About how to make runes at home, people who are far from the topic of self-development, esotericism, or at least history rarely ask themselves. In fact, runes are a special alphabet. But it is also a magical tool. The Scandinavian ancestors believed that all these mysterious symbols are the basic key to the universe itself. Be that as it may, runes are used in various energy practices even now.

What are they and where did they come from?
This is now a story about a set of runes, and even made by hand, is a common story. But these signs have a very long history of existence. Previously, entire nations believed in their strength and special purpose. Using them, they established a direct connection with natural forces. At the same time, runes were made from natural raw materials: wood, stone, clay. Of course, few had the ability to write and read then. These abilities were considered an attribute of the elite - doctors and various magicians.
Information about the origin of the runes dwindled and evaporated over time. This is because it was strictly forbidden to fix this knowledge. Information was considered sacred and couldtransmitted only orally.

However, the meaning of the word is known for sure. "Rune" (Old German runa) means "mystery". And here are the same-root words from related languages (German raunen, Finnish runo) - "whisper", "conjure".
It is also clear that the runes were both signs of the alphabet in ancient Germanic settlements, and magical attributes. And they were used not only in some rituals. More badges were carved above the entrance to the house, on wagons and boats, on tools of labor and combat. Special castes (healers and magicians) with the help of runes treated diseases, they brought success and victories.
In our time, they are not used so actively anymore. Nevertheless, even ordinary people make runes. If you too want to become the owner of your own set of magical signs, then you will receive answers to all your questions.
How to find rune crafting materials?
The first step to answering the question of how to make runes at home is to find the right material for them.
According to all the rules, you need to search slowly. It is foolish to show your disdain for stones or branches from which you want to make a set of helper runes. Walk around, listen to your feelings. Don't pocket every visually relevant stone. You need to hold it in your hands and understand what feeling it causes in you. You can even formulate within yourself a mental message to the subjects of your search.
As for the ideal parameters, for example, runestones, look for small ones (with a radius of 2-4 cm) andflat copies. When you have selected 24 smooth stones that will give off a feeling of warmth, go home. Selected blanks must be washed. They store future runes, oddly enough, in a place with bright lighting.
Practice writing runes before work
It's not just the material you write the runes on that matters, but how you write the runes. It is important to do this without a single mistake. It is not for nothing that skill was not intended earlier for ordinary amateurs. Only in the correct position the runes will produce the desired effect. Compare this: the Fehu rune in the upright position means acquisition, prosperity, we alth. Do you understand what the opposite would be? Loss, failure, poverty. So it's not worth the risk.

This special symbolism of Scandinavian kind can be used even for simple spelling of words, sentences, names. But in special cases, the runes are not so simple. If you portray them correctly, prosperity, profit, happiness, he alth, problem solving will await you.
You can hone your skills before creating your own runes on a simple piece of paper. Practice repeatedly until you get the hang of it. You can also sign the names and designations of runes to remember what these symbols mean.
How to choose material for making runes?
How to make a rune with your own hands? First of all, you must choose the right material for this. There are no strict rules. It is important to choose the raw material that will resonate in your soul and with which it will simply bework. Of course, the first place is unconditionally occupied by natural materials. Like it or not, runes are natural signs. And synthetics are unlikely to be a good conductor for such energy. Natural raw materials include stone, wood, bones, clay, even leather. Metal is also suitable, but it will be difficult to create such a set on your own.
As well as the material itself, so its characteristics and origin are also chosen by you. Although there are still beliefs that determine the relationship of each specific runic sign and the type of wood, type of stone or other material. You can find them and implement the ground rules. But this, believe me, should still be adjusted in accordance with your inner beliefs.
For runes that are used in Russian-speaking countries, they mainly use tree species growing in the European part of the state. Exotic varieties are not a priority. Even in words it sounds strange: ancient Germanic baobab runes for use in accordance with northern traditions.
You can think about specific technical issues. For example, a pine tree will be divided into layers, and this is inconvenient for work. Cutting small characters will not be so easy. But a set of rowan wood darkens rather quickly and even turns black.
We emphasize again: you need to choose the material, listening to your inner feelings.
How to make runes from wood?
Goes into a practical guide. As mentioned, magic runes, rune blanks are usually made from natural materials. In thatThe list of leaders, without a doubt, remains a tree. It is wooden runes that are most often mentioned in ancient legends.
How are these symbols cut from simple branches? Runes made of wood are made according to the following algorithm:
- Walk through the selected area - a forest or a park. Your task is to find a tree with which you feel oneness. When this feeling comes, you will be near the right plant.
- Determine which branch you need. You don't need to cut it right away. Designate a certain date when you will come again. For example, you can focus on the lunar calendar. If you remember, the new moon is ideal for undertakings.
- When you get back here, stand under the tree and say a prayer. There is no set text - the words must come from the heart. Salute the gods and ask permission to make such a sacrifice. If you are worried that you will not be able to find the words on the spot, think over and even write them down in advance.
- To cut a tree branch, you must leave something behind. A beer that you pour into the roots will do. Exchange it for permission to cut the branch. Do it quickly with a sharp knife. It is customary to rub the place of the cut with earth taken from under the tree. Say "thank you" to the plant, pour the rest of the drink into the roots and leave.

Back to the technical side of the issue. How to carve runes for a person who holds a file in his hands for the first time in his life?
- No one expects you to be mathematically accurate. Draw a pattern for yourselfblanks: 3-4 cm in diameter, 50 mm thick. Try to cut 24 circles like this from the branch.
- To determine that the set is the perfect size for you, you can do this: cup your hands while holding the set in them. Nothing comes out? This means that the proportions are chosen correctly.
- You don't have to use special carpenter's tools - just a thin nail file or a jigsaw.
- The cut branch is clamped (best in a vise) and cut into bars. Don't rush anywhere. So the energy mood will be correct, and the fingers will remain intact.
- After cutting off the excess, you should sand the pieces with sandpaper. Polish all 24 circles.
- On blanks, you can cut the desired characters with both a figured chisel and a simple penknife. Before you start, draw them with a pencil.
- Cut out the signs carefully, forming indentations. Subsequently, they are filled with paint so that the rune is distinct and legible.
- After applying the symbols, the surface of the circle is covered with a thin layer of varnish. This will protect the wood from browning and dirt.
Making runes with your own hands from stone
Another suitable option from natural materials is stone runes. They look more impressive, solid. But it will be more difficult to apply symbols on them. To make it easier for yourself, use sea pebbles. It practically does not need to be processed.

How to make runes at home from stone? Consider the main features:
- Stones immediately look for the right size - change shapethis stuff is hard.
- At the same time, look for a response to the found stone inside: if it is not there, the material is not suitable.
- The easiest option is to purchase ready-made stones of the desired shape (cabochons); you don’t have to worry that you didn’t choose and process them. To "zero" and purify such raw materials, it is enough to put stones in flowing water for a couple of minutes.
- The second option, how to clean the stones that you buy from someone else's hands, is to leave them in a container on which the light of the moon will fall. Manipulation is carried out during the full moon.
- Finding the right shape of pebbles is half the battle. Putting an inscription on them will be much more difficult. How to make a rune with your own hands from stone? All you need is a screwdriver and a sturdy hammer.
- If you have engraving equipment in stock, you're in luck. With it, you can not limit yourself to only pebbles.
- It is worth understanding that, despite their strength, the collected stones can be split in the process of applying symbols. Stock up on them.
Is it possible to create a set of runes from other materials?
As already mentioned, a person can create his own set not only from wood or stone. You can even use plasticine. Although it is obvious that this option can only be temporary.
Whatever raw materials you choose to prepare the runes for use, apply the effects of the four elements:
- Splashing water drops.
- Let the wind blow on the runes.
- Pour earth on the signs.
- Gently dousing them with fire.
The main thing is to fulfill eachaction diligently, without haste and ridicule. The respectful attitude of the runes will be felt and will serve faithfully.
What color should I write on the runes?
Many (especially beginners) are wondering if it really matters what color the signs on the runes will be. In fact, the main thing is the correct character design. However, coupled with a well-chosen color, the signs work even more effectively.
If you are determined to apply a color coating of a certain shade, choose natural dyes. Although, of course, acrylic paint is now more often used: it looks beautiful, gives a wide color range. Also, this coating lasts a long time.

When there is nothing of the above at hand, you can just use markers, felt-tip pens or not apply dye at all (the carved pattern on the tree looks beautiful anyway).
So what do the colors mean in rune making:
- Runes of green color will attract healing, healing, physical and financial we alth. Here, for example, the rune "cross" is used to eliminate certain diseases. Applying the symbol in green will enhance this effect.
- Yellow signs are rarely used. First, the dye itself is not very common. Secondly, a very narrow-profile meaning: networking, solving legal problems.
- Red symbols indicate passion, love, sexuality, passionate feelings.
- The shade of orange is a magnet for popularity and good luck.
- We used to think that black is an unlucky color. However, on the runes it is used as a barrier to the harmful effects of strangers.
- Blue color attracts balance, a sense of peace and tranquility. It is also believed to help cure ailments.
- Brown is used as often as black. It looks more natural on wooden runes. In addition, it gives protection to the wearer.
- White shade is the usual color of freedom, freshness, youth and innocence. However, it also has a protective property.
- Purple runes enhance intuition and also have a beneficial effect on he alth.
The only symbol you don't have to color match is the rune of fate. Why? Yes, because it represents emptiness, the absence of any sign. This is where the second name comes from - “empty rune”.
How are runes used?
Runes are a tool that allows you to receive and direct energy. Each has its own specific "specialization". For example:
- Rune Fehu. It embodies financial protection, a talisman, a talisman at the conclusion of important transactions.
- Rune Raido. Symbolizes movement. She patronizes those who are looking for a path, who need a dose of determination.
- Rune Uruz. Gives the owner a sense of confidence, and also patronizes marriage, love unions.

How can runes be used? There are two main paths:
- Informational. You ask a question, the runes give you an answer.
- Energy. Is that you are using a specificthe energy flow to which this symbol is “attached”. Such use allows you to heal, attract good luck, restore energy gaps.
Now you know how to make runes at home. Finally, remember a few more tips:
- to store your set, it is important to adapt a bag made of any natural material;
- try to make the runes completely on your own - this will help you find "one wave" with them;
- for the same reason, don't let anyone touch your runes, much less play them;
- an inner feeling is very important, but it is equally important to seek and absorb knowledge about the symbols and the history of the origin of the runes;
- use runes consciously and remember that this is still an energy and magical tool that should not be abused.
We hope you find our tips for making runes and using them helpful.