To make the interior unusual and at the same time safe is the dream of any modern family, especially when there are small children. Also, everyone wants to have good soundproofing of the room, so as not to hear the neighbors, and to feel freer themselves. All this can be achieved by applying decorative soft panels on the walls that will satisfy all these wishes. Now this finish is very fashionable due to the ease of installation, great looks, and also for safety reasons.

Advantages of soft panels
This solution is especially relevant for young parents, because children often fool around and run around the apartment, learning about the world. This activity often results in them hitting a wall, for example. And if it is soft as a sofa, it is essentialwill keep children's games safe.

Upholstery options
Due to the fact that decorative soft panels on the walls can be made of leather, leatherette or dense fabric, they will easily complete any interior, no matter if it is classicism or cutting-edge hi-tech. The main thing is to choose the right design and material.
Fabric trim
The most popular soft panel upholstery is fabric. This is due to the fact that there are many colors and shades, as well as options with patterns of various modifications. This option is also popular because of the price, which is quite low.

Leather and leatherette
The best decorative wall panels made of leather, they will make any room rich and respectable. The leather panels are elegant as well as extraordinarily practical. Finishing can also have many options in terms of a palette of colors, shades and textures. They are also decorated with rhinestones or embossing, which gives the room elegance and luxury.

What is the beauty of soft panels
3D panels (they are also called so) can be integrated into the interior of any room, from the bedroom to the living room. All because of the wide choice of materials and colors.
They will hide any communications, wiring, and everything that should not be flaunted.
Panels significantly insulate the room, this is another advantage, they will help reduce heating costs. Apart fromthis, the material will provide excellent sound insulation.
Decorative soft wall panels are produced from environmentally friendly materials. Therefore, they can be safely used in the nursery, bringing to life the dream of any child of a soft room in which you can jump, somersault and not be afraid to disturb the neighbors or hit hard.
Installation of these panels is simple, thanks to which repairs can be done in a few hours without dust and dirt.
Combination of soft panels with wallpaper and other coatings

It is not necessary to fully equip the walls with soft panels, they will look great with any coating. The main thing is to correctly combine several materials. The panels on the walls near the soft corners look very impressive. It turns out that the surface of the sofa or chairs has expanded and taken up more space. This makes the atmosphere in the room softer and warmer.
The application of wall and ceiling decorative panels as well as door and furniture decoration is very simple, which is why they are so widely used. Also, thanks to them, you can focus on the desired object in the interior. You can create a frame on the wall behind the sofa, highlight the TV, bar or fireplace. You can change the look of the room by setting the lighting on soft panels, thus highlighting all the curves in their shape.
For people who like the interior to be pastel colors, decorative soft panels will come in handy. After all, these shades themselves seem to be velvety gentle and soft. The same definition can be given to walls decorated withthese soft blocks. That is why they will ideally fit into a similar color scheme of the room, completing it with their shape and grace.
Decorative wall panels (wall panels), or, as they are also called, 3D panels, perfectly accentuate the bedroom. You can choose their color in the color of the interior, they will also give an unusual look to the room if you make them like bed linen. By creating a slightly surreal look of the bed, whose surface seems to extend along the wall.

Upholstery can be textile or leather. It is always soft and pleasant to the touch, and pastel colors are delicate and refined. The drawing of the panels itself basically has a classic shape, thanks to which it can successfully emphasize absolutely any style:
- classic;
- baroque;
- art deco;
- glamorous;
- high-tech.
Panel Features
Due to the fact that the panels are made only from natural materials, they cannot cause allergies, this is very important for many people, and they are anti-static. It is worth choosing from the products of only global companies that have been on the market for a long time. Their decorative wall panels in Ukraine and Russia are sold in a wide range.
The sizes of such elements may vary, it all depends on the manufacturers. However, basically their area is within 4040 cm. There are more than forty variations of embossing. Their shapes can be both convex and concave.
All soft panels form a sandwich of three layers. The first one isthe visible part, which can be made of leatherette textiles or genuine leather. The second layer is the soft part, which has soundproofing and warming properties. It gives the panels volume, forming the appearance of the product. And the main material that holds the whole structure is made of PVC. It is durable, so wall decorative panels will easily withstand impacts, and will also hold securely on any surface. According to the manufacturers, they have a guarantee of up to 25 years.
Self installation
You don't need to be a repair professional to install panels yourself, and you don't need to have special skills. The most important thing is to mark everything strictly horizontally and vertically.
To begin with, it is worth preparing the surface for gluing the panels. The wall or ceiling is sanded, then primed. This treatment contributes to better adhesion of the panels to the surface.
When everything is leveled and primed, the wall is marked. Horizontal lines are measured with a level, and vertical lines are measured with a thread with a suspended load.
When everything is clearly lined, you can apply glue in a zigzag pattern. You can fix wall decorative panels as you like, it's easy to start horizontally, or you can vertically. It does not matter, the main thing is to strictly follow the lines. If the panels reach the ceiling, then it is recommended to glue it from above. Because it is better to cut them at the bottom, from the aesthetic side it will be more beautiful. The same applies to corners. Another thing is if you need to glue the wall completely horizontally. It is worth measuring everything so thatthe extreme panels on both sides were cut off and were the same size. So, visually it will turn out harmoniously.
When fitting and cutting off the excess part, it is PVC that is sawn off, the inner surface is also shortened, and the material on the front side is simply bent and fixed, after which the panel is fixed to the surface with glue. This is how do-it-yourself installation of soft wall panels is carried out.
Wall covering according to the Capitone principle

So, we figured out how to glue the finished panels on the walls or ceiling, in principle, this technology allows you to mount them anywhere. And now we will describe how to achieve the same effect by covering the surface yourself with a fabric and achieving a visual similarity.
Capitone's style has been used for centuries and is now back in style. They take a sheet of plywood or fiberboard, select the size for the future soft part, make holes in the places where the pull-down buttons will be located. Now you need to fix the fabric on one side so that there are no folds on it. After that, foam or synthetic winterizer is laid out on a sheet of plywood. It is covered with upholstery fabric, already fixed on one side, and nailed from all the rest. It is necessary to obtain an evenly stretched surface. After that, buttons are installed in the planned places. They are threaded with a nylon thread with a needle. After that, the fabric, the filler is pierced and removed through the prepared hole in the plywood. It is necessary to fasten the thread from the side of the sheet, which will be against the wall. This is how soft walls are createdin the interior with your own hands using the Capitone method.
In many cases, this method is even better than panels, because you can evenly distribute the buttons in advance, avoiding asymmetry. But the panels will need to be cut. It is for this reason that the first method is used in some cases.
If you plan to make only part of the wall soft, then panels will do, and when you need to sew up the entire surface, it is better to use the Capitone method.
You can sew up walls without using buttons. To do this, with the help of rails, a frame is made on the required area of \u200b\u200bthe wall, to which the fabric is attached on one side. After that, the filler is evenly laid inside and glued to the wall. Next, the fabric is fixed on all other sides on the frame. This method provides all the same conveniences as the two methods above.
Here, methods were described on how to glue decorative soft panels on the walls, as well as the method of covering with the Capitone technique. The theory is clear, now it remains to put everything into practice. The main thing is to take environmentally friendly and fire-resistant materials.