Ornamental trees for the garden are represented by various tree species that have an extremely high aesthetic value. In the modern world, no garden architecture can do without them. Both trees and shrubs can be divided into the following species: deciduous, evergreen deciduous, coniferous and climbing. All of them can be both a stand-alone plant and a composition and are the starting material for any landscape designer.
Evergreen ornamental trees: photos and features

One of the most important features of evergreen hardwoods and conifers is their consistent appearance throughout the year. That is why such a decorative tree is most often used to hide corners that are not intended for prying eyes, or to create a romantic nook. From plants that need to be cut, you can form shapes and walls, and sometimes even create an entire evergreen maze.
Most often, such breeds create a very serious mood in a person, and their imaginary immobility gives a feeling of peace. That is why it is customary to plant them where it is necessary to createa certain strict environment.
Coniferous ornamental tree and its use in the garden
Some types of coniferous trees can be planted both in groups and singly to create color and light contrasts. Plants of this species are extremely well suited for creating rock gardens. With their help, you can create the effect of a natural hedge.
Coniferous ornamental tree is characterized by a regular and often symmetrical crown shape. That is why they are so well suited for planting in close proximity to buildings. There is not even the slightest danger that the tree will begin to grow in an unnecessary direction and damage the building. Such a tree is very often planted next to asymmetrical species to obtain the necessary geometric contrast.
Evergreen deciduous ornamental tree

This plant species is widely used in gardens. Caring for them is much more difficult than for ordinary trees that change their foliage throughout the year. All of them look very expressive, so it is recommended to plant them either in a group or singly. It should not be combined with ordinary plants. If you still have to deal with groups of plants, then it is best to combine them with evergreen conifers. You can create a corner in the garden where it will always be green and calm. If you plant them around a small gazebo, you can create a place for quiet family gatherings and reflections.

Climbing breeds
Usually this groupplants are used to fill in gaps between trees or close walls. With their help, you can perfectly fit the architectural features of the building into the landscape. Most often, the breeds of these plants are planted next to gratings or specially laid rope structures. When the plant covers them, you can get a very beautiful hedge or a maze of various plants and trees.