The quality and reliability of the finished brickwork depends directly on which mortar you choose and how you implement the thickness of the seam in the brickwork - longitudinal and vertical. This value must be laid at the very beginning, carefully control each row and check by measuring the height of the site every 5-6 levels.
If you deviate from the recommended parameters, you will have a significant overrun of the composition, there will be fragile connections between the blocks, which will affect the rapid destruction of the building in the future. The decrease in strength is due to the fact that there is an additional load on compression, as well as bending. Moreover, there is an uneven removal of moisture from the connecting mixtures, which is not allowed. So, the thickness of the seam in brickwork is a very important parameter.
What are the standard requirements?
On average, the recommended thickness of a brickwork seam according to SNiP is 10 mm. More precise parameters can be chosen,based on the type of bricks you are using, as well as the type of construction. With significant downward deviations, workers will not be able to compensate for possible irregularities in the ceramic products used, and the calculated number of blocks may not be enough. If the thickness of the seam in the brickwork is greater than the recommended parameters, then the building will be less durable than necessary.

The parameters specified in the standard are considered relevant if you use ordinary components to build a carrier system. In brickwork, the thickness of the horizontal seam should be approximately 12 mm, and the vertical one - 10 mm. The allowable limit for longitudinal rows will be from 10 to 15 mm, and transverse seams vary from 8 to 12 mm. Deviation from the declared parameters of the project is not allowed. It is very important to carefully control and check the quality at all stages of work.
What affects the thickness and uniformity of the seam?
Professional training of the worker. Due to the increased requirements regarding the reliability of the construction of a small piece block, the work should be entrusted only to qualified narrow-profile specialists. It is best to hire experienced crews.

The hardness of the solution and the selected method of preparation. If you place the elements in a clamp, then you need to use a thick, high-percentage mixture based on cement and sand. The maximum allowable thickness of the brickwork seam in this case will be12 mm. If you use more liquid and plastic compositions, then it is necessary to lay the products as closely as possible. The distance between adjacent elements should not exceed 8-10 mm.
Climate has a strong influence
Climatic conditions, as well as the further operation of the building is of particular importance. If you do work in winter and use solutions with special anti-frost additives or with heating, then the seams between the bricks should be kept to a minimum. The same can be said about the walls that are built in the northern latitudes. This helps reduce the effect of low temperatures. After all, the masonry will be monolithic.
Shape and size accuracy
Compared to aerated concrete blocks, which are placed on a layer of building adhesive of 2-3 cm, brick is much more difficult to lay, because the deviation from the normative values \u200b\u200bis constantly needed to be corrected. If you use cheap and non-uniform elements, then the masons will have to adjust the thickness of the mortar joint in the brickwork in individual rows by a few millimeters in order to fit the entire wall to the design plan.

This factor is decisive. A product that has an irregular shape or dimensions can only be carefully corrected by a professional team. In case of large deviations, the strength of structures will be reduced to 25% as a result.
Reinforcement is unlikely to help in such a situation. To reduce risks, the material must be carefully checked before purchase. In addition to the thickness of the solution, the reliability of the brickmasonry is strongly influenced by the strength grade of bricks, the proportion of voids and resistance to severe frosts. The effect of joint thickness in masonry is very high. This parameter must be taken into account together with geometric accuracy.
The specified rule is relevant for various small-piece components, as well as for facing and silicate. A slight increase in the thickness of the masonry joint in masonry is considered acceptable when working with double varieties, however, in general, during the construction of load-bearing structures and facing masonry, the interlayer should be maintained within 10 mm for a vertical joint and 12 mm for a longitudinal one.

An exception can be called a firebox for high-temperature furnaces and similar structures made of refractories. In such cases, it is necessary to fix 5 mm of special mortar.
A separate group is a tile with a rectangular shape. It must be installed in accordance with the recommended jointing standards, which in turn depends on the texture and type of cut of the products, as well as the requirements regarding protection against moisture.
Recommendations for laying different types of bricks
The load-bearing walls and plinth on the site, which is often exposed to moisture, must be built from solid ceramic bricks. Most often they are of a single type. In this case, a two-row scheme will be an effective scheme. After all, it makes it possible to evenly distribute the weight load. The final thickness will be 25 cm. Products are best installed after scrupulouschecking evenness, as well as after waterproofing the base. It is advisable to inspect them for damage in order to exclude errors. The first row must be placed without the use of a dry mortar, and all unformatted blocks must be removed.

The thickness of the vertical joint in the brickwork of the lower layer can be 20 mm, but all further layers must be laid, taking into account the design data. A small amount of the composition should be applied to the bonding side of the brick, after which it should be pressed a little against the previously installed blocks.
Excess mixture in the longitudinal direction must be removed with a trowel. Perform smooth movements from the bottom to the top. When making horizontal rows, be careful, because there is a risk of smearing the mixture along the surface. This is especially important if you are working with facing bricks. A special template will help you get a uniform thickness without much overspending. If you have no experience, then you need to use the template not only in longitudinal, but also in transverse directions.
It all starts in the corner
The construction of any structure must be started from the corner with further fixing of the order. This is a special bar to control the level. Walls that need to be plastered or insulated must be erected with a setting. You will be embedding the mortar 15 mm deep from the front of your masonry.
Once you have checked the level and made some fine adjustments if necessary, the elements can no longer be moved before setting begins. Aftermake several rows, we recommend taking a short break.

The quality of thermal insulation is the decisive factor
Multi-row thermal insulation system must be removed using porous ceramics, which has a fairly high strength grade. The general standards for the thickness of the joint in masonry and its difference do not change. However, due to the fact that there are voids, get ready for the fact that it will be necessary to increase the consumption of the solution.
The change will also affect its composition, in order to exclude cold bridges, to the standard mixture, which is mixed in proportions of 1 to 3, it is necessary to add components that reduce thermal conductivity. It can be expanded clay chips, foam glass and their other analogues. The scheme for multi-row structures is very complicated, so if you doubt your abilities, it is best to hire a team of specialists.
Ceramic pressed and silicate bricks must be laid by analogy with others - from the corner. Carefully monitor the level and ensure that each row is set dry. In connection with the increased requirements regarding decorativeness, the type of seam will also change: it will be concave or convex. Grouting must be done without delay. The second type is most often chosen during facade cladding. After all, such jointing helps to strengthen the protection of walls from moisture.

Watch the front tile
The nuance is the laying of small holes for ventilation in vertical seams. As a rule, thisdone on every fourth row. During operation, the front surface must be protected from contact with the solution. If drops are accidentally spilled, remove them with a dry cloth before they set.
Masonry and grout requirements may vary depending on their water content. Standard ceramic mixtures must be moistened before installation, clinker ones are laid dry, but only on a special composition that contains a minimum amount of s alt-drawing substances.