The blue lamp is a device of A. V. Minin, which was first introduced in 1891. Initially, the reflector was used in dentistry for pain relief and treatment of gums in patients. The device was also widely used in ophthalmology.

The blue lamp is characterized by a good anti-inflammatory and restorative effect. Minin's device is still a very popular device for the treatment of otitis media, runny nose and colds.
The treatment of diseases with the use of light and color has been used since ancient times in Egypt, China and India. The peak of the heyday of light therapy falls on the beginning of the twentieth century. In 1896, the Institute of Light Therapy was opened in Copenhagen.
With the advent of antibiotics, interest in light has dropped significantly. However, the method of light treatment has moved to a new technical level today. The blue heating lamp was studied at the Moscow Regional Scientific and Clinical Institute.

When studying the device, it was proved that the impact of the device has a beneficial effect on the functionality of the lungs and heart, the immune system, and also leads to the normalization of blood composition. ReflectorMinina consists of a mirror cover, in which there is a lamp with a blue glass bulb. When irradiated by the device, rays are collected on a small area of the skin, causing hyperemia on it. This action of the reflector has an analgesic and resolving effect. The blue lamp heals by using dry heat and infrared light. In this case, infrared rays are absorbed by the skin and further converted into thermal energy. The flow of blood under the influence of heat is significantly accelerated, due to which the cells can receive much more oxygen. Blue color has a positive effect on the functionality of the nervous system, its action leads to a decrease in blood pressure and the removal of emotional stress. Regular use of the Minin device also leads to accelerated healing of damaged tissues.

In the Soviet Union, the reflector was quite deservedly considered "the cure for all diseases." With a wide range of therapeutic effects, the blue lamp has no side effects and no specific contraindications.
The blue lamp, which has a wide scope, is used in the treatment of diseases of several categories:
• otolaryngitis (laryngitis, sinusitis, SARS, tonsillitis, etc.);
• musculoskeletal system and post-traumatic conditions (osteochondrosis, arthrosis, edema, sprains);
• depression and diseases of the nervous system;
• diseases of the liver, heart and gastrointestinal tract.
Due to good bactericidalaction, the blue lamp effectively helps to eliminate various inflammatory processes, including those in the internal organs.
The Minin reflector is rightfully considered a device for the whole family, performing safe high-level treatment at home. There are no age restrictions for using the device.