What is the density of a brick?

What is the density of a brick?
What is the density of a brick?

Brick is one of the most famous building materials. It has a number of important properties that make it indispensable. Brick is resistant to precipitation, able to withstand a large number of freezing cycles, etc. One of the most important characteristics of this building material is density. It determines its qualities such as thermal conductivity, mass and strength.

brick density
brick density

Ceramic brick

A well-known red material, although modern technology has expanded the number of shades. The density of ceramic bricks has a wide variation, since it is produced for various purposes. Such a brick is made from clay, which is fired in special furnaces. It is divided into corpulent and hollow. In the first case, the density of ceramic bricks reaches 2000 kg/m3. This indicates its low porosity and high strength. Therefore, solid brick is used for the construction of load-bearing walls and structures, columns, etc.

Hollow brick is not so dense. This indicator fluctuates between 1100-1400 kg/m3. It is undesirable to use it for the construction of load-bearing structures. Hollow brick is used for the construction of lightweight walls and for filling the frame. Due to its hollowness, it has excellent heat and sound insulation qualities.

Silicate brick

Produced from a mixture of lime and sand. This material is cheap, can be painted in a variety of colors, but it turns out to be fragile (compared to ceramic), heavy and easily passes cold and heat. Because of these qualities, the use of bricks is limited to the construction of internal partitions. The use of this material to create load-bearing walls is unacceptable. Also, do not use it for the construction of furnaces, because when heated, it deforms.

density of ceramic bricks
density of ceramic bricks

The density of a full-bodied silicate brick is 1800-1950 kg/m3, and with voids it is 1100-1600 kg/m3.

Clinker bricks

Produced from dry clay, which is fired at elevated temperatures. As a result, the products are very durable, wear-resistant. This material is not afraid of dampness and difficult operating conditions. Therefore, it is used in places with increased load: when paving roads, building basements. He also shows himself well when facing houses.

Density of solid clinker brick reaches 1900-2100 kg/m3, strength – М1000. The porosity does not exceed 5%, due to which the material is little affected by moisture. Products are designed for 100 freeze-thaw cycles. However, the production of such bricks is much more expensive than ceramic ones. Due to the highdensity, the material is heavy and has a high level of thermal conductivity.

solid brick density
solid brick density


This building material is designed for very high temperatures, it can withstand heat up to +1600 degrees. Therefore, fireclay bricks can be called not just fireproof, but refractory. It is indispensable when laying stoves, fireplaces and other structures that will be exposed to high temperatures. Since the material is often used to decorate interior decorating elements, it is produced not only in a standard rectangular shape, but also in arched, trapezoidal and wedge-shaped. Brick density ranges from 1700 to 1900 kg/cm3.

However, the products we are considering are classified not only by the material of manufacture, but also by purpose. Therefore, many characteristics will be determined precisely by the scope of application. Including the choice of raw materials will depend on this.

Facing brick

Used for masonry on the outside of buildings. High demands are placed on its appearance. The brick must be even, smooth and glossy. He himself is hollow, due to which he performs 2 functions. The outer layer of brick is both decorative and insulating. For external masonry, material of various shades is used. A variety of colors is achieved through the use of various firing technologies, temperature conditions and the composition of clay masses.

The density of facing bricks ranges from 1300 to 1450 kg/cm3, and the porositycan reach 14%. This is enough to provide a high level of strength, but not to forget about the thermal insulation properties. The requirements for frost resistance of the material are high, since it is constantly in contact with the external environment.

silicate brick density
silicate brick density

Ordinary brick

Used for interior work, building walls, etc. Separate high-strength brick, which is used for the construction of load-bearing structures. In the first case, such an indicator as the density of a brick ranges from 1100 to 2000 kg/cm3, depending on the application. So, a hollow brick will be used to fill the frame and / or internal partitions, since it will not load the foundation. For external or load-bearing walls, it is best to take high-strength material. The brick density in this case will exceed 2000 kg/cm3.
