The word "iris" is translated from Greek as "rainbow". This is the name given to perennial beautifully flowering plants for the variety of shades. In the people, they are affectionately called "roosters" or "irises" because of the shape of the leaves. They look like a braid. And also because of the shape of the flowers, which look like a rooster's beard and comb.

In addition to their beautiful appearance, irises have medicinal properties. Today there are about three hundred varieties of these magnificent flowers. But the most popular among gardeners are Germanic irises. They are widespread in our country. The type species of the genus is Germanic iris. The varieties grown today in summer cottages can be called hybrids (Iris hybrida hort). Today there are about 35 thousand of them.
German iris
This variety is extremely rare in natural conditions. It was first described in the 19th century in Germany. Later, 3. T. Artyushenko on the territory of Ukraine: in the Transcarpathian region, in the vicinity of the city of Vinogradovo. Germanic irispurple has broadly xiphoid bluish leaves. Their length reaches 50 centimeters, width - 30 mm. The peduncle of the culture is branched. May be as long as the leaves or longer. The flowers are large, painted in bluish-lilac or purple. They have a pleasant strong aroma, light blue or yellowish beard. The box is slightly elongated, oval in shape. The seeds are small, wrinkled.

Bearded irises: description
A large group of varieties and species of bearded irises belongs to a separate complex and interesting group. Their rhizome has well-marked annual thickenings - links. They can be quite thick and completely naked. Germanic bearded irises are distinguished by large, brightly colored flowers. They have numerous hairs on the perianth of the beard.
Germanic iris: varieties
These are moisture-loving, frost-resistant, easy-care flowers. They are very popular with gardeners around the world. Refined and elegant irises can decorate any area. They look great in flower beds and natural landscapes, grow quite quickly. The benefits of irises are as follows:
- Affordable bulb price.
- Simple farming technique.
- Original appearance.
- Compatibility with other garden plants.
Sultan's Palace
This Germanic iris is considered one of the most spectacular in its family. The delightful flower has blood-scarlet upper petals, collected in an elegant dome, and dark red, withburgundy, almost black, edging along the edge. The beard has a rich yellow tint.

The graceful shape of the Sultan's Palace iris, as well as its exquisite delicate aroma, delight gardeners. This species blooms in May for two to three weeks. Magnificent dark red buds bloom on a powerful stem. Its height reaches 60 cm. This species is often used to decorate flower beds.
English Cottage
And in the next photo you can see another Germanic iris. It is created with German pedantry in the style of English classics. The impeccable set of lines of this perfection has formed a truly luxurious bud. Dazzling snow-white large flowers cover lavender veins at the base of the petal with bright yellow tongues of dense villi (in the center). The diameter of this miracle when fully opened reaches fifteen centimeters. The stems are flexible and strong. They can grow up to one meter in length. The leaves are light green, collected in a fan-shaped bunch. Flowering begins in May. It is during this period that the entire garden is filled with a delicious aroma.

Another important advantage of this plant is that the Germanic iris English Cottage belongs to remontant plants. Its magnificent flowering can also be enjoyed at the end of the summer season.
And this is probably the highest German iris. An unusually beautiful herbaceous perennial can grow up to 120 cm in your garden. Its leaves are xiphoid, covered with a lightwax coating. They are collected in fan-shaped bundles. It is noteworthy that the flowers remain decorative throughout the summer. They appear on a branched strong stem. The buds are dark burgundy with a white speck on the lower petals. The bright yellow beard is covered with dense hairs. This Germanic iris is very stable in cutting. He needs minimal care (we will talk about this a little later). The plant prefers well-lit areas, protected from wind and moisture stagnation.

Germanic iris: planting and care
If you want to grow this crop, you first need to choose a place to plant. This should be an area that is well lit in the morning. A slope or hill is most suitable, allowing melt water to drain unhindered. Germanic iris, which is easy to plant, loves good drainage. In addition, all varieties of this crop need nutrient-rich soil. Therefore, if it does not meet such requirements on the site, it must be fertilized.

Before planting (spring), add compost or rich garden soil to the soil, feed it with potash-phosphorus fertilizers. If the acidity of the soil is increased, it is necessary to add wood ash or dolomite flour to it. Loamy soils require dilution with peat and sand, and sandy soils with clay. To disinfect the soil before planting, treat it with a fungicide and herbicides. And one more important detail: plantingGermanic iris, do not fertilize the ground with manure.
Processing planting material
In spring, planting material needs to be treated with growth stimulants ("Zircon", "Ekogel"). In addition, it is necessary to shorten roots that are too long, using a sharp garden knife for this. The same applies to rotten areas. Roots should be disinfected. To do this, it is enough to hold them for about twenty minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
Ground landing
To plant Germanic iris in open ground, you need to make a small hole. In the center, you need to pour a mound of sand, on which the rhizomes are carefully laid out in a horizontal position. After that, they must be straightened and covered with soil so that the upper sections remain above the ground. Now the plant needs to be well watered. If you bury the rhizome completely, it may rot. The distance between plants should be at least fifty centimeters.
Caring for irises
Many summer residents and experienced flower growers breed German iris on their plots. Planting and caring for it is quite simple. Therefore, observing simple rules, a beginner will be able to cope with this work. The main feature of this culture is the love of warmth and light. If you have prepared the site well for planting, then the irises will have enough nutrients embedded in the soil. If the soil is depleted, at the growth stage, you can feed the plant with phosphorus-potassium compounds, which are applied under the root. During flowering, this is not recommended.

More tips
Irises are in dire need of abundant irrigation, especially during the budding period. At this time, they are recommended to be watered as soon as the soil at the roots dries. Weeding is also very important for these plants. Their root system is close to the surface. Therefore, in order not to injure it, weeds should be removed manually. In addition, two or three times per season, it is necessary to loosen the soil.
After the bud blooms, it is necessary to cut off the flower stalks (if you are not going to plant the plant). Cut the yellowed leaves, making them semicircular. When the foliage dries completely, remove it. In late autumn (before frost), sprinkle the bare roots with soil and mulch the area with sand or peat for about ten centimeters. In very cold winters, the plant is covered with spruce branches or dry leaves.