More than thirty years have passed since the first inverter air conditioner was released. This technological solution is currently used by all manufacturers of similar products.
The use of a frequency converter (inverter) in the design of the device allows you to smoothly adjust the speed of the compressor motor in the unit. After the device is turned on and the set parameters are reached, an idle program is set, which eliminates increased power consumption when the engine is turned on and off (reduction of starting flows). As a result, energy savings of almost one third due to lower costs for cooling and space heating.

The advantages that made the inverter air conditioner popular and in demand all over the world:
- fast entry into the set temperature mode;
- smooth micro-adjustment, stable microclimate, without sharp fluctuations;
- increasing the efficiency of the system due to the operation of the compressor engine at low speeds;
- opportunitysystem operation in conditions of high ambient temperature;
- Significant reduction in operating noise;
- 30 to 50 percent energy savings.

The number of firms - manufacturers of climatic devices is very large. Manufactured products, albeit slightly, but still differ. To make the right choice, you need to clearly define the necessary functions of the system, carefully study the technical characteristics of commercially available models before buying an inverter air conditioner.
If you need a device of high quality and long service life, pay attention to the Panasonic inverter air conditioner. It has filters that remove unpleasant odors, tobacco smoke, fine dust and various allergens that purify the air. Models of this brand from the Deluxe Inverter series operate in automatic mode and are equipped with an air ionizer. They create comfort indoors, ideal for the bedroom and living room. These air conditioners are reliable and trouble-free even with power surges. Recently, an inverter air conditioner with a built-in oxygen generator has appeared on sale, with which the system enriches the outgoing air flow, which is very important for a modern gassed city. Power consumption - from 2.5 to 3.5 kW, cost - from 20,000 rubles. up to RUB 40,000

To correctly select the required power, you need to divide the area of \u200b\u200bthe room by 10 (10 square meters of area - 25-30 cubic meters of volume, 1 kWcooling capacity). If there is no room for several external units on the facade of the building, and it is desirable to install an inverter air conditioner in each room, then purchasing a multi-air conditioning system will be the best solution to this problem. It has one external and several internal units (according to the number of rooms), but in this case there will be no financial benefit: the cost of installing an additional freon route will be higher than the savings on the cost of the external units of the system.
Climatic devices are produced in a variety of modifications: floor-ceiling and window, column and channel, cassette and mobile. Experts in stores and installation firms, as well as information and selling sites of online stores, will help to understand and choose the inverter air conditioner that is optimal in all respects. Thanks to the latter, the purchase can be significantly reduced in price.