Living room: how to equip it?

Living room: how to equip it?
Living room: how to equip it?

Let's start with the fact that the living room should not only be a comfortable space, but also attractive to those who often use it. There are no clear rules for arranging a living room. This means that a room layout that suits one family may be completely inappropriate for another family. Therefore, an individual approach is needed to organize the living room space. But do not forget that most living rooms perform the same function. Therefore, when planning a room, you should be guided by some of the principles described below.

Living room
Living room

The interior of the living room can be decorated in any style you wish. First of all, you need to take care of a place where you can sit. It should be suitable for working on a laptop, and for eating, and for accommodating guests. It is desirable that the seats can be rearranged. In this regard, sofas designed for two people are ideal. But three-seater models will take up a lot of space. In addition, they do not move well.

Not all apartment owners canchoose the right wallpaper for the living room. Indeed, the range of wallpapers today is so wide that it can confuse the most demanding and demanding customer. Remember one thing: wallpapers of light shades visually increase and expand the room. If, on the contrary, you need to reduce the room and the height of the ceilings, then you should opt for wallpaper in dark shades.

Living room interior
Living room interior

The living room implies the presence of special places for storing books, audio CDs, newspapers and even drinks. For those who do not want to clutter up the space, but at the same time want to solve the problem of storing numerous things, we can recommend large-scale racks. The living room will look stylish and modern. Especially popular among Russians are racks with open shelves. After all, they give the interior lightness and airiness. On such shelves you can arrange photographs, beautifully bound books, various souvenirs and collectibles.

If you use the living room not only for receiving guests, but also for watching TV in the family circle, then the main places should be located in such a way that you can easily rearrange the TV to them. However, the TV should not dominate the room.

Wallpaper for the living room
Wallpaper for the living room

If your living room is not large, then you should consider buying versatile furniture. Vivid examples include a sofa bed, a sliding table and additional chairs. If inroom contains pieces of furniture that you inherited and clutter up the space, it is best to give them to those who have a fairly spacious apartment. It also happens that the living room seems crowded to the owners, but they really like everything that is in it. How to be in a similar situation? No need to throw or break anything. Try just a little furniture rearrangement.

We hope you find our tips useful.
