How to feed a rose after winter?

How to feed a rose after winter?
How to feed a rose after winter?

Flowers are an integral part of every garden plot or city flower bed. There are several thousand species of them. The variety of their shades allows you to create unique compositions that serve as decoration. Do not forget about the amazing aroma that each of them emits. Today we will look at the queen of all flowers - the rose. This amazing plant can be found in almost every flower bed. Anyone who breeds roses knows that the flower is quite capricious and whimsical. To grow a real queen of flowers, you need to put a lot of effort and work into it. Caring for her includes not only watering, but also fertilizer. But how and with what to feed a rose, we will find out further.

After winter

As soon as the coldest season is over, you should think about what fertilizers to feed the roses. But for this, the plant needs to be prepared. First you need to remove all the shelters that protected the flower from severe frosts. When to remove the greenhouses, you have to decide for yourself. In each region of the country, winter comes and goes at different times, so watch it yourself,depending on your climate. The main thing is to have time to do the necessary processing before the first buds appear. It is also worth considering what types of covering materials can be used and how to work with them.

how to feed a rose
how to feed a rose

Roofing material or polyethylene film

If you used to cover roses with roofing material or film, then be prepared for the fact that the bushes did not receive the necessary moisture. When the snow begins to melt, you can slightly open the ends of your flower greenhouse. Melt water will moisten the soil. Also, ventilation will help prevent the debate of the bushes, since air is not able to penetrate through such material. If you decide to completely remove the covering material, then do it in the evening or in cloudy weather. In early spring, the sun's rays are very bright, so there is a high probability of burning rose bushes. If you removed the roofing material or film, then the bushes must be shaded without fail.

Innovation in the garden

If you have purchased a modern covering material, then you have saved yourself from a number of problems associated with rose bushes. A modern shelter not only allows the sun's rays to pass in the right amount, but also helps the air to penetrate through it. This allows the bush to receive oxygen for further growth and development. Do not forget that such material also performs its direct duty well - it protects plants from frost. Thanks to this shelter, roses will bloom for you twice as much. Once the material has been removed, remove all plant debris from the bush. They can contributethe development of fungal diseases and the reproduction of insects. Before we know how to feed the rose, we need to spend the spring "toilet" for the plant.

Let's get treated

First you need to carefully examine the base of the bush. Here, after the winter, troubles may lie in wait for you. Consider them all in order.

how to feed roses
how to feed roses
  • White spots. In another way, experienced flower growers call them snow bloom. They appear if you removed the covering material ahead of time. But here the bright sun hurries to your aid. Under its influence, the snow coating will disappear and will not have time to harm the roses.
  • Grey rot. This disease is much more serious than the previous one. You can't get enough of the sun here. In order to correctly diagnose a flower, you need to know the main signs of the disease.

Let's take a look at them all. Because before you start considering the question of how to feed roses after winter, you need to carry out the necessary treatment for the queen of flowers.

How to recognize gray mold

This disease is considered the most dangerous for all plants. In appearance, it resembles a gray fluffy mold. She can destroy all flowers. To know how to deal with the disease, you need to know the enemy in person. To do this, consider the main features:

  • The shoots that remained for the winter quickly change their color on the cut. In the future, this only leads to the death of the plant.
  • As mentioned above, gray rot makes itself known by a fluffy mold of bright gray color.

Fight withThere is only one way to get this disease. Cut out all the affected areas of the rose, and sprinkle the he althy ones with wood ash. Otherwise, gray rot will not lag behind your magnificent flowers. Before you properly feed roses, you need to prune. We will talk about the methods and expediency of this procedure further.

Pruning rose bushes

how to feed roses after winter
how to feed roses after winter

Let's see which branches are to be deleted immediately:

  1. Broken, frozen and diseased shoots. They must be urgently disposed of, otherwise they simply will not allow the plant to develop normally.
  2. If your rose grows on a damp piece of land, then the bark on its stem begins to crack. If there are few cracks, and there is no plaque, then the branch can be left. But if the bark is completely cracked on the shoot and has a brown color, then you should immediately get rid of it. Such a branch will not survive anyway and will dry up.
  3. If the shoot turned marsh green, then it was subject to debate. This indicates that you did not open the greenhouse in time for fresh air to enter. Such branches are also subject to immediate pruning.
  4. Also remove all old stumps.

If your flowers don't need pruning, thin out the bushes before you know what to feed your roses with. Here, each variety has its own characteristics:

  1. If the rose is remontant, then 5-6 buds and about 8 shoots are left for it.
  2. If the bush is old enough, then it is worth leaving 4-5 live ovaries on 10 branches.
  3. If youthe owner of a climbing rose, cut off all the shoots and leave only one he althy bud.
  4. Hybrid varieties can be left 4 fresh ovaries on one branch.
what is the best way to feed roses
what is the best way to feed roses

Do not forget also the basic rule of the gardener - we process each cut with garden pitch. Otherwise, all the juices and forces will leave the plant through it, then the rose will simply die. Be prepared for the fact that after you cut everything, you will be left with just a clumsy bush stump. But most importantly, it will be all he althy, and new buds and shoots will definitely appear on it. And to speed it up, the plant is subjected to special care. We will also analyze how to feed roses after winter to awaken new forces. She will delight you with her unusual aroma and beauty. It is worth talking first about whether it is possible to protect a rose from diseases.


If you want to protect your bushes from various diseases, insects and infections, you need to carry out prevention. It is advisable to carry out after pruning. A special solution will help you with this. To prepare it you will need:

  • Copper vitriol.
  • Bordeaux liquid.
  • Fungicides.
  • Water.

A solution is prepared from these components in a ratio of 1:10, and then a rose is poured over it. And finally, we have moved on to the main question: how to feed the rose.

how to feed roses in may
how to feed roses in may

Fertilizer rules

There are several rules regarding the question of how and with what to feed roses. Let's break them down:

  1. Young flowers do not need fertilizer.
  2. Before and after fertilization, plants need careful watering.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to fertilize roses during their flowering period.
  4. If you decide to feed the flowers foliarly, then you should do it in the evening, when the sun is the least active. This will protect the plant from burns.
  5. Foliar fertilizer can only be carried out with a freshly prepared solution.
  6. Don't change your fertilizer. If for some reason this is not possible, then for a start it is worth feeding a small amount and checking how the plant reacts to it.

Following these simple rules, you will help roses to adapt after winter. Now it’s worth talking about what time of the year is best to feed.

Choosing time to fertilize flowers

Before you start talking about how best to feed roses, it is worth determining when to do it. The very first feeding is carried out in the spring. May is considered the most favorable time for this. The next fertilizer is carried out after the flowering of the rose. And the third top dressing is carried out in the fall, when the flowers are prepared for wintering. We have come to the main question - how to feed the rose. Fertilizer is chosen depending on the season and what you are doing it for.

how to feed roses
how to feed roses

What to fertilize

Let's start with the very first feeding. Here, every grower wants to give the plant strength, so that in the future it will bloom profusely. How to feed roses in May? For this, fertilizers with a largenitrogen content, since after winter it is practically absent in the soil. It promotes rose growth. It is worth fertilizing in the amount of 150 grams per 1 m22. If you suddenly covered the flowers with manure for the winter, then the amount of fertilizer will need to be halved. Now you know how to feed roses in May. To fertilize roses after flowering, products containing phosphorus and potassium are used. They help flowers stop growing and start preparing for winter. Just before the cold season, roses are fertilized with organic products. There is also a top dressing that can be used throughout the season. Consider how to cook it yourself. For this we need:

  • Manure.
  • Water.

We take manure in the amount of 5 buckets and put it in a barrel. Fill with water and let it brew for two weeks. Then you can use it for top dressing.

what fertilizer to feed roses
what fertilizer to feed roses

We have reviewed the basic methods and ways to properly fertilize the queen of flowers. Knowing all the necessary techniques and means, you will no longer worry about how to feed roses so that they grow well. You will also benefit from knowing about flower diseases and how they can be prevented.
