Cissus rhomboid: care and reproduction at home

Cissus rhomboid: care and reproduction at home
Cissus rhomboid: care and reproduction at home

In many residential and office premises you can often find magnificent liana-like plants. Most often, a flower such as cissus, otherwise called wild grapes, is used for landscaping. Caring for him is not particularly difficult, which is why many flower growers seek to use it to plant greenery in their apartments and workplaces. It is quite simple to do this, since this creeper, beautiful in all respects, has rapid growth. Thanks to him, cissus can easily wrap around the railings of stairs, and also create a “live” screen in a fairly short time. This will take no more than two years.

The splendor of cissus rhomboidus

Among the indoor subspecies of plants of the Grape family, the most popular is rhomboid cissus. Otherwise, it is called birch or indoor grapes. Thanks to the unique possibilities that it shows during its development, it is easy to create from it a free-standing bush, a waterfall of falling shoots, and a magnificent green screen.

cissus rhombophylla
cissus rhombophylla

But cissus plays not only a decorative role in the room where it is grown. It also has such antiseptic properties, thanks to which it is able to perfectly purify the air of all kinds of pathogenic microbes, as well as ionize it.

What care will be optimal for a plant at home

Cissus rhomboid home care is not as tiring as many other houseplants. This evergreen vine is quite unpretentious, and if suitable conditions are created for it, it will delight for many years with an abundance of beautiful climbing shoots with bright green carved foliage. When growing this flower, you should pay attention to the following:

  • Light requirements. For better growth and development of wild grapes, it is necessary to place it on the south side. He, like other plants that originated from the tropics, prefers bright, but at the same time diffused light. But if necessary, cissus can also adapt to growing in the shade.
  • Humidity does not really matter, but the plant loves frequent spraying.
  • Cissus requires abundant watering, because due to the large amount of large foliage, it evaporates a lot of moisture. But with the onset of a cold snap, it should be reduced to a minimum, since the growth of the vine slows down significantly. The flower is watered at this time only for the purpose that the root system does not dry out.
  • The optimum temperature for good growth of this plant should be within25 ° C, but it is better to avoid drafts, as their presence is fraught with leaf drop for a native of the tropics.
cissus rhomboid care
cissus rhomboid care

All the nuances of caring for this plant are quite simple to perform, so growing at home such a subspecies of the Grape family, like rhomboid cissus, will not require any additional knowledge or costs from the grower. Even feeding cissus is not problematic, because it is produced only in the spring and summer. Moreover, for this flower to grow well, the usual complex fertilizer used for other plants is enough.

Required conditions for reproduction of cissus

In a plant such as rhomboid cissus, propagation in room conditions occurs by cuttings. To do this, in the spring, small apical processes are cut off with a sharp knife and placed in water for rooting. After the formation of the root system, they are planted in a soil mixture suitable for this plant and a pot with a newly planted flower is placed in the place where it is to grow.

cissus rhomboid reproduction
cissus rhomboid reproduction

Diseases of the evergreen liana

Cissus rhomboid disease can have several types. They depend both on the microclimate in the apartment and the errors in caring for the plant, and on the defeat of the flower by parasites. Amateur flower growers, especially beginners in this business, should be aware of these diseases in order to create optimal conditions for the development of vines. Among the most common diseases of a plant such as cissus, caring forwhich implies protection from various diseases, the following can be distinguished:

  • If the room has very warm and dry air, the tips of the leaves of the flower dry out.
  • Excess moisture or the location of cissus in a rather cool place leads to massive fall of leaves.
  • Excessive light creates conditions for highlighting foliage. Instead of a rich green color, it becomes faded.
  • A great danger to this vine can bring fungal diseases that affect the plant mainly in winter. May also be affected by spider mites.

If you learn to cope with these few diseases that cissus rhomboid is susceptible to, then the plant will not create any special problems for the grower. Proper care and the creation of favorable conditions for growth is all that this flower needs.

A few tips

If you are planning to grow this vine at home, you should pay attention to some subtleties and nuances that will favorably affect its growth and development.

cissus rhombophylla disease
cissus rhombophylla disease
  • Winter temperatures, when the creeper has a dormant period, should not exceed 15 degrees.
  • The room should be maintained at a constant humidity created by regular spraying.
  • Once a month for a flower it is worth spending a "bath" day: after spraying, wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.
  • The same liquid fertilizer is used for top dressing as for other indoor flowers.
