Rats are adapted to life next to people who for some reason are not happy with this. Very quickly, rodents master space in utility rooms, buildings for pets and birds - in general, where it is warm in winter and there is always something to profit from.
The fight against rats in the chicken coop is complicated by the fact that rats eat chicken food with great pleasure, and it is dangerous to use poison because the bird may suffer.
Why rats must be de alt with
Hardy, smart, cunning animals with sharp teeth survive in almost any conditions, and in a building where poultry is kept, conditions for rats are almost ideal. Warm, food is fresh every day, chickens never attack, the rat menu is diversified with raw eggs and even tender young chicken.
For rats, even brickwork is not an obstacle, and even more boards, drywall and foam plastic.

In addition to being able to noticeably thin out the chicken stock, these large rodents are carriers of dangerous diseases, including plague, salmonellosis and rabies.
Ultrasound in rodent control
If we keep pace with the times, the answer to the question of how to get rats out of the chicken coop is ultrasound.
Modern devices emit ultrasonic waves that negatively affect rats, causing them to panic, but are not perceived by humans. At least that's what the manufacturers say.

There are many models of repellers, with different levels of radiation power. They can emit both ultrasonic and electromagnetic waves that can get rid of rats in a couple of weeks, but…
Firstly, the chicken coop must have an outlet connected to the mains. A low-power battery-powered device will not give the desired effect. Secondly, the device must work around the clock. Thirdly, it needs to be positioned in a certain way.
According to reviews, professional devices operating from the mains in the ambient temperature range from -40 to +80 ° C, in particular the Russian Tornado 800, can remove rodents from a large chicken coop up to 800 square meters. m.
The universal "Grad A-1000 PRO +" with the ability to adjust the power, which is recommended for use on poultry and livestock farms up to 1000 square meters, is also considered effective. m. The main thing is to leave the escape routes for the rats so that they do not go crazy inclosed room under the influence of an unpleasant sound.
Glue traps
Another way to get rid of rats in a chicken coop without harming the bird is with glue traps. There is a special glue, such as ALT, which is applied around the edges of a small piece of plywood, in the center of which is placed a little bit of cheese, bread or cracker.

You need to install the structure at night in a place that chickens cannot reach.
The composition of the glue is such that it must be applied with thick gloves.
Reviews about this method of trapping rodents are mixed. Many believe that an adult rat cannot be held with glue. And the procedure for taking out a trap with an animal does not inspire.
Bait Traps
The same problem occurs if you manage to trap a large rodent with fragrant (cheese or lard) bait. How to get rid of rats in a chicken coop is offered by many humanist craftsmen who do not want animals to die. The process of capturing can become endless, going in a closed cycle: caught, carried out, the rat returned, caught again, and further in a circle.
As a trap, it is suggested to use a glass or a jar (flower pot) with a piece of fragrant bait fixed on the bottom. The vessel is turned upside down onto a plank placed on its edge. The rat, in pursuit of a delicacy, penetrates inside, pushes a piece of wood, which falls, and the vessel covers the animal. It is best to install this structure on a sheet of plywood or metal, so that it is convenient to take out the prisoner forprivate household limits.

There is a way for the non-lazy how to get rid of the rats in the chicken coop. They dig holes of such a size that a large milk can can fit, and its neck with a conical part remains above the ground. A hole about 8 cm in diameter is made in the wall of the vessel so that it is above the ground. They put a fragrant bait inside, close the lid. A rat in pursuit of delicious food gets into a can and can't get out.
Need to know how to get rid of chicken coop rats at home with medicines and legal poisons.
One of these drugs is the drug "Goliath". Its specificity lies in the fact that the poison begins to act only after 10 days. Smart and cunning rodents during this time manage to make sure that the product is absolutely harmless, so they eat it. The result is oxygen deprivation, which causes the rats to leave the coop.
From the "Rat" pests die within a few minutes. To do this, the contents of one ampoule is mixed with meat or seeds.
Granular "Ratid" is also considered effective, which does not harm the bird. Its advantage is also the fact that it contains an additive that contributes to the mummification of tissues, preventing the decomposition of corpses. Hence, there is no smell of decomposition and no microbiological threat.

To prevent chickens from tasting the poison, they hide it in a special boxwith holes about 5 cm in diameter in opposite walls. Rats are afraid of closed spaces, a hole in the opposite wall convinces them that there is an exit, and they calmly eat the bait with poison. The chickens are sitting quietly on the box.
But for pets, the danger still remains. For example, cats die after eating a poisoned rodent.
Folk remedies for rodent control
In order not to risk using poisons, you need to know how to get rid of rats in the chicken coop with folk remedies.
Rats love flour and sugar. Therefore, experts suggest mixing these products with lime in equal proportions, and put a bowl of water next to such a “treat”. This combination is deadly for rats.
Alabaster can be used instead of lime, and even sugar is not needed. Animals quickly die from indigestion. But these funds must also be located out of reach of the rest of the inhabitants of the house.
Plant lovers also know how to get rid of rats in a chicken coop. Autumn colchicum (from the lily family), blooming in summer, is very poisonous. A mixture of 10 g of the plant and 200 g of seeds should be covered in places that are hard to reach for chickens.

Seeds of chilibukha, from which strychnine is obtained, are mixed in equal proportions with sugar, raisins and grated stearin. The mixture is laid out near the rat holes, boiled beans are poured nearby. The rats will be gone in a few days.
Rats die from plants like nightshade, crow's eye, broom, aconiteantidote if their seeds are poured into holes.
However, all these products are also dangerous for birds.
Natural Rat Repellent
How to get rid of rats in a chicken coop without using poison? Only by scaring them away with folk remedies.
The most popular of these is wood ash. Rats are very clean and lick the ashes off their paws. The alkali that is in it irritates the stomachs of rodents, and the animals leave the inhospitable place. The crushed ash is poured onto the underground of the chicken coop, and one bucket of the product falls on 5-10 square meters of the surface.
Rats have a very sensitive sense of smell, and like all predators, they cannot stand the smell of fire-scorched fur and try to leave the dangerous place with which they associate the smell.
Rats cannot stand the smell of black elderberry, legumes, onions, wild rosemary. All of these plants can be laid out in the corners of the chicken coop.
Medicinal black root (it is also eloquently called by the people of the rat-catcher and burdock) has thorns that naturally cling to wool. Since rats cannot get rid of thorns, they move away from them and never dig holes nearby.

Rats are leaving the places where they were "friendly" fed rye crumbs soaked in vodka for several days. The main thing is not to let them sober up and put a treat as soon as the dishes are empty.
Animals in rodent control
Animals know how to get rid of rats in a chicken coop. The specific smell with which cats mark their territory repels rats. And Siberian cats are wonderful hunters at the genetic level. Sphynx cats also catch rats, but, unfortunately, only on hot summer nights.

More effective hunters are dogs. Moreover, dachshunds and fox terriers do not catch poultry, unlike bull terriers, so they can not be afraid to run into the house.
Geese and turkeys, if kept together with chickens, not only raise the alarm at night when a rat appears, but can also protect helpless layers.
Hedgehogs are designed by nature to exterminate rodents. Therefore, if a prickly family lives in a poultry house, it will be under reliable protection at night.
Professional help
Professionals know best how to get rid of rats in a chicken coop. If the invasion of rodents has become catastrophic, and other methods of control do not help, you need to contact a specialized company. Specialists will pick up pesticides, carry out deratization and, most importantly, remove dead rodents.

Usually it is not even necessary to evict the bird, because professional technical or chemical means are safe for it.
You need to contact specialists, even if the means for destroying pests chosen on someone's recommendation seems doubtful. After all, the he alth and life of loved ones, and not onlypets and birds.
There are many folk remedies and tricks on how to get rid of rats in a chicken coop. You need to approach their choice responsibly and carefully study the recommendations. It is not worth waiting for the invasion to take the form of a natural disaster. Rats are cautious, and if you start a fight when there are still few of them, then they quickly leave the place unfavorable for life.