Many summer residents dream of growing strong, he althy peppers in their garden. This plant is quite capricious and thermophilic. Therefore, there are a number of features that need to be taken into account when growing this crop. Some summer residents argue that the success of this business depends on the right choice of soil, while other gardeners insist that it is necessary to choose the right bait. There is an opinion that a plant planted on the correct day of the lunar calendar will develop faster and better.
To develop the right strategy for growing pepper, you need to consider all the recommendations of experienced gardeners. They will help in many ways to get a good harvest. How to grow he althy and strong pepper seedlings will be discussed in detail later.
General recommendations
Many summer residents are interested in how to grow pepper and eggplant seedlings so that they can take root in the domestic climate. These plants are very fond of heat. It is worth considering that the growing season of pepper is quite long. Therefore, it will be necessary to grow this crop as seedlings,to have time to harvest a bountiful harvest.

You can grow pepper using the greenhouse method or plant the plant immediately in open ground. However, it would not be advisable to sow the seeds of this plant in the ground even in the south of our country. In the northern regions, it will be even more difficult to grow peppers. However, nothing is impossible. First you need to learn all the nuances of growing pepper seedlings.
If the weather conditions are far from ideal for growing such a heat-loving crop, you can create the right microclimate at home. Seedlings need to be installed on the southern windowsill. Here the plant will be able to receive the maximum amount of light. At the same time, peppers that are cultivated by the seedling method are distinguished by an earlier fruit ripening period (up to 3 weeks). At the same time, the fruiting period increases.
How to grow strong seedlings of pepper? You need to choose the right kind. At the same time, the duration of summer in the region is taken into account. If it is short, early varieties should be preferred. In the southern regions, it is quite possible to grow late-ripening varieties. It is also worth considering the height of the bush. If the variety is tall, it is planted in a greenhouse. Plants of medium and small height can be planted in the beds. They are usually covered with foil.
Varieties are also chosen according to taste. So, if you want to grow bell pepper, you need to consider that dark-colored fruits are sweeter. They have a rich red hue. For salads, cylindrical and cone-shaped peppers are suitable. If the fruits resemble a cube in their shape, they are perfect forstuffing. Small peppers are best used for pickling and preserving in salads.
Determination of the sowing date
Pepper seedlings require proper timing for planting. How to grow it, the advice of experienced summer residents and gardeners will help you figure it out. It is very important to choose the right time for landing. If you do this work too early, the plants will not be able to develop properly without soil when they become too large in pots. Late planting may result in the fruits not ripening due to the onset of cold weather.

To choose the right time for sowing seeds, you need to take into account a number of features. If the variety is early, it must be sown 2 months (60 days) before planting in the garden. Late varieties remain in pots for 2.5 months (70-75 days). Also take into account the peculiarities of the growth of seedlings in the beds. If peppers are planned to be grown in a heated greenhouse, planting in a greenhouse will be done at the end of April. If the greenhouse is covered with a film, but not insulated, you can start planting at the end of May. Seedlings in open ground can be introduced in the first half of June.
Studying how to grow seedlings of bell peppers of other popular varieties, you need to take into account one more nuance. In some cases, a picking process is carried out. If this procedure was not carried out, the peppers will be ready for planting in the ground a week earlier than their dive counterparts.
Many summer residents agree that seedlings should be grown in early February. However, it should be noted that at this timedaylight hours are still very short. Therefore, seedlings will need additional lighting. For this, phytolamps or LED devices are used. They are turned on for 12 hours.
To avoid additional seedling lighting costs, it is recommended to start breeding seedlings at the end of February or even at the beginning of March.
Lunar sowing calendar
Wishing to grow sweet pepper seedlings at home, many summer residents take into account the recommendations of a special sowing calendar. Lunar cycles affect biological processes. Therefore, experienced gardeners are guided by the periods and phases of the sowing calendar. Many believe that the quantity and quality of the crop depends on this.
Experienced gardeners will not start growing seedlings on a new moon or a full moon. During this period, the juices of the plant are collected either in its upper part or in the roots. This does not contribute to the normal development of any cultures. Therefore, when studying how to grow seedlings of peppers and tomatoes, you should pay attention to the phases of the moon. On the new moon and full moon, such an undertaking should be abandoned.

At the same time, summer residents have repeatedly noticed that pepper planted during the growing moon develops faster and more actively. Accordingly, when it decreases, it is also not worth breeding seedlings. Her growth will be slow. To choose the right time to start breeding seedlings and planting them in the ground, you need to consider the information of the sowing calendar.
In 2018, the best time to start sowing pepper seeds are the periodsfrom 3 to 4 March, as well as 12, 14 March. If the climate in the region is cold, you can start planting seedlings on March 20, 30 and 31.
It is also important to choose the right time for planting young seedlings in the ground. If this procedure will be carried out in May, it is better to do it on the 8th, 14-15th. Also, according to the sowing calendar, May 24-25 will be favorable days for such work. In June, pepper seedlings can be planted in the ground on the 2nd, 11th, 20th. When compiling a sowing calendar, astrologers take into account not only the phase of the moon, but also the sign of the zodiac in which the moon falls. Therefore, only a few most suitable dates for this process are determined.
Seed preparation
How to grow sweet pepper seedlings from seeds? This question interests many summer residents and gardeners. If you make a mistake, the seeds will lose their germination. Pepper is a capricious plant. To increase the percentage of seedlings, you need to properly prepare the seeds. When purchasing them in a store, you need to determine the method of their preparation. Do not buy seeds that have a long shelf life. The manufacturer overdries them for this. Therefore, the percentage of seedlings of such material will be less.
Having bought the seeds, the gardener must select them correctly. To do this, prepare a solution of water (1 l) and s alt (30 g). Seeds are poured into it. Then everything is mixed well. After 7-10 min. grains suitable for sowing will sink to the bottom. All weak, light seeds are removed. Heavy, he althy grains should be washed under running water and dried thoroughly. To do this, they are laid out on paper so that the seeds do nottouched each other.

When the seeds dry, they need to be pickled. This procedure will allow disinfection of the seed. It will undergo additional hardening, it will become more resistant to disease. A solution of potassium permanganate (1 g) with water (1 l) is processed material for pepper seedlings. How to grow her strong, will tell a number of tips.
After the seeds have been soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate for 15 minutes, they are removed from the liquid and washed again with water. Next comes the drying process. After that, it will be possible to proceed to the subsequent preparation of the material for planting. It will require treatment immediately before the seeds are placed in the soil. In the process of processing, they are hardened and additionally fed with microelements necessary for growth.
Preparing seeds before planting
How to grow good pepper seedlings? Many gardeners claim that the secret to success lies in applying the correct seed preparation methods. Just before placing the seeds in the prepared soil, you need to perform a few simple manipulations.
2 days before the start of planting seeds, they must be impregnated with a special agent. It contains trace elements necessary for growth. In order for the seedlings to be strong, you need to spread the seeds in gauze bags. They are placed in a solution, for example, "Epin", "Ideal". In such an environment, the seeds should remain for about a day. Then they need to be removed from the solution and laid out on paper. Do not wash seed materialneed.
If desired, other compounds can be used for impregnation. They are prepared on their own at home. This will require 2 g of wood ash mixed with 1 liter of water. The mixture should be infused during the day. With this tool, the seeds are treated for 3 hours.
Another effective seed treatment method is bubbling. The grains must be lowered into water, which is saturated with oxygen. Seed germination after such treatment increases dramatically. To perform this procedure, you will need to use a regular aquarium aerator. This method can be used 14-15 days before sowing the material into the ground. Processing takes 24 hours.
Another piece of advice on how to grow he althy pepper seedlings is seed hardening. This procedure increases the immunity of plants. First, the grains must be soaked in slightly warm water. When they swell, the container is placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. They are here for 24 hours. After that, the container is taken out. Seeds are immediately applied to the prepared substrate.
Substrate preparation
You need to consider a few tips on how to grow pepper seedlings at home. This plant does not respond well to picking. Therefore, do not sow all the seeds in one large container. It is better to prepare small cups with a substrate with a capacity of about 100 ml. In the process of growing pepper, you just need to “transfer” it from a small container to a larger pot.

The soil in which the seeds will be applied must benutritious and warm. To fulfill these conditions, you need to choose the right substrate. The earth is covered in a pot. Heated water is poured into it and covered with a film. Condensation will accumulate under it.
You can choose several soil options for planting peppers. The easiest way is to purchase a substrate in a specialized store. It features a balanced set of components. Such soil is considered the best option for growing peppers. In this case, the purchased substrate will be treated with special antiseptics.
To prepare the soil yourself, you will need to mix a few ingredients. You will need to take 4 parts of the land for seedlings with peat. 2 parts of soddy soil and 1 part of stale sawdust are added to it. You will also need to add 1 part of humus, a little river sand and wood ash to the composition.
Considering how to properly grow pepper seedlings, you should pay attention to one more substrate option. You can add hydrogel to the soil. It allows you to maintain the correct soil moisture. The balls are first dipped in water. When they are saturated with liquid, you will need to add hydrogel to the soil. Everything is well mixed.
Also can be used for breeding seedlings soil of coconut fiber. In such a substrate, pepper develops quickly and correctly.
Another best option for the development of seedlings is the use of peat tablets. They can be purchased at gardening stores. This is a convenient and less traumatic way for seedlings to cultivate pepper.
It is recommended to add a little earth withbeds on which it is planned to subsequently plant plants. Previously, such a soil is treated with a solution of potassium permanganate with water. You can also steam the earth from the garden in the oven.
Planting seeds
Studying how to grow pepper seedlings at home, you need to pay attention to all the nuances of such work. Since the plant does not tolerate a pick, you need to plant the seeds in separate small cups. If the summer resident does not have such an opportunity, he can sow the seeds in one large, spacious box.

The depth of the container should be from 6 cm or more. The soil level should be 2 cm lower than the edge of the box. Before sowing, the container is treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. Next, the prepared substrate is poured into it. Seeds are spread on the surface of the soil. To do this, use tweezers. The distance between the seeds should be at least 1.5 cm. The grains should be pressed to the soil surface. Then they are watered through a sieve. A layer of earth about 10 mm thick is poured on top. It is slightly compacted. The container must be covered with polyethylene.
There is another technique that helps to properly grow pepper seedlings. To do this, you need to purchase peat tablets. Their diameter should be 3 cm. The number of tablets is acquired by counting the selected seeds. They are placed in a transparent container. Pour warm boiled water into the container. When the tablets swell, they will no longer absorb liquid. Water must be poured out of the tray.
Each peat tablet needsmake a hole. Its depth should be 10-15 mm. In the prepared recesses spread one grain at a time. Seeds need to be covered with a fertile layer of soil. A transparent container must be closed with a lid. If it does not let in the sun's rays, you will need to cover it with plastic wrap or glass.
The temperature in the tray should be high (about 25ºC). When you need to bring the tablets with seedlings into the ground, they are simply rolled into prepared places in the garden. This is an easy and effective way to grow pepper seedlings.
Rules of care
How to grow good seedlings of peppers at home? In search of an answer to this question, one should consider the rules for caring for young shoots. After planting the seeds in the ground, the ambient temperature in the greenhouse is maintained at the level of 25-27ºС. The first shoots can be observed in 1-2 weeks. It depends on the type of pepper.

The soil will need to be sprayed with a spray bottle every 2 days. When shoots appear, the film is removed. If the daylight hours are still too short, the seedlings are additionally illuminated with phytolamps. In this case, the plant will be stronger. If the lighting is insufficient, the seedlings will be strongly stretched. This will affect their he alth. Roots may start to rot and growth will stop completely.
To avoid adverse effects, you need to provide lighting for seedlings for at least 9 hours. Additional lighting is on from 8:00 to 20:00.
Learning how to grow seedlings of pepper from seeds, you needalso consider temperature requirements. Heating in the room during the day should not be less than 23ºС. At night, the temperature can drop to 16ºС. If it gets colder at night, the pepper will begin to lose leaves and die. Therefore, seedlings should be planted in a warm living space.
Watering is carried out in the morning. In this case, you need to use warm clean water. Watering should be plentiful and infrequent. It is necessary to control the condition of the topsoil. After watering, the soil is loosened. It is best to use melted, rain water for such purposes. You can water the seedlings with tap water only after it has been preliminarily settled.
Loosening the soil is a must. However, this should not damage the roots. Otherwise, the plant will die.
A few more rules for care
You need to take into account a few more recommendations to help grow pepper seedlings correctly. It is necessary to harden not only seeds, but also seedlings. This procedure is carried out approximately 1.5 weeks before planting seedlings on the beds. To do this, pepper containers must be taken outside for a short time. You can also just open the windows in the room for a few minutes.
To increase the resistance of seedlings to various diseases and pests, it can be sprayed with infusion. It is prepared on the basis of garlic, calendula, pine needles, onions. If water remains on the leaves, the plant should not be left in direct sunlight. This may cause burns. Therefore, spraying is carried out in the morning.
You also need to add bait to the soil. This procedure is carried out 2 times beforeplanting plants in the ground. The first time fertilizers are added during the period when the seedlings have 3-4 leaves. When their number reaches 5-6 pieces, the next feeding is carried out.
To prepare fertilizer, you need to mix 1 part cow dung with 10 parts water. Spray the plant with a mixture of mineral-based complex fertilizers. This greatly increases the development rate of the pepper.
Ground landing
Knowing how to grow pepper seedlings, you must also consider the features of its planting in open ground. This process must be performed at the moment when the plant has about 8 leaves, and buds are also formed. At this point, the seedlings will usually reach a height of about 20 cm or even more (depending on the variety).
Before planting in the ground, seedlings should be taken out to a room with a temperature not higher than 18ºС. Sessions should be short at first. Then their duration is gradually increased. After a week, the temperature can be lowered to 12-14ºС. At the same time, it is necessary to provide high-quality lighting for the plant. On the night before planting in open ground, seedlings are left in such a room. The hardening process takes about 2 weeks.
The ambient temperature in the garden should not be below 15ºС. During this period, you can start planting seedlings. Digging up the earth in the garden. Holes are made in the beds. They should be 50 cm apart. Rows should be 60 cm apart.
A tablespoon of mineral fertilizer is added to each well. It is mixed with soil. The root neck of pepper after installation inThe hole should be flush with the ground surface. Roots should not be bent. They are transferred from the container along with a clod of earth. Fill the hole halfway with soil. Then pour 1/3 bucket of water into it. After that, fill the hole with earth completely.
Having considered how to grow pepper seedlings, you can expect a bountiful harvest at the end of the season. The culture will be he althy and strong. It will not be affected by adverse environmental factors.