Mulberry (Morus) is often grown as a fruit tree in private gardens and is also used for landscaping. The genus of mulberries includes about 20 species, most of which grow in East and Southeast Asia, as well as in the south of the European continent. Even in Africa, some of the mulberry varieties are found.

Mulberry - black mulberry
Trees of this kind are found in the wild only in Iran, Afghanistan and Transcaucasia. They reach a height of 20 meters and have a wide spreading crown. The branches of an adult plant are brown-brown in color, rather short. The leaf has its own distinctive feature - it is rough on top, and the lower part is soft and hairy.
How many trees should a garden have?
Since the mulberry (mulberry) is a dioecious plant, when it is grown in the garden, it is necessary to have trees with both male and female flowers. Pollination occurs with the help of wind, so it is advisable to plant them on a smalldistance apart.
However, sometimes monoecious specimens can also be found that are able to bear fruit without the presence of another tree. The fruits of the mulberry can vary in color, there are both dark red and even black-violet, and white varieties. They taste sour-sweet, very juicy and unusually tasty. Mulberry is a berry that is not only tasty, but also he althy.
Growing details

Since the plant is found in the wild mainly in the southern regions, it is quite drought-resistant and does not require constant watering. Mulberry (mulberry) is unpretentious to the composition of the soil and can grow on poor sandy soils without compromising fruiting. He is not afraid of spring frosts, because the awakening of the plant occurs quite late, in the spring, when the weather is already warm.
Perhaps the biggest disadvantage of mulberries is that the berries ripen gradually and fall immediately. This means that in order to harvest, it is necessary for a given period to spread a film or other material under the tree and raise the fruits daily. From them you can cook delicious compotes, cook jam and eat raw. They are not only very tasty, but also he althy.

Methods of reproduction
Mulberry (mulberry) can be propagated both vegetatively and by seeds. When choosing the latter, the seeds are sown immediately after they are isolated from ripe fruits. Ascended young plants are planted in the ground and grown inspecially equipped nurseries. Mulberry seedlings in the garden must be placed on the south side, in a place closed from the cold northern winds. Cultivated varieties begin to bear fruit at the age of 5-6.
When mulberry is propagated by root shoots, young plants are dug out from an adult in autumn or spring, trying not to damage its roots, and planted immediately in a permanent place.
There are other ways of growing mulberries: lignified cuttings, grafting, green cuttings. Each gardener here has the right to choose the most suitable option for him. The main thing at the same time is to do everything right, and then the results of your work will not be long in coming.