Modern electricity meters. How to take readings, what models are offered now?

Modern electricity meters. How to take readings, what models are offered now?
Modern electricity meters. How to take readings, what models are offered now?
electricity meters how to take readings
electricity meters how to take readings

Each home now has electricity meters. Not everyone knows how to take testimony, although it has long been a necessity. In this case, it is desirable to observe the frequency, recording them on the same day. Without data from the meter, it will be impossible to pay the electricity bill that was used up during the month.

Now these devices are increasingly being moved into apartments, although in the past they were almost always placed on stairwells. To do everything right, it is enough to have a pen and a piece of paper with you.

A small instruction. How to take readings

First, write out all the numbers that come before the decimal point. To do this, carefully look at the screen that all electricity meters are equipped with. How to take readings is not at all difficult to understand. Thus, we get the amount of energy that has passed through this device. Then we record the readings at the end of each month. And subtract from newreading the previous digit. This is how you can find out how much electricity was consumed in one month.

give electricity meter readings
give electricity meter readings

You need to multiply the cost of 1 kW at local rates by the number of kilowatts used. Thus, one can easily find out how much a particular consumer has to pay for electricity this month.

Meters "Mercury" - a series of devices that are used in modern homes quite often. These models of counters are available either with special drums that display data (electromechanical), or with an LCD screen that can display more data. You need to know how to correctly take readings from a particular model, and understand what each available function that electricity meters represent means. Everyone can understand how to take readings, you just need to carefully read the product data sheet.

There are several ways in which you can take readings in this case. There are electronic devices, then the readings are immediately transmitted to the control computer or displayed on the screen. It is enough to press a few buttons to see the necessary numbers. Directly from the drums, you can write off readings when the counter is electromechanical.

Two-tariff electricity meters

taking readings from the electricity meter
taking readings from the electricity meter

To account for electricity, more modern two-tariff electricity meters are now often used. How to take evidencepretty easy to find out. A feature of the device is a differentiated payment for electricity: its use is taken into account when using this resource. For example, at night the cost of consumed electricity is about half less. Using a two-tariff payment system, you can save significant amounts, and therefore installing the appropriate meters is much more profitable from an economic point of view.

In this case, three digits are recorded to take readings. The first indicates the total number of kilowatts used, the second indicates how much energy is used at night. The third indicates how much energy is consumed per day. So taking electricity meter readings is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

What other counters are there?

Recently, in connection with the use of powerful household appliances, three-phase meters are being installed. It is much easier to choose them than ordinary single-phase ones. Usually, residents are simply told which model needs to be installed in a particular house. Even if meters with such requirements are not needed, it is rather difficult to renegotiate for something else. It remains to use what is available to give the electricity meter reading, and pay for electricity.
