on one side, grease it with PVA glue and lay the next sheet, firmly fixing it with locks. At the same time, it must be remembered that expanded clay should not fall on the joints of the sheets. If this happens, then it should simply be swept away. As you progress, you need to cut the sheets so that they fit snugly against the wall.

After mounting two rows, the elements can be fastened with self-tapping screws that are screwed into the joints. Thus, you need to fill the entire floor area. It should be remembered that you should not make joints in the area of \u200b\u200binterroom doors. After the glue has dried, you need to remove the entire surface with a vacuum cleaner, cut off the damper tape and polyethylene, and then proceed to the finishing work.

Installation work is carried out very quickly, the minimum amount of construction waste is obtained. The floor has very good soundproofing and thermal qualities. Finished flooring can be laid on top immediately.

The disadvantages of this option is that it is quite expensive. However, the ease of installation allows you to do everything yourself, which will provide a certain economic benefit. Another disadvantage is the thickness, which is not very suitable for rooms with a low ceiling.

Performing a semi-dry screed

Filling the floor with expanded clay means that the material is laidright on the base. Its level should not reach the lighthouses by 1.5-2 cm. Then the expanded clay layer is poured with cement milk. After that, the granules seize and become covered with a thin protective film, which does not allow moisture to penetrate to expanded clay.

wet way
wet way

Then leave the surface for a day to dry well. During this time, the moisture will completely evaporate and only hardened cement will remain. After that, you need to prepare a solution of cement material, water and sand. Lay the solution away from the far wall. You need to move gradually towards the exit, stretching the mixture with the rule along the established beacons.

The laid screed must be given time to dry completely. In general, this will take at least 12 hours, which allows you to speed up all other work on the arrangement of the floor.

Performing a wet screed

Filling the floor with expanded clay in a wet way implies a floor screed device from a mixture of expanded clay with sand concrete. In this case, the following components are required:

  • 1 piece cement material;
  • 3 parts of sand;
  • 4 pieces of expanded clay.

Initially, expanded clay should be filled with water and let it get a little wet. Then make a batch and perform a screed. It is worth noting that it is also necessary to make calculations for other materials. To correctly calculate the need for raw materials, you can use special calculators.

Answering the question of how to fill the floor with expanded clay, I must say that the best option is considered to be a two-layer fill. It is carried out in two stages. Although the process seems complicated, it is actually quite easy and can be done in the shortest amount of time.

Solution preparation
Solution preparation

Initially, you need to prepare a large container. Pour expanded clay into it, pour water and mix everything well with a mixer to completely wet the granules. Then gradually add cement and sand and mix everything thoroughly. You can also use ready-made mixes.

The prepared expanded clay composition is evenly placed on the floor, so that 2-2.5 cm remains from its top point to the beacons. The composition must be carefully leveled along the wall with a trowel. Until the bottom layer is completely dry, another composition should be prepared and poured, but without expanded clay. It only includes cement and sand.

In this way - in two stages of pouring - the entire floor is screeded. It is necessary to move from the wall to the door, strictly maintaining the horizontal plane along the pre-installed beacons.

Areas where pitting or air bubbles begin to rise should be immediately filled with the mixture or stretched with a rule until a perfectly flat surface is obtained. Complete drying will occur in about a month.

So that the pouring surface does not crack, you need to slightly moisten it with water a day after performing the screed. This procedure must be repeated every 1-2 days. You can also wet the surface once and cover it with plastic wrap. After a week, the screed is already allowed to walk. After this time, you need to cut off the excess waterproofingfilm and damper tape.

Pro Tips

Experts recommend paying special attention to compliance with all safety requirements when performing expanded clay base. If there are electrical communications, then they must be carefully isolated. Builders recommend paying attention to points such as:

  • additional waterproofing with polyethylene or mastic before backfilling expanded clay granules;
  • careful removal of irregularities on the concrete surface, as well as puddles of water;
  • practicality of compacting the concrete base to remove air bubbles that reduce its strength;
  • the introduction of special additives that increase the elasticity of the cement mortar and prevent its cracking;
  • periodically moistening the base with water to retain moisture and prevent cracking;
  • exclusion of mechanical impact and thorough drying of the screed for a month to ensure strength.

If you strictly follow all the recommendations of experts, you can significantly improve the quality of the screed.


According to reviews, expanded clay floors help make the room warmer and more comfortable. As a result of using such a screed, you can get simply excellent results. After the application of expanded clay, the floors become even, smooth, and cold air from under the floor ceases to blow. The house becomes very comfortable and cozy.

Laying laminate
Laying laminate

Many say that when using expanded clay, you can veryquickly and easily make the perfect subfloor. This material has earned the most positive reviews.

Filling the floor with expanded clay is very popular, as it is very easy to perform the work even for people without work experience. However, for the result to be unambiguously excellent, it is better to use the services of professionals.
