DSP Egger. Features of the material and its types

DSP Egger. Features of the material and its types
DSP Egger. Features of the material and its types

Particleboard is widely used in construction and furniture making. There is a wide variety of such plates on the market, differing among themselves not only in cost, but also in quality. One of the manufacturers of particle boards is an Austrian company with a worldwide reputation - Egger. Her product range is very diverse. The company's product catalog contains more than 200 types of various plates, among which there are plain, colored, with a pattern, imitating the texture of wood and other materials, surfaces. Surfaces can be matte or glossy. Finding the desired chipboard sheet, suitable for the interior of the buyer, is not difficult.

Distinctive features and material properties

Egger chipboards are of high quality, meeting all the requirements of standards (SNiP and EN). The range of products offered by the company is constantly increasing due to new technologies and developments. The following goods are produced:

Egger laminated chipboard sheet - part of the Eurodekor series

Eurospan bare boards, countertops and window sills

Eurolight light chipboard

Thin particle boards

chipboard egger
chipboard egger

chipboard have the following specifications:

For their production, coniferous trees are selected (in 90% of cases)

Raw materials for plates are selected only fine-grained

There are no debris, sand and other impurities in the raw materials

Laminating film is stronger and more resistant to mechanical stress (despite its thinner thickness) than Russian manufacturers

egger chipboard colors
egger chipboard colors

Wide scope of chipboard Egger:

as a material for the construction of furniture to be used both at home and in other premises (offices, restaurants, etc.);

for wall decoration, construction of partitions and all kinds of boxes;

as window sills and ebbs;

like floor covering;

for making interior doors

Diversity of species

Colours of chipboard Egger vary depending on the type of board. There are more than 200 of them. The catalog includes the following variations:

White, which differ in the degree of gloss and the presence of mother-of-pearl. This is the base color available in 6 different colors: White, Platinum, Gloss, Solid, Premium, Porcelain

Solid color which includes 78 different colors. They can be glossy or matte, saturated or muted. The colors have been chosen so that they can be combined in the design

Reproductions of wood - more than 100 options, of which more than 90 are considered basic, and 12 are designed specifically for the production of interior doors

Fantasy chipboard Egger - imitationmaterials. There are 60 variations that reproduce marble, textiles, leather, concrete, metal and minerals. Such plates are used for the manufacture of doors, countertops, furniture

Color photo printing, which consists of 12 drawings on various topics

egger chipboard sheet
egger chipboard sheet

At the same time as the decor, chipboards are distinguished by their texture. Egger offers the following types:

Glossy ("Diamond", "Gloss Finish")

Matte ("Silk", "Office", "Perfect", "Matex")

Semi-matte fine-grained ("Granite", "Elegance")

Volumetric ("Wavelan", "Artwave")

Mosaic ("Velvet")

Eurospan Series

Slabs from this series are used for the production of high quality furniture. The Egger chipboard sheet consists of a high-density inner layer covered on top with fine-grained layers. This allows you to get a perfectly flat surface that holds its shape well. At the same time, the boards have an even cut and are easy to process (lamination, edge finishing, veneer, postforming).

The chipboard sizes of this series have a standard width of 207 cm, a thickness of 0.8-2.5 cm and a length of 561, 411 or 280 cm.

Eurospan series boards for worktops and window sills perfectly withstand mechanical stress and exposure to chemicals (acids, alkalis, abrasive detergents), without losing their aesthetic appeal. And they serve more than 10 years. You can damage the surface with a knife,hot dish or cigarette.

Tabletops made of chipboard have dimensions of 410x60, 410x91, 410x120 cm with a thickness of 3.8 cm.

Sill sizes: thickness - 1.9 and 2.2 cm, length - 410 cm, width - 16-10 cm.

Eurolight Series Plates

Egger Chipboard Eurolight series, also called light boards, consist of two layers:

Inner, which consists of compacted cellular cardboard

External, made of boards with a thickness of 3 to 8 mm

egger laminated chipboard
egger laminated chipboard

This structure makes the plates light, standard fasteners and fittings are suitable for them. They are used for the production of furniture, interior decoration.

DSP Egger. Reviews

Particle boards have a number of advantages. But despite this, many consumers argue that laminated chipboard is harmful to he alth. They attribute this to allegedly released phenol-formaldehyde resins. But this is far from true. Chipboard is an environmentally friendly material.

When choosing chipboard, give preference to the material that is produced directly by the Austrian company Egger. According to popular reviews, such material is much superior in quality to goods manufactured at other manufacturing plants. Naturally, the price of such products will be higher than those produced in Russia. But the choice is always up to the buyer.
