For many peoples of the world, carrots have been an indispensable vegetable in the diet for thousands of years. In almost any area where vegetables are grown, this root crop occupies one of the first places. Any gardener knows that in order to get a high yield that can be stored until the very spring, you need to use the best carrot seeds.

Which seeds to choose
Preparing for planting carrots, it is quite difficult to navigate, especially for a beginner, among the huge variety of seeds offered on the market - various manufacturers, beautiful names, tempting packaging. It is best to choose zoned varieties that are time-tested and adapted to local climatic conditions. Carrot seeds that are not suitable for the area may not bring the expected result. The best varieties, the photos of which are shown on the package, will not be born as attractive at all.
Don't rely on just one type of seed from any manufacturer. It should be taken into account the fact that different varieties have a different ripening period. In order to have on the table at the beginning of summerfresh carrots, early varieties of carrots are used for planting. Mid-season will give a harvest closer to autumn. And if carrots need to be stocked up for the whole winter, then it is worth buying seeds of late varieties. Thus, the best carrot seeds are those that ripen at the right time.
Early ripe varieties
Begin to ripen in June. The growing season is 65 to 90 days.
- Carrot "Nantes-4". Very juicy fruits are cylindrical in shape with a blunt end. Their length is small - up to 15 cm.
- "Polar cranberry". It is considered one of the most early maturing varieties. Fruit color is pink-orange. Carrots are high in sugar.
- "Callisto". Long fruits can reach 20 cm or more. Pretty tasty carrots with high yields.
- "Touchon". The bright orange fruits are cylindrical in shape and have very tender, juicy flesh.

Mid-ripening varieties
Usually bear fruit in July-August. The most popular varieties among gardeners are those that have already been tested for years.
- "Red Giant". The length of the root reaches 24 cm, the pulp is juicy and sweet. The growing season is 90-100 days.
- "Losinoostrovskaya". It is very popular in diet food. Fruit with a juicy core and a sweet taste.
- "Vitamin-6" and "Shantane-2461"combine excellent taste with high keeping quality. Good for both fresh juices and soups.

Late-ripening varieties
In order to enjoy carrots throughout the winter, the best carrot seeds for planting are late-ripening varieties.
"Queen of autumn" is especially loved by gardeners. It has a high yield and keeps very well. Root crops are quite large, with juicy and tender pulp. "Yellowstone" is distinguished by the yellow color of the fruit and an unusual shape resembling a spindle. Variety "Perfection" gives a stable crop of small, cone-shaped root crops.
This is not a complete list. There are still quite a few different varieties that are in demand. Experienced gardeners very carefully select carrot seeds for planting. Which varieties are best suited for planting is determined by both the climatic conditions of a particular region and the characteristics of the soil.
How to get seeds from carrots
To obtain seeds in autumn, the largest and most even root crops are selected, which are placed for wintering in a box with sand and stored in a humid cellar. At the end of May, when the cherry blossom ends, the tip of the carrot is cut off by about one third and the cut point is treated with wood ash. This is done in order to prevent root rot. Then the root crops are planted in prepared holes filled with humus. After the shoots appear, only 3 or 4 of the strongest are left, with the largestumbrellas, the rest are removed. The best carrot seeds are harvested from the central shoot. For storage for the winter, they must be prepared in accordance with all the rules.
When the inflorescence begins to turn yellow, it is removed and, wrapped in a cloth, hung in a dry and shady place so that the seeds ripen. Ripe seeds are light brown in color. They need to be sorted, leaving the largest ones, and put into paper bags.

Carrot seeds in granules
Granular seeds are no longer a rarity. The quick-dissolving shell with which they are covered protects the seed from drying out, and after sowing provides nutrients. In addition, the coating contains growth stimulants and drugs that protect seedlings from certain diseases. Seeds in granules require especially good watering, so that it is easier for the seed to break through the shell. Good soil moisture must be maintained in the future. Due to the large size of the seedlings, planting them is much easier than ordinary small seeds.
Which carrot seeds are better to plant - regular or in granules, depends on the timing of planting. Granular germinate, as a rule, a week later than usual. Therefore, if planting time is missed, then it is better to use simple seeds. In order to speed up germination, it is recommended to cover the sown bed with a film.

Colored seeds also have good reviews. They are easy to plant, because. bright coloring makes everythe seed is very noticeable, which significantly speeds up the planting process. They germinate much faster than granular ones and are much more attractive in price. To find out which are the best carrot seeds, you should consult with experienced gardeners living in your area.