Curiously, this type of floor decor has not gone out of fashion for many centuries. And today, extraordinarily beautiful mosaic floors can be found in various parts of the world.

When composing mosaic paintings, the main role is played by the structure of the stone, its natural beauty, decoration and the uniqueness of each fragment. Each type of marble has its own unique pattern. In addition, this mineral is famous for its many shades and colors. Most often there are dark tones: dark gray, brown, burgundy. Masters also willingly use pastel shades of marble: white, light pink, rich beige or pale wine. Mosaic floors made of light-colored mineral, tinted with contrasting colors, look like real works of art. Mosaic is often used in combination with tiles made of natural or artificial stone. It should be noted that even with prolonged use of such a floor, the pattern on it will not fade, and the colors will remain just as bright and saturated. Moreover, this applies to any marble coating, whether it is the floor in a mansion or an office.

By styleexecution mosaic is divided into two types: artistic and decorative. The first type involves more painstaking work. Most often, it is performed on an individual project and is a real work of art. In turn, according to the assembly technique, the artistic mosaic is divided into Florentine and Roman. Mosaic floors belonging to the first type are made from solid pieces of the mineral, which form one or another fragment of the canvas. The Roman version is formed from small pieces of stone that are laid by hand.
Decorative mosaic is more simple. This style is applicable when creating large panels in which repeating fragments are found every now and then. Today, decorative mosaic floors are in the greatest demand among the population due to their affordable cost.
Recently, along with the traditional options for creating a mosaic, a new way has appeared: water-jet machine technology. Fragments of panels are turned on special programmable machines, so the name of the new technology sounds like "hydroabrasive cutting". An even and clean cut of the stone is formed by using water and an abrasive hitting a piece of marble with high pressure and speed.
It is worth noting that the mosaic of the material obtained with this technology, in terms of its qualities, is most reminiscent of industrial polymer floors. A perfect

connecting panel elements and high-precision cutting makes it possible to create a pattern of any complexity.
Another home decoration option is mosaic floors made ofmarble chips. This material is obtained as a result of crushing waste from grinding the mineral. Such floors are made of monolithic concrete, adding marble chips to it. After completion of work and complete drying, the surface is carefully polished, which makes it resistant to abrasion and exposure to sunlight. The production of such a mosaic is much cheaper than from solid stone, and the variety of colors and grains of the mineral give the coating a spectacular look.