Healing properties of hawthorn have been known to people for a long time. Even in modern medicines, raw materials obtained from the inflorescences and fruits of this medicinal plant are used. Those who are interested in medicinal collections will certainly benefit from knowing when to harvest hawthorn.

Scientific studies have proven that hawthorn fruits, the so-called "false apples", contain valuable organic acids, flavonoids, pectin, fructose, vitamins and minerals. But not all varieties are recognized as valuable and useful. The most accessible species that is recognized by official medicine is C. Sanginea (blood red hawthorn, photo above). It is quite often found in nature in the wild. But the subspecies C. Oxicantha, or prickly, is most often cultivated in household plots.

It should be noted that inflorescences and fruits are used for the preparation of medicinal raw materials. Therefore, the question of when to harvest hawthorn is especially acute during the period of flowering and ripening of berries. Flowering begins in the regions at different times, and lasts only 3-4 days. Therefore, it is important to catch the buds not yet fully opened, at the very beginning of flowering. For collection, you need to choose a warm day without precipitation. Only dry inflorescences are suitable for harvesting. Moisture has a detrimental effect on the collection of hawthorn, raw flowers instantly begin to rot. Overblown buds are also unsuitable, as they can quickly crumble, and the collection will not be of value.
So that the raw materials do not turn sour, they are collected in cardboard boxes, and then laid out in a thin layer on a sheet of paper and dried. It is impossible to pack the flowers in dishes or collect them in plastic bags - the delicate petals will stick together, begin to turn brown and deteriorate.
Despite the abundant flowering, the bush does not always bear fruit abundantly. The reason for this may be heavy rains, lack of pollinators, temperature fluctuations during flowering. Those who are interested in when to pick hawthorn should know that the berries do not ripen together, but gradually. At the same time, different types of this plant bear fruit in different months. Some of the earliest ones give a harvest already in July-August, others ripen only in October.

Almost all varieties of berries have a strong specific smell. This must be taken into account when planting bushes in your summer cottage. To some, this aroma resembles sour herring brine. Therefore, when to collect hawthorn, this unpleasant smell of fish, which not only the berries, but also the flowers of the plant, will tell. The prepared collection is kept in special dryers, ovens or well-ventilated rooms with low humidity. Howthe smaller the harvested fruit, the easier it is to process.
Glass containers, cardboard boxes, rag bags are suitable for storing dried berries. The shelf life of dried berries is 2 years. With such a valuable collection at hand, you can prepare decoctions following proven recipes. But you should always remember that these funds are strictly contraindicated for pregnant, lactating women and infants. You also need to be careful with hawthorn preparations bought at a pharmacy without a doctor's recommendation!