Phlox Margarita: variety description, planting, cultivation and care

Phlox Margarita: variety description, planting, cultivation and care
Phlox Margarita: variety description, planting, cultivation and care

Phloxes are the most popular crops for growing in the flower garden. They earned their popularity due to their unpretentiousness. Bright and lush phloxes Margarita are frost-resistant and long-flowering plants that cannot leave any gardener indifferent. There are several types of this plant. Each of them has its own distinctive features and features of care. A photo and description of Phlox Margarita is presented in this article. In addition, consider how to plant and care for this flower.

bright phlox
bright phlox

Description of Phlox Margarita

Choosing such flowers for your site, you can be sure that this is a good choice. The plant is unpretentious in cultivation and care and at the same time very beautiful. Phloxes are hardy, which cannot but please the gardener. The flowers are bright and fragrant red, can not leave anyone indifferent. Looking at the photo of Phlox Margarita, you can understand that the shades are very diverse: from pale pink to bright red. These perennialPlants winter quite successfully in the garden. Phloxes are diverse in their appearance. They may differ in color, height of the bush. Every gardener knows that the secret of these plants is proper care and disease prevention.

phlox margarita photo
phlox margarita photo

Planting a plant

Phloxes Margarita are relatively photophilous. However, it is important that sunlight is diffused. To avoid leaf burns, it is necessary to protect the plant from drafts. Before planting phlox, the soil must be properly prepared. The soil should be dug up to a depth of about 30 cm. The soil should be waterproof, it is advisable to prepare it in the fall. When planting phloxes on clay soil, it is necessary to distribute crushed stone or pebbles at the landing site. The bushes of the plant are planted at a distance of at least 30 cm from each other. Lowering the plant into a hole, the roots must be immersed in the ground by 4 centimeters.

phlox margarita photo and description
phlox margarita photo and description

Water and fertilize

Proper watering is an important task for a gardener who wants to grow beautiful phlox. At the same time, it is important to avoid stagnant water, so watering should be frequent, but moderately plentiful. With insufficient watering, the plant will weaken, the leaves will turn yellow. It is very important that the plant is not without watering for a long time. Mineral fertilizers are another important step for the gardener. With proper and timely feeding, phlox Margarita will have a more saturated color.

phlox margarita description
phlox margarita description

Pest control

Phloxes can be found in the areas of manysummer residents and gardeners. This indicates the unpretentiousness of the plant. But you should not relax, believing that the plant does not need special care and processing. Rodents, nematodes, thrips - all these parasites can damage Phlox Margarita. Unfortunately, fighting them is not uncommon. Every gardener should know the rules for caring for such flowers and how to destroy pests. If a stem nematode appears, it is best to burn the plant. This is the only method that will prevent this pest from spreading. It is not difficult to determine the presence of a nematode on phlox - the leaves become retracted and dry.

Today, a wide range of pest control products is on the market today.

Diseases of Phloxes Margarita

Phomosis is a common type of disease of this plant. It is characterized by the following manifestations - the stem becomes light, the leaves dry up. To treat this disease, it is worth using special copper-containing preparations. Today there is a fairly wide range of pest control products. Colloidal sulfur proved to be excellent. When treating plants with drugs, it is important to ensure that the temperature outside is not lower than 18 degrees.

Often phloxes, including the Margarita variety, suffer from septoria. This disease is characterized by the appearance of dark spots on the leaves of the plant. Processing is carried out by a specialized tool based on copper. Of course, it is best not to bring phloxes to diseases. Some pests can cause significant damage to the he alth of the plant. In many cases, phloxes are simplyare dying. Therefore, it is important to use preventive measures.

Basic tips to protect your plant from many diseases:

  1. Before planting Phlox Margarita for the first time, you need to read as much information about it as possible. It is important to objectively assess the degree of sun exposure to the site.
  2. It is important to properly prepare the soil, following the advice of experienced gardeners.
  3. It is necessary from time to time to carefully examine the plant along its entire length. When even minor damage appears, you need to start pest control.
  4. An important point - you should not be zealous with the use of drugs.
  5. When a certain bush is affected, it must be dug up and burned. The main thing is that it be disposed of in time and removed away from he althy flowers.

Do not forget about the proper shelter of Margarita phloxes for the winter. Subject to preventive measures and proper care, flowers will delight with their beauty for many years.
