Acrylic paints - a worthy finishing material

Acrylic paints - a worthy finishing material
Acrylic paints - a worthy finishing material

Currently, one of the most popular finishing materials for many consumers are acrylic paints - for the reason that almost any surface is subject to them.

acrylic paints
acrylic paints

This building material has more than enough advantages compared to other types of paint and varnish products: they are not exposed to ultraviolet rays, they tend to dry quickly and have good adhesion to the treated surface. Acrylic paints are environmentally friendly, so they are widely used in the decoration of medical institutions, preschool child care facilities, as well as residential premises. This finishing material does not have an unpleasant odor, it is easily washed off from the skin of a person and the tools used in the work. The surface painted with this paint not only has a beautiful appearance, but is also protected from external influences.

This type of building material has such properties and performance characteristics due to its composition.

acrylic paint for wood
acrylic paint for wood

In the structure of acrylic paint, the main role is played by a polymer emulsion, which is the link between water and the applied pigment. However, in order toacrylic paint for wood had high strength, did not peel and crack, one application of even a high-quality polymer emulsion is not quite enough. Of great importance in the manufacture of acrylic paints is the correct selection of the percentage of all components of this material for finishing work. Only under these conditions will acrylic paint for the ceiling be provided with good adhesion properties and is endowed with the ability to pass water vapor and air masses through itself.

Despite the versatility of acrylic formulations, in the production of finishing work, it is necessary to take into account the type of surface to be painted. For painting wooden, plastered, concrete and brick surfaces of structural elements of building facades, special-made acrylic paints are used (only for facade work).

acrylic ceiling paint
acrylic ceiling paint

Manufacturers of facade paints have developed a technology for manufacturing and selecting the components of this building material in accordance with its operating conditions. But at the same time, it should be borne in mind that the surface to be painted must be suitably prepared before work, and without fail primed.

Approximately the same technique for selecting acrylic paints should be followed when performing finishing work inside the building, but there is one small nuance here: the quality of the preparation of the surfaces to be painted must be excellent. For this reason, in addition to primers in the preparationputty is applied to the surface, and only after that acrylic paints are applied. The approximate consumption rate of acrylic compositions is always indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging or in a separate instruction for their use. It directly depends on the application method. It is recommended to apply paint with a spray gun, paint roller or brush.
